Department of Civil Engineering

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
wong, sc 690
young, b 458
cheung, yk 424
kwan, akh 399
shih, k 382
szeto, wy 366
kumaraswamy, mm 351
zhang, t 318
fang, hhp 310
tham, lg 281
au, ftk 280
ng, tst 256
pan, w 249
yang, j 249
chen, j 246
yue, qzq 246
lee, jhw 217
lo, sh 213
tang, c 212
tang, cy 165
su, rkl 164
chan, tak ming 162
lee, pkk 158
yue, zq 155
lam, km 152
su, kl 151
chui, tfm 120
koenig, a 119
yang, h 119
tong, co 108
ng, st 106
kwok, cy 105
ng, pl 100
li, h 97
wang, y 93
lee, cf 85
smith, st 85
lam, whk 81
choi, ce 78
yang, y 75
pan, wei 74
ye, h 74
young, ben 74
yeung, at 70
liao, c 67
chan, hc 66
wang, z 66
deng, x 65
pam, hj 65
ye, hailong 62
nunes lourenco, sd 60
yang, z 58
sze, nn 57
chen, j 56
ho, jcm 56
li, b 56
liu, y 56
wang, j 55
zhang, j 55
rahman, mm 54
su, m 54
yu, jing 54
li, j 53
niu, j 53
li, lg 52
li, xy 52
wang, l 52
li, x 51
lo, hk 51
ekambaram, p 50
wang, f 50
zhang, y 50
feng, y 49
kwong, akl 49
liu, x 49
wu, y 49
guo, h 48
jiang, y 48
fane, ag 47
zhou, f 47
zhang, p 46
li, y 44
li, yc 44
wang, r 44
zhou, d 44
sun, l 43
liu, c 42
tsui, y 42
ke, j 41
lee, sh 41
li, xiao 41
lu, x 41
chen, x 40
leung, ayt 40
liu, h 40
liu, j 40
cai, y 39
huang, y 39
wong, ck 39
wong, jmw 39
ke, jintao 38
pei, x 38
wang, jiaji 38
yeung, atc 38
tang, y 37
chen, jj 36
li, l 36
zhang, x 36
cheung, sai hung 35
du, j 35
yan, rwm 35
baudet, ba 34
guan, m 34
huang, x 34
xia, y 34
zhang, m 34
zhao, y 34
leung, christopher k.y. 33
lo, sm 33
mao, xuemei 33
skitmore, rm 33
ugwu, oo 33
zhu, hai 33
loo, bpy 32
zhou, y 32
chan, t. m. 31
gardner, l 31
kumaraswamy, mohan 31
long, j 31
xiao, ht 31
yang, z 31
dong, y 30
ho, hw 30
hossain, mu 30
huang, h 30
pan, m 30
shi, h 30
shui, cs 30
xu, j 30
dong, chencheng 29
feng, r 29
li, zc 29
wang, yh 29
zhu, y 29
chen, l 28
choi, c. e. 28
sato, t 28
sivakumar, b 28
yao, z 28
chen, y 27
choo, j 27
guan, mingfu 27
law, kt 27
shih, kaimin 27
wong, ki 27
chen, w 26
choi, k 26
feng, wj 26
ju, f 26
kong, l 26
leckie, jo 26
lee, ck 26
li, w 26
sze, ky 26
wong, rcp 26
wu, d 26
xie, j 26
yang, l 26
zhan, s 26
zhao, j 26
chu, sh 25
huang, hj 25
kumaraswamy, m 25
ng, cww 25
qian, ye 25
tsang, hh 25
xie, s 25
xu, q 25
deng, y 24
hu, m 24
lam, kc 24
li, q 24
li, t 24
liu, f 24
lourenço, sdn 24
palaneeswaran, e 24
shu, cw 24
xu, x 24
zhang, l 24
zhang, tong 24
zhu, j 24
chen, lijie 23
duan, k 23
fung, wws 23
jin, x 23
li, xiao yan 23
lim, jbp 23
ng, c. w.w. 23
wang, jia ji 23
wang, p 23
wong, ktm 23
wu, z 23
camotim, d 22
choi, dkw 22
ellobody, e 22
li, pu 22
li, z 22
mo, y. l. 22
peart, mr 22
she, q 22
wang, x 22
wong, cpr 22
yan, h 22
yang, hai 22
yang, j 22
zhang, jinlong 22
chen, a 21
chen, s 21
deng, xiaowei 21
fang, han 21
huang, l 21
jing, l 21
lam, ntk 21
li, g 21
ling, fyy 21
mahesh, g 21
mei, y 21
xu, z 21
zhou, z 21
anvuur, am 20
jiang, r 20
tang, chuyang y 20
wang, g 20
wang, xm 20
xing, mingyang 20
yu, f 20
zhang, lingyue 20
bari, qh 19
choo, jinhyun 19
fu, c 19
fu, chuanqing 19
hossain, md uzzal 19
hu, manman 19
lau, iwc 19
li, c 19
liu, jun zhi 19
nie, xin 19
song, d. 19
sun, q 19
uzzaman, a 19
wang, aaron j. 19
wang, h 19
wang, s 19
wang, sj 19
wong, w 19
ye, l 19
chandler, am 18
chen, sh 18
fan, y 18
ho, sc 18
hung, wt 18
kuang, c 18
lau, sl 18
ma, l 18
mao, y 18
meng, f 18
qing, w 18
regenauer-lieb, k 18
to, ap 18
xu, l 18
yu, d 18
yue, z 18
zhang, h 18
zhang, z 18
chen, d 17
cheng, b 17
dong, c 17
gardner, l. 17
guo, f 17
kim, sj 17
kong, j 17
liu, s 17
ma, x 17
qi, s 17
toll, dg 17
wei, y 17
xu, p 17
yan, wm 17
yu, hq 17
bai, z 16
chen, feng 16
chen, junbo 16
cheung, so 16
chui, hk 16
dai, b 16
deng, xw 16
gallipoli, d 16
gao, y 16
jin, nanguo 16
kang, xiaojuan 16
ko, nwm 16
lee, ph 16
li, s 16
lin, h 16
ma, j 16
peng, le 16
rasmussen, kjr 16
skitmore, m 16
wang, jj 16
yang, chao 16
yogeswaran, k 16
chen, g 15
chen, h 15
cheng, ys 15
djurisic, a 15
jin, xianyu 15
kwan, j. s.h. 15
lee, s 15
li, x 15
li, yy 15
liu, l 15
liu, p 15
ma, p 15
nash, d 15
ng, iyt 15
ouyang, y 15
sumalee, a 15
wei, j 15
xia, fan 15
xue, f 15
yang, c 15
zhan, w 15
zhao, o 15
zheng, w 15
zhou, s 15
cai, cw 14
chan, tm 14
diao, z 14
dinis, pb 14
gu, x 14
gu, y 14
jiang, cp 14
kwan, kh 14
lam, jyk 14
leung, kmy 14
poon, chi sun 14
qiu, l 14
shang, yj 14
tang, chuyang y. 14
wang, k 14
yue, dongbei 14
zhang, k 14
zhang, w 14
zhu, jh 14
zhu, l 14
chao, y 13
chen, q 13
chow, ahf 13
chui, ting fong may 13
deng, yu 13
dong, cy 13
evans, fd 13
fan, jian sheng 13
feng, j 13
gao, yao 13
lam, wy 13
liu, jin 13
lu, q 13
lu, y 13
qu, w 13
rasmussen, kim j r 13
shen, bin 13
sobral, yd 13
song, x 13
tang, x 13
teng, yue 13
wang, wei 13
wanji, c 13
wong, hhc 13
xiao, s 13
yan, s 13
yan, w 13
yang, w 13
yang, zf 13
yu, cong 13
yu, k 13
arega, f 12
au, ask 12
chen, m 12
cheng, y 12
dissanayaka, sm 12
hau, td 12
hou, l 12
huang, yu 12
islam, smz 12
jiang, x 12
liauw, tc 12
looi, dtw 12
messner, ji 12
o'sullivan, c 12
peng, j 12
saulick, y 12
su, ray kai leung 12
sun, peng fei 12
sun, s 12
tan, giin yu amy 12
tan, kh 12
tian, z 12
wang, b 12
wang, yn 12
wei, x 12
wong, kwk 12
xiao, f 12
yan, j 12
yeung, mr 12
zeng, q 12
zhang, c 12
zhang, g 12
zhang, z 12
zou, w 12
augarde, ce 11
chan, dwm 11
chan, oc 11
chen, shuxian 11
chen, z 11
fang, y 11
feng, s 11
gao, gy 11
hancock, gj 11
hanley, kj 11
hu, rl 11
jin, n 11
lee, cl 11
li, liguan 11
li, shuai 11
liu, b 11
liu, d 11
liu, lh 11
lu, w 11
luo, x 11
ma, w 11
radlińska, aleksandra 11
si, x 11
teng, jg 11
wang, jing yuan 11
wu, j 11
wu, tao 11
xu, fei 11
xu, zl 11
yang, f 11
yang, g 11
yang, q 11
ye, jieping 11
zhang, xx 11
zhao, r 11
zhao, x 11
zheng, dy 11
zheng, z 11
cai, l 10
cai, r 10
chen, se 10
chen, yz 10
chen, zhijian 10
choi, clarence e. 10
ding, y 10
du, js 10
fan, jiansheng 10
fang, hh 10
guo, jiachen 10
he, q 10
ho, jcm 10
jia, xs 10
koo, r. c.h. 10
kwon, yn 10
liu, lei 10
long, l 10
ng, amc 10
ning, y 10
peng, lu elfa 10
poon, mh 10
qiu, c 10
shan, z 10
shang, shanshan 10
shen, geoffrey qiping 10
shi, x 10
sugawara, j 10
sun, han 10
sze, hy 10
tan, gya 10
tao, mu xuan 10
tsui, kl 10
wang, chunxiao 10
wang, d 10
wang, jianchao 10
wang, m 10
xia, lp 10
xie, mh 10
xu, w 10
yan, x 10
yang, jun 10
yang, zhe 10
yin, y 10
ying, h 10
yu, h 10
zeng, y 10
zhang, s 10
zhao, f 10
zheng, s 10
zheng, x 10
zhou, j 10
bansal, sahil 9
cai, jianguo 9
cao, b 9
chen, chia lung 9
chen, wj 9
cheung, v 9
choi, kw 9
chow, lk 9
cui, w 9
dai, h 9
ding, j 9
du, yc 9
feng, jian 9
fok, l 9
fung, ws 9
gao, g 9
guo, hao 9
huang, p 9
jayawardena, aw 9
joshi, bhagirath 9
lam, yk 9
lay, wcl 9
li, a 9
li, ag 9
li, d 9
li, ht 9
li, hy 9
li, l 9
li, y 9
lian, y 9
lin, lin 9
liu, ch 9
liu, q 9
lo, irene m.c. 9
luu, dt 9
ma, s 9
park, hee deung 9
qian, y 9
silvestre, n 9
song, d 9
sun, x 9
tang, c 9
torres, j 9
tu, xb 9
wang, chen 9
wang, dou 9
wei, l 9
wong, cp 9
wong, hc 9
xie, h 9
xu, m 9
xu, xiaoqing 9
yeung, albert t 9
yeung, at 9
yeung, chok hang 9
yin, x 9
zhan, x 9
zhou, gm 9
zhu, jiong yi 9
zhu, xiaohong 9
bai, zz 8
cai, j 8
cao, wen jun 8
chan, chc 8
chen, ju 8
cheng, ym 8
chung, khj 8
cui, yifei 8
dai, fc 8
dai, r 8
dong, n 8
du, y 8
farahani, rz 8
gao, w 8
gao, zy 8
guo, y 8
guo, zhiguang 8
he, x 8
huang, s 8
huang, zh 8
hui, d 8
jiang, xt 8
kay, jn 8
lam, pti 8
lan, xiaoyi 8
lee, c 8
lee, p 8
leung, ccy 8
li, k 8
li, r 8
li, xs 8
liang, dw 8
liu, cj 8
liu, wt 8
liu, z 8
lopera perez, jc 8
nie, jianguo 8
pan, mi 8
poon, lml 8
regenauer-lieb, klaus 8
rhodes, j 8
schrank, c 8
selvadurai, aps 8
shao, s 8
shi, l 8
su, y 8
sun, feiyun 8
tan, z 8
tang, ca 8
teng, y 8
vengatesen, t 8
wang, dzw 8
wang, yulin 8
wang, zy 8
wong, ky 8
wong, v 8
wu, c 8
wu, chengke 8
wu, l 8
wu, peng 8
wu, s 8
yan, d 8
yang, b 8
yang, yu 8
yeung, ch 8
yin, j 8
yu, c 8
zhan, y 8
zhang, q 8
zhang, zhiqian 8
zhou, x 8
zhu, h 8
bazilevs, y. 7
bradford, ma 7
cai, m 7
chan, kw 7
chan, ky 7
chan, tm 7
chan, wk 7
chang, vwc 7
chen, t 7
chen, xw 7
cheng, l 7
chi, hung lin 7
choi, clarence edward 7
chootinan, p 7
chui, mtf 7
chung, ch 7
chung, kwokfai 7
dai, sq 7
de wilde, p 7
deng, x. 7
dulaimi, m 7
gao, c 7
gao, z 7
goodwin, gr 7
guo, ry 7
han, k 7
harrison, pj 7
hu, j 7
huang, jl 7
huang, k 7
ji, jiahui 7
jiang, c 7
kuang, cp 7
lam, edmund y. 7
lam, j 7
lau, ts 7
lee, yy 7
li, ks 7
li, wy 7
li, xiaojie 7
liang, h 7
lin, g 7
lin, zy 7
liu, bin 7
liu, haixin 7
liu, w 7
lou, p 7
love, ped 7
ma, h 7
miandoabchi, e 7
mishra, dhanada k. 7
mora, cf 7
mou, b 7
ng, t 7
o'mahony, m 7
oehlers, dj 7
peng, q 7
poudyal, s 7
quach, wm 7
ruan, y 7
shan, xiaonan 7
shao, m 7
shao, mf 7
siu, wh 7
smith, i. f.c. 7
so, fl 7
song, g 7
sun, fy 7
sun, y 7
tang, z 7
tay, jh 7
thomas ng, s 7
tian, y 7
tong, z 7
trinh, dh 7
waite, td 7
wang, pei 7
wang, q 7
wang, wx 7
wang, yp 7
wicaksana, f 7
wu, haoliang 7
wu, jh 7
wu, x 7
xiao, h 7
xing, x 7
xu, lc 7
yan, haochen 7
yang, gc 7
yang, t 7
yang, y 7
yang, z 7
ye, j 7
yin, k 7
yu, j 7
yuen, kv 7
yun, tae sup 7
zhang, t 7
zhang, xq 7
zhang, zhiqian 7
zhao, s 7
zhao, z 7
zhou, c 7
zhou, gordon g.d. 7
zhou, h 7
zhu, yanmin 7
zhu, z 7
abdelal, g 6
anumba, c 6
bai, j 6
bie, j 6
chang, ck 6
chen, b 6
chen, gq 6
chen, jf 6
chen, ji 6
chen, xiqun 6
chen, xq 6
chen, yixin 6
chen, yiyi 6
cheng, cck 6
cheuk, cy 6
cheung, sg 6
chian, esk 6
chou, s 6
chung, dwc 6
chung, kwok fai 6
criddle, cs 6
dai, bb 6
dainty, arj 6
debnath, partha pratim 6
du, jia 6
fan, sc 6
fang, h 6
fang, herbert hp 6
fei, f 6
garmston, h 6
ge, liya 6
gibb, agf 6
goodwin, g. r. 6
guo, h 6
guo, k 6
guo, x 6
ham, so young 6
hau, ch 6
he, xg 6
heffernan, e 6
hsu, thomas t.c. 6
hu, r 6
hu, t 6
hu, y 6
huang, gq 6
huang, j 6
huang, peng 6
huang, t 6
jiang, s 6
jin, shiwei 6
jin, wg 6
kamai, t 6
kawashima, shiho 6
korobenko, a. 6
kwan, jsh 6
lam, eym 6
lee, p.h. 6
lee, po heng 6
leung, my 6
li, ad 6
li, clyde zhengdao 6
li, gengying 6
li, victor c. 6
li, yuelian 6
liang, kun 6
liang, x 6
lin, j 6
lin, qx 6
lin, x 6
liu, cheng 6
liu, wf 6
lo, hp 6
lourenço, sérgio dn 6
lu, ww 6
ma, r 6
ma, xh 6
meng, y 6
miki, kenji 6
min, h 6
ng, charles w.w. 6
nikolic, d 6
niu, s 6
peart, m 6
peng, y 6
pruden, a 6
pun, w. k. 6
sato, tadanobu 6
seracino, r 6
shang, jin 6
shi, y 6
shin, pks 6
song, p 6
su, mn 6
sun, hy 6
sun, tk 6
tang, chu 6
tang, o 6
tao, muxuan 6
tian, ql 6
tian, zushi 6
tiedje, jm 6
tsang, ncm 6
tun, hm 6
wai, tc 6
wan, km 6
wang, hai 6
wang, w 6
wang, x 6
wang, xiangyu 6
wen, h 6
wong, kkw 6
wong, sy 6
wong, yl 6
wu, cx 6
wu, cy 6
wu, sy 6
wu, w 6
xu, fj 6
yang, chao 6
yang, s 6
yang, wh 6
yang, yang 6
yang, yi 6
yao, t 6
ye, m 6
yeung, j 6
yi, qiuying 6
yin, jh 6
yip, hk 6
yu, c 6
yuan, y 6
yue, zhongqi quentin 6
zeng, shaojuan 6
zhang, an 6
zhang, xiangping 6
zhao, jg 6
zhao, wb 6
zheng, dxm 6
zheng, shuang 6
zheng, zl 6
zhou, yd 6
zhou, yi 6
zhu, yg 6
ahilan, s 5
bai, yefei 5
bock, t 5
borja, ronaldo i. 5
borouchaki, h 5
chan, bs 5
chan, ky 5
chan, st 5
chen, hh 5
chen, z 5
cheng, jack c.p. 5
cheung, s. h. 5
chong, kp 5
chong, th 5
chu, pck 5
chu, vh 5
cleall, pj 5
dai, jian guo 5
ding, q 5
du, jie 5
dulaimi, mf 5
fan, zhong 5
feng, w 5
furumai, h 5
goodhew, s 5
goodier, c 5
gu, j 5
gu, qinfen 5
guo, q 5
han, dj 5
han, x 5
hancock, gregory j 5
hanley, k 5
he, juhua 5
he, y 5
ho, k. k.s. 5
hodgkiss, ij 5
hu, cy 5
huang, bo tao 5
huang, m 5
huang, yp 5
huang, zhenyu 5
hélixnielsen, c 5
islam, s.m.z 5
iu, vp 5
ji, haodong 5
jiang, h 5
jiang, rj 5
jiang, rui 5
jiang, t 5
jiang, yq 5
jin, t 5
katafygiotis, lambros 5
ke, sz 5
koh, c. g. 5
kong, y 5
lam, c. 5
lao, yongmin 5
law, cw 5
lee, jy 5
leng, l 5
leung, dyc 5
leung, tl 5
leung, yf 5
li, f 5
li, lh 5
li, m 5
li, thy 5
li, weiwen 5
ling, sk 5
linner, t 5
liu, m 5
liu, wang sheng 5
long, li 5
lourenco, sdn 5
lu, cong 5
lu, h 5
luque, r 5
ma, wei 5
medero, gm 5
menon, rm 5
meshgi, a 5
miao, rui 5
mo, yu 5
mottram, j. t. 5
ng, tm 5
nguyen, t. t. 5
palanisamy, b 5
pan, e 5
pan, mi 5
pan, z 5
pang, cc 5
peng, w 5
ping, tianyao 5
prudencio, ernesto e. 5
qi, z 5
qian, j 5
qiang, l 5
qiao, dl 5
qin, x 5
qiu, w 5
qu, b 5
quan, x 5
reinhard, m 5
ren, h 5
ren, yuanyuan 5
rowlinson, sm 5
samaranayake, lp 5
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
hong kong 49
finite element 22
finite element method 22
membrane fouling 21
sustainability 21
concrete 20
deep learning 20
modular construction 19
shear strength 19
reinforced concrete 18
wastewater treatment 18
laboratory tests 17
membrane 17
optimization 17
design 16
elasticity 16
microstructure 16
temperature 16
china 15
durability 15
numerical modelling 15
numerical simulation 15
selectivity 15
beams 14
buildings 14
construction 14
surface roughness 14
sustainable development 14
animals 13
biofouling 13
columns 13
construction industry 13
finite element analysis 13
nanofiltration 13
sars-cov-2 13
activated sludge 12
anisotropy 12
bacteria 12
crack 12
ductility 12
numerical analysis 12
sands 12
concrete structures 11
creep 11
defects 11
drinking water 11
graphene oxide 11
life cycle assessment 11
machine learning 11
sewage 11
simulation 11
strength 11
wastewater 11
adsorption 10
carbonation 10
clays 10
cluster analysis 10
covid-19 10
degradation 10
discrete element method 10
environment 10
fracture 10
high-strength concrete 10
landslides 10
mechanical properties 10
models, theoretical 10
permeability 10
slope stability 10
strengthening 10
water permeability 10
water quality 10
bacterial adhesion 9
beam 9
biodegradation, environmental 9
biofilm 9
bioreactors 9
buckling 9
circular economy 9
completely decomposed granite 9
composite structures 9
environmental impacts 9
environmental monitoring 9
ground improvement 9
groundwater 9
high strength concrete 9
impact 9
interfacial polymerization 9
internet 9
literature review 9
mathematical modelling 9
membrane filtration 9
modular integrated construction 9
nanovoids 9
numerical model 9
numerical modeling 9
particle size 9
rainfall intensity 9
reliability analysis 9
reverse osmosis (ro) membranes 9
rt-qpcr 9
stability 9
stiffness 9
stormwater management 9
time factors 9
virtual reality 9
waste disposal, fluid - methods 9
wastewater surveillance 9
water movements 9
water purification 9
water purification - methods 9
advanced oxidation processes 8
alkali-activated slag 8
ammonia 8
antibiotics 8
biofilms 8
bridges 8
chemical properties 8
chloride 8
confinement 8
consolidation 8
construction management 8
design methods & aids 8
dissolved oxygen 8
dynamics 8
energy consumption 8
energy saving 8
engineering 8
environmental impact 8
filtration 8
flexural strength 8
fractal dimension 8
genetic algorithm 8
high-rise building 8
humans 8
kinetics 8
management 8
material properties 8
microbial community 8
microscopy 8
modeling 8
nanoparticles 8
nitrification 8
particle shape 8
performance 8
prefabrication 8
recycling 8
reinforced concrete beams 8
sand 8
seismic behavior 8
shrinkage 8
stress analysis 8
supplementary cementitious materials 8
supply chain management 8
traffic congestion 8
vibration 8
16s rrna gene 7
analysis 7
analytical method 7
analytical solution 7
antibiotic resistance 7
aquaculture 7
bacterial community 7
big data 7
biodegradation 7
biodiversity 7
biofilms - growth & development 7
blockchain 7
boundary element method 7
case study 7
civil engineering 7
climate change 7
coating 7
column 7
compressive strength 7
corrosion 7
corrosion rate 7
cyclic loading 7
digital holography 7
dynamic response 7
early warnings 7
electrochemistry 7
energy dissipation 7
energy simulation 7
experimental studies 7
finite element model 7
finite element modelling 7
fly ash 7
forward osmosis 7
fracture mechanics 7
granular materials 7
heavy metals 7
high-rise residential building 7
humic acid 7
hydrodynamics 7
hydrogen-ion concentration 7
internet of things 7
joints 7
liquefaction 7
marine environment 7
metakaolin 7
modelling 7
modular building 7
mortar 7
nitrogen - analysis 7
peroxymonosulfate 7
plate 7
polyamide membrane 7
population dynamics 7
productivity 7
project management 7
recovery 7
reliability 7
residual stress 7
resource recovery 7
reverse osmosis 7
sediment 7
seismic engineering 7
sensitivity analysis 7
sewage surveillance 7
sewage system characteristics 7
shear 7
shear wall 7
soil-structure interaction 7
soils 7
steel structures 7
stress 7
stress concentration 7
surface properties 7
surfactant 7
testing 7
transfer learning 7
unsaturated soil 7
water - chemistry 7
water pollutants, chemical - analysis - metabolism 7
3d visualization 6
absolute quantification 6
acoustic emission 6
algal blooms 6
algorithms 6
anode 6
bending 6
biomass 6
building 6
building information modeling (bim) 6
buildings, structures & design 6
catalytic membrane 6
coagulation 6
community aspiration 6
community engagement 6
composite 6
concrete beams 6
concrete-filled steel tube 6
constitutive model 6
construction materials 6
cracking 6
critical state 6
debris flow 6
denitrification 6
design method 6
digital image processing 6
drilling process monitoring 6
drying shrinkage 6
elevated temperature 6
energy efficiency 6
engineered cementitious composite (ecc) 6
environmental monitoring - methods 6
environmental sustainability 6
eutrophication 6
farming activities 6
female 6
field test 6
fish 6
flue gas 6
forecasting 6
geology 6
high temperature 6
high-strength steel 6
housing 6
hydrophobic interaction 6
hydroxyl radicals 6
influenza virus 6
innovation 6
interface 6
land reclamation 6
low impact development 6
mathematical model 6
membrane distillation 6
membrane fabrication 6
membranes 6
metagenome 6
metagenomic analysis 6
microscopy, atomic force 6
minerals 6
models, chemical 6
monitoring 6
nanomaterials 6
neural network 6
nitrogen removal 6
nonlinear analysis 6
off-site construction 6
oil/water separation 6
organic micropollutants 6
ozonation 6
peg precipitation 6
ph 6
piles 6
pollution 6
polyamide 6
polyamide membranes 6
polydopamine 6
polyelectrolyte 6
porosity 6
propidium 6
pull-out resistance 6
rainfall 6
reinforced concrete beam 6
reproducibility of results 6
resilience 6
risk assessment 6
river water level 6
river water turbidity 6
rocks 6
sewage - chemistry 6
sewage sludge 6
site investigation 6
slope 6
soil nail 6
spatiotemporal variations 6
spectroscopy, fourier transform infrared 6
stability analysis 6
stochastic processes 6
stress intensity factors 6
stress-strain model 6
supplementary cementitious material 6
supply chain 6
surveillance 6
topmodel 6
traffic management 6
transverse isotropy 6
uncertainty analysis 6
urban renewal 6
variant 6
virus outbreak 6
wastewater genome sequencing 6
wastewater-based epidemiology 6
water pollutants, chemical - analysis 6
water treatment 6
3d printing 5
adult 5
agriculture 5
anaerobic digestion 5
anaerobiosis 5
anthropogenic nutrients 5
antibiotic resistance gene 5
antibiotic resistance genes 5
antifouling 5
atomic force microscopy 5
beam-column 5
beams and girders 5
bearing capacity 5
benchmarking 5
bim 5
building information modeling 5
cadmium 5
canavalia 5
candida - growth & development - metabolism 5
candida albicans 5
candida albicans - growth & development - physiology - ultrastructure 5
candida biofilms 5
carbon emission 5
carbon emissions 5
carbon isotopes - analysis - metabolism 5
cement 5
ceramic membrane 5
challenges 5
chemistry 5
coal combustion 5
cold-formed steel 5
comparison 5
competition 5
computation 5
confocal scanning laser microscope 5
construction projects 5
contractors 5
copper nanoparticles 5
cost 5
crack width 5
curvature 5
cyclic behaviour 5
damping 5
debris flows 5
deformability 5
deformation 5
desalination 5
desalination pretreatment 5
dietary sucrose - metabolism 5
differentiation 5
diffusion 5
digital image correlation 5
dilatancy 5
displacement 5
dynamic 5
early warning system 5
earthquake 5
earthquakes 5
ecosystem 5
electrochemical oxidation 5
embodied carbon 5
endocrine disrupting compounds (edcs) 5
energy 5
erythrina 5
experiment 5
experimental investigation 5
experiments 5
failure mode 5
federated learning 5
fem 5
field investigations 5
field tests 5
finite element modeling 5
fish farming 5
fishes - metabolism 5
flexure 5
flocculation 5
food chain 5
food waste 5
fouling 5
fresh water 5
frp 5
functionally graded materials 5
funnel effect 5
galactose - metabolism 5
genotype 5
geography 5
geosynthetics 5
glucose - metabolism 5
graphene 5
grinding 5
hatr-ftir 5
hollow section 5
hybrid fibers 5
hydrophobicity 5
imaging techniques 5
indicators 5
indicators and reagents 5
information management 5
inhomogeneity 5
intensity-duration-frequency curves 5
interaction 5
intersections 5
isotopes - analysis 5
knowledge 5
laboratory test 5
land use 5
landslide 5
layered double hydroxide 5
layered double hydroxides 5
lean construction 5
lectins 5
lifecycle assessment 5
low-carbon concrete 5
male 5
measurement 5
membranes, artificial 5
mercury 5
metagenomics 5
microplastic characterization 5
microplastic detection 5
micropollutants 5
microscopy, atomic force - methods 5
microscopy, confocal - methods 5
microscopy, electron, scanning 5
middle aged 5
models 5
models, biological 5
molybdenum disulfide 5
monte carlo simulation 5
morphology 5
mpox virus 5
multimedia 5
mutations 5
nanocomposite membrane 5
nanofibrous membrane 5
nanopore 5
nitrogen isotopes - analysis - metabolism 5
nonlinear finite element analysis 5
norovirus 5
numerical investigation 5
ocean acidification 5
omicron variants 5
oracles 5
organic chemicals 5
oxidation-reduction 5
paenarthrobacter 5
parameters 5
partial saturation 5
particle-scale behaviour 5
pathway 5
performance evaluation 5
phenol 5
phosphorus 5
photocatalysis 5
plant lectins 5
polyamide film 5
polyamide nanovoids 5
polymers - analysis 5
pore pressures 5
precast concrete 5
probability 5
prokaryote 5
public engagement 5
quality 5
rc column 5
refuse disposal - methods 5
regeneration 5
regulation 5
rehabilitation 5
reinforced concrete column 5
reinforcement corrosion 5
rejection 5
reverse electrodialysis (red) 5
review 5
risk management 5
rna, ribosomal, 16s - analysis 5
ro membrane 5
rotavirus 5
sad genes 5
sandstone 5
seafood - analysis 5
seawater 5
seismic design 5
sequencing 5
severities of rainstorm and flood 5
sewage - microbiology 5
singapore 5
slag 5
slip 5
sludge 5
smart construction objects 5
smart contract 5
soil 5
soil mechanics 5
soil nailing 5
soil stabilization 5
solar cells 5
sorption 5
species specificity 5
stabilization 5
stabilization effect 5
stable isotope 5
stain 5
stainless steel 5
stakeholder 5
stated preference survey 5
statistical analysis 5
strain localization 5
stress intensity factor 5
structural design 5
stub column 5
sucrose - metabolism 5
sugars 5
surface modification 5
sustainable building 5
synergistic effect 5
thermal effects 5
thermodynamics 5
thin-film composite membrane 5
time 5
time series forecasting 5
trophic dynamics 5
uhpc 5
ungauged catchments 5
urban development 5
water 5
water pollution, chemical - prevention & control 5
water repellency 5
water reuse 5
water supply 5
wenchuan earthquake 5
x-ray diffraction 5
abrasion 4
actinomyces 4
actinomyces - isolation & purification - physiology - ultrastructure 4
additive manufacturing 4
adhesion and aggregation 4
advanced oxidation 4
aeration 4
aggregate 4
air microbiology 4
alternative membrane materials 4
ammonia - analysis 4
analytical framework 4
analytical model 4
anisotropic 4
anti-bacterial agents - analysis 4
anti-fouling 4
artificial intelligence 4
asymmetrical selectivity 4
atomic force microscope 4
autotrophic denitrification 4
axial load ratio 4
bayesian analysis 4
bim (building information modelling) 4
biochar 4
biological wastewater treatment 4
biomineralization 4
biophysical phenomena 4
biophysics 4
bipolar membrane electrodialysis 4
bond strength 4
building construction 4
building information modelling 4
building information modelling (bim) 4
building layout 4
cable-stayed bridges 4
capacity constraint 4
caproate 4
carbon nanotube 4
carbon nanotubes 4
case studies 4
case-based reasoning 4
cell membrane - microbiology 4
central governance 4
centrifugation 4
centrifugation - methods 4
ceramic 4
cfrp 4
chemical durability 4
chloride resistance 4
chloride-induced corrosion 4
chord plastification 4
chromium 4
chs x-joint 4
closed-form solution 4
co capture 2 4
cold-formed 4
composite and reactive substrates 4
composite beam 4
composite materials 4
compressive behaviour 4
computational fluid dynamics 4
computer simulation 4
concentration polarization 4
concrete cover 4
concrete durability 4
conservation of natural resources 4
construction supervision 4
consultants 4
continuous strength method 4
contractor selection 4
convolutional neural network 4
cosolvent-assisted interfacial polymerization 4
costs 4
coupling 4
coupling beams 4
crack control 4
cracks 4
critical success factors 4
cross-section classification 4
crosslinking 4
damping ratio 4
data-driven 4
database 4
deep beam 4
delivery 4
dem 4
density functional theory 4
dental ceramics 4
design scenario 4
developing countries 4
digital currency electronic payment 4
disease outbreaks 4
disinfection byproducts 4
distributed loading 4
distribution 4
dna 4
dna, bacterial - analysis 4
dpm 4
drilling 4
drinking water treatment 4
drops 4
dual-layer blockchain network 4
dye-sensitized solar cells 4
east river 4
education & training 4
elastic foundation 4
elastic modulus 4
electrochemical performance 4
emulsion separation 4
energy modelling 4
enrichment 4
escherichia coli 4
escherichia coli k12 - physiology 4
existence 4
expansive agent 4
experimental study 4
fabric 4
fabric/structure of soils 4
factor analysis 4
failures 4
feeding habit 4
fermentation 4
fiber reinforced polymers 4
fimbriae 4
finite elements 4
finite-element analysis 4
fire resistance 4
fish culture zone 4
flexural ductility 4
flexural stiffness 4
fractal 4
friction 4
full-scale test 4
functionally graded material (fgm) 4
fuzzy set theory 4
generative adversarial network (gan) 4
generative design 4
geomaterials 4
geomechanics 4
geopolymer 4
gis 4
glass fiber 4
granite 4
granular flow 4
green concrete 4
green infrastructure (gi) 4
ground investigation 4
grouting 4
growth of polyamide nanofilm 4
gut microbiome 4
heavy metal 4
heterogeneous materials 4
high strength steel 4
high-rise office building 4
holes 4
host taxon 4
humic substances - analysis 4
hybrid 4
hybrid system 4
hydraulic fracturing 4
hydraulic retention time 4
hydrological modeling 4
hysteresis 4
identification 4
image classification 4
industrial waste 4
integral equation 4
interaction force 4
interfacial vaporization 4
interlayer 4
internet of things (iot) 4
iso9000 4
iterative methods 4
jacked piles 4
key performance indicator 4
korea 4
laboratory apparatus 4
laboratory testing 4
landfill leachate 4
lateral detachment force 4
leachate treatment 4
lead 4
lead removal 4
learning 4
lining 4
lithium ion batteries 4
lithium-ion battery 4
loess plateau 4
long range dependence 4
loose fill 4
low carbon building 4
macrocell corrosion 4
magnesium leaching 4
marine fishes 4
mass balance 4
materials characterization 4
matric suction 4
mechanical behavior 4
membrane biofouling 4
membrane bioreactor (mbr) 4
membrane nanoarchitecture 4
mesh generation 4
metal and composite structures 4
methane 4
microfiltration 4
micromechanics 4
model calibration 4
models, statistical 4
modular housing production 4
monte carlo method 4
mpd solubility 4
multi-dimensional 4
multi-omics 4
multinominal logit model 4
multiple user classes 4
multivariate analysis 4
municipal wastewater 4
nahac gene 4
nano-template 4
nanofillers 4
nanofiltration (nf) 4
nanofiltration membranes 4
nanovoid-containing roughness structure 4
natural frequency 4
nitrates - metabolism 4
nonlinear 4
nonlinear finite element 4
nonlinear vibration 4
nutrient removal 4
nutrient starvation 4
occupant behaviour 4
octagonal hollow section 4
oracle 4
organic solvents 4
osmotic pressure 4
oxidation 4
oxygen - analysis 4
pahs 4
parametric study 4
partial interaction 4
particle-scale behavior 4
pearl river estuary 4
pedestrian activity 4
penetration rate 4
perfluorooctane sulfonate (pfos) 4
performance appraisal 4
performance measurement 4
permissioned blockchain 4
phosphate 4
photosynthesis 4
plasticity 4
polyamide formation models 4
polyamide morphology 4
polyamide nanofiltration membrane 4
polyamide rejection layer 4
polyamide reverse osmosis (ro) membranes 4
polyethyleneimine 4
polytetrafluoroethylene 4
precipitation 4
prefabricated construction 4
prestress 4
prestressed concrete 4
prism 4
procurement 4
promoted interfacial polymerization 4
public-private partnership 4
public-private partnerships 4
pulsed laser deposition 4
pulverized fuel ash 4
pvdf 4
qpcr 4
quality assurance 4
quality control 4
questionnaire survey 4
rainfall infiltration 4
random forest 4
rate of return 4
rc columns 4
real-time 4
reclamation & renovation 4
recruitment 4
rectangular plate 4
red-tide 4
reduction 4
residential building 4
residential buildings 4
residual soils 4
reverse electrodialysis 4
rheology 4
rigid barrier 4
robotics 4
rock mechanics 4
roughness 4
salinity 4
salinity gradient power (sgp) 4
sandy soil 4
scaling resistance 4
scanning electron microscopy 4
scheduling 4
seawater - chemistry 4
sediment transport 4
sediments 4
sensitivity and specificity 4
settlement 4
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - transmission 4
sewage treatment plants 4
shear behavior 4
shear failure 4
shear walls 4
silica fume 4
silver vanadium oxides 4
smart work packaging 4
sno2 4
social network analysis 4
sodium chloride - chemistry 4
soil erosion 4
soil improvement 4
soil/structure interaction 4
solid waste recycling 4
solution chemistry 4
sol–gel method 4
southwestern china 4
specifications 4
spinel ferrite 4
stakeholders 4
starch 4
static strength 4
steel 4
strain-hardening cementitious composite (shcc) 4
strategy 4
streetscape 4
stress ratio 4
stress-strain curve 4
structural analysis 4
structures & design 4
stub columns 4
substrate pre-coated gutter layer 4
substrate properties 4
suction 4
sulfamethazine 4
sulfur 4
superhydrophobic 4
surface topography 4
sustainable concrete 4
sustainable construction 4
sustainable drainage system 4
system dynamics 4
tencent street view (tsv) 4
tensile performance 4
tensile strength 4
thin film composite 4
thin film composite membrane 4
thin-film composite (tfc) membrane 4
three gorges 4
time dependence 4
time-dependent 4
transmission electron microscopy 4
transport models 4
triaxial test 4
trophic level 4
tubular section 4
tung-oil 4
tungsten carbide 4
two-layer adaptive blockchain 4
uasb 4
ultimate strength 4
ultrafiltration 4
uncertainty 4
unsaturated soils 4
urban areas 4
urban drainage 4
urban heat island 4
urban hydrology 4
urban informatics 4
user equilibrium 4
varx modelling 4
virtual reality (vr) 4
visibility and traceability 4
visible light 4
visualization 4
vulnerability 4
waste disposal, fluid 4
wastewater treatment plant 4
water - analysis 4
water microbiology 4
water permeance 4
wave propagation 4
weathered granite 4
wetting front 4
wind loading and aerodynamics 4
workability 4
zeta potential 4
zinc oxide 4
zirconiapolishing 4
1,3-propanediol 3
1,4-dioxane 3
16s rdna 3
2-phenylbutyric acid 3
3d laser scanning 3
3d particle morphology 3
3d porous anode 3
3d porous electrode 3
acid mine drainage neutralization 3
acidic ph 3
acidogenic fermentation 3
acinetobacter - physiology 3
activated carbon 3
activator 3
adaptive road lighting 3
additive interfacial polymerization 3
adhesion force 3
advective-diffusion 3
aerobiosis 3
aerosols 3
aged 3
aggregate replacement 3
aggregates 3
aigc 3
air particle abrasion 3
airtight barrier 3
View More
InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
zhang, tong 53
wong, sze chun 50
lee, joseph hun wei 33
shih, kaimin 33
tham, leslie george 31
cheung, yau kai 30
lee, peter kai kwong 28
tang, chuyang 28
fang, herbert han ping 25
li, xiaoyan 25
ng, thomas shiu tong 23
lam, kit ming 22
kwan, albert kwok hung 21
lee, chack fan 20
szeto, wai yuen 20
su, kai leung 19
choi, clarence edward 16
pan, wei 16
yue, quentin zhong qi 16
ye, hailong 15
au, francis tat kwong 14
lo, sai huen 14
yang, jun 14
chen, ji 13
deng, xiaowei 12
tong, chung on 12
young, ben 11
pam, hoat joen 10
chui, ting fong may 9
kwok, chung yee 9
koenig, albert 8
kumaraswamy, mohan maheswaran 8
kwong, kwok lun alan 8
yang, zhe 8
yeung, chok hang 8
guan, mingfu 7
nunes lourenco, sergio duarte 7
tan, giin yu amy 7
huang, wenjie 6
li, xiao 6
ray y. zhong 6
shen, zuojun max 6
yan, ryan wai man 6
yeung, albert tak chung 6
yuan, xiaoming 6
zhang, fangni 6
hau, chi hang 5
ke, jintao 5
kuo, yong-hong 5
djurisic, aleksandra 4
hu, manman 4
lam, edmund yin mun 4
leung, kenneth mei yee 4
smith, scott thomas 4
xie, mao hai 4
baudet, beatrice anne 3
choi, david king wah 3
choo, jinhyun 3
deng, yu 3
gu, jidong 3
leung, yiu cheong dennis 3
li, yuguo 3
loo, becky pui ying 3
pryor, mathew robert 3
tun, hein min 3
wang, wen ping 3
au, alfred si kwong 2
chen, zhijian 2
fukuda, keiji 2
hau, timothy doe-kwong 2
huang, guo quan 2
lau, henry ying kei 2
law, winnie wai yi 2
lee, sang hoon 2
lin, yuan 2
peart, mervyn richard 2
pong, philip wing tat 2
poon, lit man leo 2
rowlinson, stephen michael 2
so, hayden kwok hay 2
sun, pengfei 2
vengatesen, thiyagarajan 2
wong ngai yuen, louis 2
wong, kenneth kin yip 2
alfred c. h. yu 1
au yeung, ho yu 1
chan, cecilia ka yuk 1
chan, godwin kwong yu 1
chan, kwok leung 1
chen, guanhua 1
cheung, sai hung 1
chow, billy kwok chong 1
choy, wallace chik ho 1
chui, ernest wing tak 1
cowling, benjamin john 1
crolla, kristof henri chris ghislain jozef 1
cui, xiaodong 1
dr. sam c. m. hui 1
fang, christian xinshuo 1
feng, shien ping tony 1
fok, wilton wai tung 1
guo, hao 1
hills, peter ronald 1
ho, daniel chi wing 1
huang, mingxin 1
hui, shu yuen ron 1
jiang, lijun 1
lam, tsan yuk 1
law, chi kwong 1
lee, chi kwan 1
leung, frankie ka li 1
leung, gabriel matthew 1
li, liguan 1
li, wendi 1
liu, chun ho 1
lum, terry yat sang 1
luo, ruibang 1
ng, cho nam 1
ngan, alfonso hing wan 1
peiris, joseph sriyal malik 1
peng, lu 1
poon, sun wah 1
qian, ye 1
sze, kam yim 1
tam, wai leuk vincent 1
tan, chung jen 1
tan, siew chong 1
tang, jinyao 1
toy, patrick henry 1
tsia, kevin kin man 1
wang, min 1
wang, yufeng 1
weisheng lu 1
wong, ngai 1
wong, tak man 1
wong, yu cheung 1
xue, fan 1
yan, aixin 1
yao, wang 1
yen, hui-ling 1
yeung, kelvin wai kwok 1
yiu, siu ming 1
yu, jing 1
zeng, min 1
zhang, fuchun 1
zhang, zhiqian 1
zhou, jiangping 1
View More
Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
null 19
civil engineering 15
devices, functional materials, materials characterisation, nanomaterials, structural materials 13
engineering education 13
simulation of emerging electronics 10
innovative material, modular building, modular construction, smart project delivery, structural engineering 7
real-time 7
synchrohub, cross-border logistics hubs, greater bay area (gba) 7
synchrohub, cyber-physical interne, greater bay area (gba) 7
synchrohub, greater bay area (gba) 7
building life cycle, building performance, social impacts, sustainable development, urban renewal 6
construction innovation, modular building, modular integrated construction, offsite construction, supply chain 6
development, environmental vacuum, land, preloading, technique 6
enhanced separation, sludge refinery, wastewater treatment 6
-- 5
advanced porous materials, multi-scale, pore characterization facility 5
advanced, cefscm-cfsbbr system, innovative, pilot study, treatment, wastewater 5
antibiotic resistome, control strategies, pollution hotspots to environments 5
building energy code, energy policy, green building, socio-technical system, zero carbon building 5
clean energy, clean water, membrane technology, seawater desalination, smart system 5
computational optical imaging, environmental toxicity, microplastics pollution, optical information processing, ultrafast spectroscopy 5
fecal indicatro normalization, genomic sequencing, longitudinal monitoring, sars-cov-2, sewage surveilance 5
modular building, modular construction, sustainability, sustainable building 5
agriculture, amr, antimicrobial, environment, etiology, health care 4
bionanotechnology, characterization, environmental, interface, water 4
contact particle transfer, disease spread, fomite route infection, particle transfer rate, surface contact infection 4
design guideline, landfill, live capillary barrier, live fill slope, vegetation 4
environmental 4
ground investigation, measurement automation, standard penetration test 4
iron-enhanced sedimentation, pha and bioplastics, phosphorus recovery, sludge acidogensis, wastewater treatment 4
load development, soil nailed slope 4
river biodiversity in the lai chi wo, suspended sediment, turbidity and streamflow 4
- 4
3d laser scanning technique 3
a 3
advanced, aquatic surface vehicles, machine vision guided, monitoring and capturing, refuse, watercourses 3
air quality 3
algal 3
attenuation, blasting, slope stability, tunnel, vibration limits 3
bioremediation, contaminated marine sediment, denitrification 3
carbon-metal oxide, lead removal from water, nano composites 3
centrifuge and numerical, field monitoring, green slope, live pole, stability 3
cohesion, direct shear tests, reinforcement, roots, shallow failure 3
collapse mechanisms, liquefiable loess, massive landslide, pore water pressure, water infiltration 3
community outbreak, sewage for an early-warning 3
computational geomechanics, rock fracture 3
control of odour problems, ferric iron, typhoon shelters 3
corrosion 3
crack, durability, shrinkage 3
drilling 3
engineering, research centre, rock 3
environmental engineering 3
high minerals, micropollutants selectivity for drinking water treatment, nanofiltration membrane 3
integrity monitoring, mass transfer, reverse osmosis, surface morphology, water reuse 3
membranes, nanofiltration, ultrapermeable 3
pvdf water membrane 3
reservoir 3
carbon emissions, decarbonization, green transportation, multifunctional simulation platform 3
construction management, construction inspection, construction project planning, work package method, construction informatics 3
green transportation, electric vehicles, carbon neutrality, charging facility planning, electric taxis 3
membrane separation / wastewater treatment / extreme environment / sub-nanoporous membranes / membrane fouling mechanisms 3
secretin, secretin receptor, ventromedial hypothalamus, bone homeostasis, neural circuit 3
5th international symposium, antibiotic resistance, edar5, environmental dimension 2
acidogenic biomass 2
aggregate breakage, fractal, particle coagulation, particles, piv technique 2
aging society, elderly mobility, public transport polic 2
air pollution 2
air pollution, land surface models, large-eddy simulation, urban canopies, wind tunnel measurements 2
ammonia, ammonia-oxidizing archaea, nitrite, partial nitrification, sewage 2
an artificial intelligence rock type, classification and fracture state, for engineering applications"" 2
analysis, energy rock cavern systems, feasibility study, thermo-hydro-mechanical 2
area traffic control 2
attenuation ponds, evaluating, multi-scale performance, stormwater runoff management, subtropical climate 2
autotrophic denitrification, bioremediation, metal speciation, sediment, toxicity 2
beam, concrete, high strength 2
bicycle injury, prevention program, tuen mun district 2
bioenergy, cellulose, hydrogen, microbial community, wastewater 2
biological flocs, fractal aggregates, laser-induced fluorescence, mass transport, particle image velocimetry 2
biomineralization, carbonate system, environmental stressors, larval settlement, oyster 2
biomineralization, climate change, environmental proteomics, ocean acidification, oyster 2
bolt connections, generic displacement-based, plated concrete beams 2
boosting construction 2
bored piles, soil seam 2
bottom rack, flow diversion 2
bouyant jet, integral model, ocean outfall, sediment-laden jet, wastewater discharge 2
bridge engineering 2
building 2
building carbon emission, life cycle assessment, low-carbon building, prefabrication, sustainable construction 2
building drain/vent, chimney effect, natural ventilation, sars-cov-2 transmission, stack aerosol 2
building resilience of urban transport systems, strategic approach for identifying critical transport 2
building, construction 2
buoyant jet 2
cable-stayed bridges, health monitoring, time-dependent deformations 2
cell transmission model, dynamic traffic assignment, dynamic user equilibrium, dynamic user optimal, taxi customer-search 2
characterisation, modelling, structured clays 2
civil 2
civil engineerig 2
coal fly ash, dredged marine deposits, feasibility, fill materials, geotechnical projects in hong kong, stabilised 2
columbarium development, optimization, public transport planning, public transport policy, transit service management 2
composite materials, inhomogeneities, micromechanics 2
concentration polarization, crossflow membrane filtration, laser doppler anemometry, laser-induced fluorescence, membrane fouling 2
concrete, coupling beams 2
concrete, shock vibration 2
construction industry 2
continuum model, dynamic, macroscopic, panic, pedestrian crowd 2
cordon-based 2
coupling beams, steel plates 2
dams, landslide, wave 2
decomposed granite, laboratory testing, soil reinforcement 2
different driving rules, foreign visitors, pedestrian safety, risk-taking behavior, virtual reality simulation 2
displacement-based method, earthquake engineering, fragility functions, nonlinear structural analysis, transfer plate structures 2
ductility, high-strength concrete beams 2
durability, ground improvement, mesocosm, water repellent soils 2
dynamic traffic assignment, dynamic user equilibrium, dynamic user optimal, queue spillback 2
earthquake, serviceability performance 2
ecohydrology, ecological modeling, groundwater modeling, tidal marsh, wetlands 2
embodied carbon emission, life cycle assessment, prefabricated building, prefabrication 2
energy-neutral biogas, photobioelectrochemical technology, polishing, saline, sewage treatment works (stws), sulphur recovery 2
engineering behaviour, integrated study, marine clays 2
feasibility study, fill materials, microbially induced calcite precipitation, stabilized dredged marine clay, sustainable land reclamation in hong kong 2
flash floods, hong kong, hydrological features 2
fluid-structure interaction, offshore wind turbine, soil-structure interaction, sustainable energy 2
fractures 2
geo-material, recycling tyre waste, sustainability, useful 2
gis 2
ground improvement, roughness, soil water repellency 2
ground surface interactions, hyporheic zone, river rehabilitation, river restoration 2
hybrid, transfer plate 2
jack piles 2
land use 2
life cycle assessment, reclaimed water, urban water systems, wastewater reuse, water security 2
low impact development, stormwater management, sustainable drainage system, water sensitive urban design 2
marine clays 2
microbial diversity 2
microbial diversity, saline sewage, sludge treating 2
na 2
operational innovations 2
road pricing, transportation system 2
rosette 2
schedule-based, stochastic, transit network 2
seismic design of building 2
smile 2
spectra 2
spline finite strip 2
tall buildings 2
traffic 2
traffic signal 2
transportation 2
vertical seismic 2
""1) phage-bacteria coevolution"",""2) inducible prophage"",""3) large-scale bacteria isolation"",""4) long-read metagenomics"",""5) gut-associated pathogen"" 2
""waste management"", ""reduction"" 2
antibiotic degradation, photocatalysis, vacuum ultraviolet, municipal wastewater treatment, advanced oxidation process 2
antimicrobial resistance, wastewater metagenomic data, clinically important pathogen, nanopore sequencing, model prediction 2
catenane, mechanical bond, interlocked molecules, , 2
compliant mechanism, asymptotic gridshell, curvature analysis, kinetic behaviour, construction-aware design 2
lhdm piles 2
low-carbon concrete; coastal infrastructure; activated marine sediments; recycled oyster shell 2
municipal solid waste incineration ash; low-carbon stabilization; dredged marine deposits 2
nanofiltration membranes, membrane separation, water reuse, permeance-selectivity tradeoff 2
smart construction, modular construction, multi-crane lift, collaborative planning, high-rise building 2
1963 drought, hong kong's, water supply 1
3d concrete printing, concrete rheology, construction materials, fiber-reinforced concrete 1
activated sludge, anaerobic digestion, personal care products, removal 1
activated sludge, engineering control, microbial interactions, operational strategies, time-series 1
activated sludge, keystone population, network analysis, next generation sequencing, wastewater 1
adaptive finite element 1
adsorption, antibiotics, biodegradation, biotransformation, sewage/sludge 1
alkali-activated concrete, chloride ingress, durability, service life, steel corrosion 1
alkali-activated materials, cement, concrete technology, corrosion control, durability 1
anaerobic biohydrogen production technology, application, cellulose-containing biomass material 1
anaerobic digestion, domestic food waste (dfw), food waste disposer (fwd), wastewater management 1
anammox, microbial interactions, reject water, saline, wwtps 1
antibiotic contaminated soils, antibiotic resistance, metagenomics 1
antibiotic residues, fish ponds, marine culture zones of hong kong, microbial antibiotic-resistant genes, quantification 1
antibiotic resistance, chlorination, sewage, sludge digestion 1
artificial intelligence, greater bay area, heavy rainfall, hong kong 1
artificial intelligence, heavy rainfall, greater bay area, hong kong 1
asset management, community resilience, crowdsourcing, infrastructure system, user behavior 1
assignment, dynamic, smart, traffic, transportation 1
autonomous vehicles, dynamic traffic assignment, ridesharing, taxi, within-day dynamics 1
axial load ratio, collapse behavior, reinforced concrete, shear wall 1
barrier configuraiton, debris flow, flow regime, impact study, multiple barrier system 1
barrier, impact, landslides, physical modelling, self-cleaning 1
bi-level programming, continuum modeling, dynamic traffic assignment, land use and transportation, urban city 1
bi-level programming, hybrid metaheuristics, network design optimization, public bikes, uncertainties 1
big data, collaborative decision, infrastructure asset managemen, real-time information, social infrastructure facility 1
bike-and-ride, dynamic traffic equilibrium, multimodal transport system 1
bilevel optimization problem of anarchy, distribution free-approach, hybrid metaheuristic, reliable transport network design 1
bilevel transportation model, dynamic traffic assignment, e-hailing, taxi network model 1
biodegradation, emerging pollutant, high-throughput sequencing, lc-qtof, pathway 1
biodegradation, emerging pollutants, high-throughput sequencing, qtof-ms/ms 1
biodegradation, landfill leachate 1
biogas production, energy recovery, food waste, sewage sludge, thermophilic co-digestion 1
blue-green infrastructure, catchment-scale, flood resilience, hydrodynamic modelling, urban stormwater runoff 1
building and construction 1
building information modeling, computing technology, existing building, industry foundation classes, operations and maintenance 1
building resilience of urban transport systems, software tool, strategic approach for identifying critical transport infrastructures 1
buildings 1
buildings, concrete, cracking, rock, shrinkage 1
business opportunity, government efficiency, performance monitoring, public private partnerships, social-economic concerns 1
calorimetry, leaching, metakaolin, metal incorporation, xrd 1
carbon footprint, concrete cracking, durability, high-performance concrete, particle packing density 1
case-based reasoning, emission reductions, existing buildings, occupant expectations, refurbishment 1
catchment hydrology, climate change, numerical modeling, organic pollutants, water and sediment 1
cell transmission model, dynamic traffic assignment, dynamic user equilibrium, dynamic user optimal 1
cement concrete, intact rock, micro-fluid inclusion, rock mechanics & engineering, rockburst 1
centrifuge modelling, soil-root interaction, tree stability, wind tunnel modelling, wind-tree interaction 1
ceramic, recycling, sintering, sludge, spinel 1
cfd-dem, debris flow 1
chemo-geomechanics, coupled processes, dissolution and precipitation, multi-physics, multi-scale 1
chemo-mechanical degradation, coupled process, energy geotechnics, hydro-fracturing, multi-physics 1
climate change, data downscaling, hong kong, hydrologic processes, urbanization 1
climate change, landslides, periglaciation 1
climate, hong kong, signals, weather 1
coastal water, data assimilation 1
cold-formed steel 1
cold-formed steel, columns, elevated temperatures, frames 1
cold-formed steel, intermediate stiffeners 1
cold-formed steel, steel structures 1
columns, concrete-filled steel tube, ductility, elastic stiffness, strength 1
compensaton grouting, ground settlement control 1
concrete 1
concrete durability, concrete technology, construction materials, corrosion, geopolymer concrete 1
concrete slabs, fibre-reinforced polymer, large penetrations 1
construction demand, econometric model, forecasting, predicitve accuracy, sectoral variation 1
construction industry, development, evaluation, improvements, institutional 1
construction management, disaster, infrastructure assessment, resilience, risk management 1
construction waste, hong kong, innovative, modular integrated construction (mic), reducing 1
contaminants removal, membrane separation, membrane structure, organic micropollutants, water reclamation 1
continuum approach, dynamic model, traffic equilibrium problems, transportation system 1
corrugated steel webs, external tendons, full-range behaviour, moment districution, prestressed concrete 1
cost minimization, disaster scenario, earthquake engineering, network survivability, telecommunication cabling 1
costal flooding, flood modelling, forecasting, urban areas 1
coupled geomechanics–flow, energy sustainability, numerical modeling, shale gas, waterless/hydraulic fracturing 1
crash prediction, multi-objective decision making, network analysis, traffic safety, transportation systems analysis 1
crossflow 1
crossing behavior, pedestrian injury, risk exposure, road safety, signalized intersection 1
cyclic behavior, monopile foundations, offshore wind turbines 1
day-to-day dynamics, dynamic congestion pricing, dynamic traffic assignment, transit frequency and fare, within-day dynamics 1
debris flow and baffles: physical modelling, mechanisms of interaction 1
debris flow, entrainment, fluid-particle coupling 1
debris, flow, mechanisms, mitigating, risks, sustainable 1
deep cement mixing, hong kong, negative carbon footprint, reclamation, sustainable 1
deposition method, hydraulic fill, in situ state, shear wave velocity 1
design technologies, innovative, typhoon-prone, urban environment 1
design, hilly areas, hong kong, sustainable drainage systems (suds) 1
develop diagnostic platform, microbial groups 1
disruption, high speed rail, metro, reliability, safety 1
dna/rna-technique 1
drink driving, driving performance, injury severity, road safety, traffic accident 1
droughts and water resources, east river basin, numerical model simulations, predictions and assessment, remote sensing products 1
dynamic fracture, impact, interfacial crack, piezoelectric/piezomagnetic 1
dynamic soil property, earthquake ground response 1
dynamic system optimum, dynamic traffic assignment, emission pricing 1
dynamic taxi network model, rentee-drivers, ride-sourcing, scheduling equilibrium, taxi market management 1
dynamic, macroscopic, pedestrian flow, strategic route choice 1
e-waste, glass-ceramic, hazardous metals, leaching behavior, quantitative xrd 1
earthquakes 1
east river, ecological, rivers 1
ebpr, metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, paos, wastewater 1
ecosystem consequences, eutrophication, hypoxia 1
embodied carbon emission, life cycle assessment, modular building, modular construction, prefabrication 1
energy saving nanofiltration membranes 1
environment, marine 1
erodible bed, impact, landslides, multiple flexible barriers, physical modelling 1
evapotranspiration, water resources, wetlands 1
experimental micromechanics, particle image analysis, soil particle 1
extreme wind conditions, failure analysis, fluid-structure interaction, isogeometric analysis, wind turbine system 1
fill slope, gas, landslide, pore water, slope failure 1
filter products, rapid contaminants, removal from water 1
finite volume method, non-equilibrium sediment transport, parallel algorithm, shallow water equations, sph-dem coupled model 1
fire, flat slab, high-strength concrete, performance-based design, prestressed concrete 1
fire-spalling-proof, ultra-high performance concrete 1
flood control, low impact development, sustainable drainage system, water sensitive urban design 1
floods, hydrologic processes, pearl river basin 1
flow regimes 1
fluid-structure interaction, joint action of wind and ocean waves, offshore wind turbine, steel tower structure, structural stability 1
frp, reinforced concrete, repair, strengthening, structures 1
full-range behaviour, in-situ stitches, prestressed concrete, robustness, segmental bridges 1
fully-integrated, paradigm-shifting, wastewater-to-resource facility 1
germany-hong kong collaboration, opportunities and challenges, robotic technology, scenarios, st2, sustainable building construction 1
glass-ceramic, hazardous metals, leaching behavior, mswi residues, quantitative xrd 1
glass-ceramic, leachability, lead, nanostructure, rietveld refinement 1
ground improvement, slopes, soil water repellency 1
hazardous metal, leaching behavior, mineral surface, nanostructure, quantitative xrd 1
high performance multifunctional membranes, rapid detoxification of contaminated water 1
high-performance concrete 1
high-performance concrete, packing density, particle mechanics, rheology, self-consolidating concrete 1
highly permeable and highly selective antifouling nanofiltration, versatile coating method 1
highway system, road safety, traffic accidents 1
hybrid-stress elements 1
hydrogen 1
impact of geophysical flows, physical modelling, rigid barriers 1
individual visit scheme (ivs), public transportation system, sustainable mobility, sustainable tourism 1
infrastructure, marine, sustainable 1
intelligent tropical-storm-resilient system, coastal cities 1
interlayer, membrane separation, reverse osmosis, thin film composite polyamide, water reuse 1
load settlement, piles in sandy soils 1
macroscopic model, network, pedestrian flow, traffic flow, traffic signal 1
mariculture 1
membrances, nanocrystalline, polymeric, separation, supertough, superwetting 1
micropollutants, reverse osmosis, selectivity, thin film nanocomposite, water reuse 1
multifunctional membranes, rapid detoxification of contaminated water 1
ncold-formed steel, stiffeners 1
noise control 1
outfall diffuser, plume interaction 1
pareto efficient regulatory schemes, ride-sourcing markets 1
pedestrian flow 1
perfluorochemicals, pollutants, sediments, sludge sorption 1
quantitative xrd, rare earth elements, thermal processing, waste-to-resource, weee 1
run-out, yunnan, zhaojiagou landslide, zhenxiong 1
seismic engineering, vibration test, buildings 1
seismic soil liquefaction, shear wave velocity 1
slope engineering 1
slope safety 1
soil liquefaction 1
spatial queues 1
structural engineering 1
subcontractor 1
tactile pressure sensors 1
tall building, wind effect, wind flow, wind loads 1
耐久性, 氯盐侵蚀, 碱激发混凝土 1
""1) li intercalation & exfoliation"", ""2) transition metal dichalcogenides"", ""3) nanolaminate membranes"", ""4) water purification"", ""5) heavy metal removal"" 1
""1) sea-crossing bridge"", ""2) climate change"", ""3) field monitoring"", ""4) structural condition"", ""5) bridge maintenance"" 1
""1) sour protection"", ""2) offshore wind turbine"", ""3) cementing technology"", ""4) numerical modeling"", ""5) experimental tests"" 1
1) industry 4.0 2) smart manufacturing 3) digital twin / iot / cps 4) mic 5) decision analytics 1
3d concrete printing, uhp-shcc, concrete rheology, fiber reinforced concrete, fiber dispersion/ alignment 1
adaptive signal control, connected vehicles, penetration rate, traffic flow estimation, traffic network 1
asphalt pavement, waste plastic recycling, multiscale characterization, modified asphalt, low-carbon pavement 1
bike service planning, equilibrium network design, user equilibrium, , 1
carbonguard; blockchain-enabled iot-bim platform; carbon emissions; modular integrated construction (mic) 1
circular economy, directly reusable buildings, digitalised testing, scenariobased supply chain, life-cycle assessment 1
climate change, coastal waves, sea level rise, compound flooding, machine learning. 1
continuum modeling, land use and transportation, reliability analysis, dynamic traffic assignment, urban area 1
debris flow, flow mobility, physical modelling, tree, 1
debris flow, particle size segregation, fluid-particle coupling 1
durability; slag-based; geopolymer concrete; coastal structures 1
embodied carbon emission, modular building, lifecycle assessment, prefabrication, sustainable construction 1
embodied carbon, lifecycle assessment, modular building, modular construction, sustainable construction 1
engineered cement composites, strain hardening concrete, fiber reinforced concrete, mechanical properties, module integrated construction 1
flowslide, stress path, drainage condition, laboratory experiment, numerical modeling 1
granular flow, basal resistance, multiscale modelling, , 1
high-performance, nano-structured, hollow fiber nanofiltration membranes, in-line interfacial polymerization 1
industry 4.0, prefabricated modules, digital twin / iot / cps, production and logistics, fitout construction 1
integrated closed-loop technology; direct regeneration; spent ncm batteries; ternary molten salt coupled thermomechanical processing 1
integrated filter technology, wide-spectrum, rapid removal of water contaminants 1
integrating advanced building materials and automated manufacturing, energy-efficient modular construction 1
integrating advanced building materials, automated manufacturing, energy-efficient modular construction 1
integrating advanced building materials, automated manufacturing, energy-efficient, modular construction 1
its testbed, network reliability, travel time uncertainty, stochastic fundamental diagram, traffic information systems 1
marine deposits, marine reclamation, consolidation and creep, vertical drains+vacuum loading, super-fast blow filling 1
multi-stakeholder; cross-regional collaboration; construction industry; gba 1
multistage machine learning, artificial neural network, bayesian optimization, wake steering, smart wind farm 1
na 1
nanofiltration membrane, high minerals / micropollutants selectivity, drinking water treatment 1
nanofiltration membrane, high minerals, micropollutants selectivity, drinking water treatment 1
nanofiltration membranes, membrane separation, water reuse, separation performance, thin film composite polyamide 1
offshore ground motion , seismic wave field, large scale simulation, broadband wave propagation, offshore site response 1
on-demand food delivery, on-demand transportation, operational strategy design, equilibrium model, three-sided market 1
pavement, sustainability, constructibility, smartness, urban development 1
physical modelling, debris flow, geotechnical engineering 1
post-fire debris flow, v-shaped diversion, physical modeling, geotechnical engineering, 1
prokaryote, phage, activated sludge, isolation, population control 1
stormwater management, urban drainage, low impact development, ecohydrology, hydrological modeling 1
suction bucket foundation, centrifuge test, cyclic load, accumulative deformation, liquefaction 1
superwetting surface,tailored micro-nano composite patterns, humidity control, mold prevention 1
transit network design, autonomous bus , equilibrium transit assignment, bilevel optimization , dynamic approximation 1
urban bus safety, driver fatigue, risk exposure, multifaceted approach, road safety 1
urban flooding, rainfall variability , non-stationarity, extreme rainfall, hydrodynamic modelling 1
wave forcast, deep learning, wind-induced wave and swell, multiscale wave modelling, climate change 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - civil engineering, surveying, building and construction 50
building and construction 30
geotechnical 19
n/a 19
environmental 16
education: research on teaching & learning 13
materials sciencesmaterials 13
environmental,water 11
building and constructionstructure 10
physics 10
urban planning (obsolete) 10
water 10
water,environmental 10
environmental research 9
environmentalwater 9
structure 9
civil engineering, surveying, building and construction 8
structure,building and construction 7
transportationproduction and manufacturing 7
others - medicine, dentistry and health 6
transportation 6
building and constructionmaterials 5
environmental,power electronics 5
others - mechanical, production and industrial engineering 5
photonicsenvironmental 5
building and construction,environmental 4
environmental,biochemical engineering 4
geotechnicalenvironmental 4
others - computing science and information technology 4
building and constructionmanagement 3
building and constructiontransportation 3
database (obsolete) 3
food science and technology 3
geography (obsolete) 3
geotechnical,environmental 3
geotechnicalstructure 3
others - biological sciences 3
others - physical sciences 3
physiologygrowth and development 3
power system 3
architecture 2
building and construction,others - civil engineering, surveying, building and construction 2
building and construction,structure 2
building and construction,thermal 2
chemical sciences 2
environmental and ecological studies (obsolete),environmental research 2
environmental sciences 2
environmental,fluid 2
environmentalmicrobiology 2
geotechnical,building and construction 2
geotechnical,fluid 2
geotechnical,materials sciences 2
geotechnical,others - physical sciences 2
marine biology,others - biological sciences 2
materials 2
others - civil engineering, surveying, building and construction,operations research 2
others - mechanical, production and industrial engineeringenvironmental sciences 2
others - professional and vocational studies 2
social policy 2
structurebuilding and construction 2
urban studies and planning 2
urban studies and planning,transportation 2
waterpopulation health 2
building and construction,fluid 1
building and construction,materials 1
building and construction,transportation 1
environmental studies and scienceearth sciences 1
environmental,environmental research 1
environmentalothers - civil engineering, surveying, building and construction 1
fluid,water 1
geotechnical,structure 1
geotechnical,urban development 1
geotechnicalbuilding and construction 1
geotechnicalearth sciences 1
materials sciences 1
network,applied mathematics 1
others - civil engineering, surveying, building and construction,others - civil engineering, surveying, building and construction 1
others - civil engineering, surveying, building and constructionbuilding and construction 1
others - civil engineering, surveying, building and constructiongeotechnical 1
others - professional and vocational studies,business and management studies (including accounting) (obsolete) 1
production and manufacturingbuilding and construction 1
production and manufacturingtransportation 1
structure,materials 1
structuremarine engineering 1
structurematerials 1
structuremechanics and dynamics 1
urban developmentphysical geography 1
waterenvironmental 1
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