The Swire Institute of Marine Science

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
williams, ga 207
leung, kmy 28
davies, ms 24
chan, bkk 20
dudgeon, d 20
morritt, d 16
stafford, r 15
wai, tc 15
ng, pt 14
little, c 12
hui, ty 11
chu, kh 10
ho, ky 10
mak, ky 9
tsang, lm 9
dong, yw 8
hutchinson, n 8
nagarkar, s 8
ng, wc 8
perkins, mj 8
tao, s 8
de pirro, m 7
stirling, p 7
cartwright, sr 6
chan, kk 6
chelazzi, g 6
brown, gd 5
cheng, cfm 5
ganmanee, m 5
hawkins, sj 5
russell, bd 5
cornish, a 4
dong, y 4
han, gd 4
helmuth, b 4
lee, sy 4
marshall, dj 4
ng, jss 4
ng, tpt 4
sara, g 4
seuront, l 4
trowbridge, cd 4
williams, gray a 4
wong, kjh 4
wong, tl 4
bohn, k 3
cheung, wwl 3
firth, lb 3
kaehler, s 3
lee, ohk 3
lee, sc 3
lima, fp 3
mcquaid, cd 3
mieszkowska, n 3
pilling, gm 3
sadovy, yj 3
santini, g 3
sin, yt 3
subramanian, g 3
bonebrake, tc 2
brailsford, tj 2
burrows, mt 2
chak, stc 2
cheng, mcf 2
cottrell, dm 2
davies, p 2
dong, y-w 2
edwards, m 2
erlandsson, j 2
estevez, d 2
giacoletti, a 2
glamuzina, b 2
gray, dr 2
han, g-d 2
johannesson, k 2
kennish, r 2
lau, ly 2
lau, lys 2
lau, sly 2
leung, fcc 2
lewis, ri 2
mak, ym 2
mcafee, d 2
meepoka, c 2
morton, b 2
morton, bs 2
nakano, t 2
ng, terence p.t. 2
pilling, g 2
plowman, cq 2
prusina, i 2
rinaldi, a 2
rolan-alvarez, e 2
saha, s 2
saltin, sh 2
sarà, g 2
seabra, r 2
slingsby, g 2
tong, pb 2
trewhella, wj 2
uglow, rf 2
vengatesen, t 2
wang, hy 2
wang, w 2
williams, gray a. 2
wong, atl 2
wong, hf 2
wu, th 2
yan, y 2
yuan, fl 2
abdul adzis, ka 1
adzis, kaa 1
aitchison, jc 1
angel, dl 1
arizza, v 1
arromrak, b 1
astudillo placencia, jc 1
au, ming fung franco 1
baiamonte, g 1
baker, d. m. 1
bazan, g 1
beardall, j 1
beckwith, p 1
bini, g 1
bishop, m 1
bishop, mj 1
blum, h 1
bone, e 1
bridges, sm 1
bridges, susan m 1
brown, e 1
burnett, np 1
campanati, c 1
cartwright, s 1
carvajal-rodriguez, a 1
carvajal-rodríguez, a 1
carvajal-rodríguez, antonio 1
chan, kh 1
chan, mn 1
chatterjee, t 1
cheang, cc 1
chen, cc 1
chen, g 1
cheung, jym 1
cheung, sg 1
chik, polly yy 1
choi, mp 1
connell, sd 1
consalvey, m 1
costello, mj 1
crickenberger, s 1
crickenberger, se 1
cuttitta, a 1
dahlen, ss 1
daraspe, j 1
davies, mark s. 1
davies, pmc 1
davies, ps 1
de cantis, s 1
dlouhy-masassengale, b 1
domingos, t 1
dupont, s 1
duprey, n. n. 1
durand, t 1
eitel, m 1
estévez, daniel 1
evans, mr 1
fang, l 1
fernandez-meirama, m 1
fernandez-silva, i 1
fernández-meirama, mónica 1
fiorentino, f 1
firth, l 1
francis, wr 1
freeman, s 1
gaitán-espitía, jd 1
galindo, j 1
ganamee, m 1
gianguzza, p 1
giomi, f 1
goodwin, al 1
greenfield, r 1
gu, yi fei 1
gu, yi‐fei 1
han, g 1
han, kai 1
harley, cdg 1
harman, l 1
harper, kd 1
hartnoll, rg 1
helmuth, bs 1
ho, kky 1
hodgkiss, ij 1
hu, jiamian 1
hu, jiaxin 1
hui, jerome h l 1
hui, jhl 1
hui, t 1
hui, tin yan 1
husa, s. m. 1
hyde, kd 1
jenkins, sr 1
johnson, m 1
johnson, r 1
ke, ch 1
khangura, k 1
kim, t. 1
kostylev, v 1
kostylev, ve 1
krebs, s 1
lai, jcy 1
lai, ws 1
lam, vyy 1
lam, yyv 1
lau, jackson w t 1
lau, sarah l.y. 1
lau, wtj 1
lee, c 1
lee, wc 1
lemasson, a 1
leung, brian kai hin 1
leung, jessica sc 1
leung, jsc 1
leung, k 1
leung, pt 1
leung, pty 1
li, s. m.h. 1
li, xx 1
lo brutto, s 1
lo martire, m 1
lo, cts 1
luan, t 1
lucido, gd 1
lui, gcs 1
maclean, ma 1
mak, yky 1
mandaglio, c 1
mangano, mc 1
manley, nl 1
marcelli, m 1
marshall, david j. 1
marshall, dm 1
martellucci, r 1
mcallen, r 1
mcilroy, s. e. 1
mcmahan, br 1
mcmahon, br 1
milanese, m 1
miles, a 1
mirto, s 1
montalto, v 1
monthon, g 1
mu, h 1
murphy, r 1
murray, j 1
ng, a 1
ng, j.s.s. 1
ng, ss 1
ng, t. p.t. 1
ngan, a 1
nitzan, t 1
norton, ta 1
not, ca 1
not, christelle a 1
orlov, a 1
osigus, hj 1
palmeri, v 1
paterson, dm 1
patti, b 1
perrins, jm 1
pirro, md 1
poon, dyn 1
pranovi, f 1
qiu, jw 1
reimer, j 1
rivera vázquez, y 1
rolan- alvarez, e 1
rolán-alvarez, e 1
rolán-alvarez, emilio 1
russell, bayden d 1
russell, br 1
saha, sk 1
samakraman, s 1
sara', g 1
sarà, a 1
schiel, dr 1
schierwater, b 1
seaward, dr 1
seuront, laurent 1
shih, ht 1
sin, syt 1
slingsby, gp 1
somero, gn 1
sousa, t 1
stafford, richard 1
stafford, s 1
sun, j 1
szabo, s 1
tan, als 1
tao, ls 1
tao, lsr 1
teagle, l 1
thompson, p. d. 1
thompson, rc 1
tsui, wy 1
vargas, s 1
varoqueaux, f 1
villarta, ka 1
voois, jm 1
wang, hs 1
wang, j 1
watson, dc 1
williams, g 1
williams, g. a. 1
williams, gray 1
williams, graya 1
willliams, g 1
woerheide, g 1
wong, c. w.m. 1
wong, ckc 1
wong, j. c.y. 1
wong, kkw 1
wong, t 1
worheide, g 1
wu, ay 1
yang, ky 1
yau, c 1
yeung, acy 1
yeung, jwy 1
yeung, wy 1
yip, wyv 1
young, l 1
yu, tn 1
yung, mnm 1
zhan, x 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
hong kong 8
biodiversity 7
limpet 6
mate choice 5
rain 5
assortative mating 4
biota 4
chiloscyllium plagiosum 4
china 4
compound-specific stable isotopes 4
coral reef 4
detritus 4
fatty acids 4
food webs 4
freshwater 4
gastropod 4
hotspot 4
inventory 4
marine conservation 4
marine predators 4
mixing model 4
monsoon 4
monsoonal climate 4
pearl river estuary 4
physiology 4
scale-of-choice effect 4
scoliodon laticaudus 4
species checklist 4
species richness 4
thermoregulation 4
trail following 4
trophic subsidy 4
tropical rocky shore 4
tropical shores 4
zooplankton 4
aquaculture 3
behavioural thermoregulation 3
bioinvasion 3
carbonates 3
ecological threats 3
ecosystem functioning 3
fishery management 3
global warming 3
habitat loss 3
inorganic carbon 3
littorinid 3
mate search 3
mating pattern 3
mucus 3
mucus trail 3
reclamation 3
sample treatment 3
settlement 3
sewage treatment 3
sexual selection 3
shoreline development 3
size-assortative mating 3
snail 3
temporal variation 3
thermal performance 3
acclimation 2
anthocidaris crassispina 2
area-specific productivity 2
authentic learning 2
barnacle 2
behaviour 2
behavioural plasticity 2
cellana 2
cellana grata 2
climate change 2
cohort analysis 2
communication 2
computer vision 2
correlation coefficient 2
crustose coralline algae 2
design-based research 2
differential geometry 2
disassortative mating 2
distribution 2
disturbance 2
echinolittorina 2
echinolittorina malaccana 2
echinolittorina species 2
endogenous rhythms 2
environmental stress 2
evaporative cooling 2
evolution 2
experiential learning 2
feeding strategies 2
foraging 2
gaussian mixture model 2
gene flow 2
habitat structural complexity 2
heart rate 2
heat stress 2
herbivory 2
homing 2
intertidal 2
invasive species 2
larvae 2
lethal temperature 2
littoraria 2
littorina fabalis 2
male-male competition 2
male–male competition 2
mangrove 2
mate discrimination 2
mating pair 2
mating pairs 2
mating preference 2
microsatellite 2
mobile tools 2
molluscan grazers 2
monodonta labio 2
nitrogen excretion 2
non-geniculate coralline algae 2
ocean acidification 2
optimal foraging 2
osmoregulation 2
persistence 2
pheromone 2
photogrammetry point cloud 2
polarity 2
population bottleneck 2
predator 2
preferred temperature 2
prey 2
primer 2
recruitment 2
reishia clavigera 2
reproduction 2
rock pools 2
rocky shore 2
saccostrea cucullata 2
scopimera 2
seasonal, tropical rocky shores 2
self-organisation 2
singular value decomposition 2
spatial and temporal variation 2
spawning 2
summer die-off 2
summer heat stress 2
summer mortality 2
surface roughness 2
temperature 2
tetraclita 2
thermal safety margin 2
tropical shore 2
-littorina obtusata - littorina mariae - shell shape - colour morphs vertical distribution - severn estuary 1
12s rdna 1
16s rdna 1
acanthopleura japonica 1
acclimation capacity 1
acclimation temperature 1
activity pattern 1
adaptation 1
adaptation, physiological 1
aggregation 1
algae 1
algal defences 1
algal epifauna 1
algal morphology 1
algorithms 1
allozyme variation 1
ammonia 1
anti-fouling paint 1
aquaculture management 1
assemblage development 1
barnacles 1
behavior, animal 1
behavioral ecology 1
benzofurans - chemistry - isolation & purification - metabolism 1
bioenergetic mechanistic modelling 1
biofilm 1
biogenesis 1
biogeography 1
biological factor 1
biology 1
biomimetic loggers 1
bivalves 1
body temperature 1
bryozoa 1
calorific value 1
carbohydrate 1
cardiac activity 1
cheat 1
chemical defense 1
chiton 1
chitons 1
cholinergic antagonists 1
chromatography - methods 1
chthamalidae 1
chthamalus challengeri 1
circatidal 1
clearance rate 1
climate-informed management 1
community structure 1
computer simulation 1
congener 1
consumption rate 1
cooperation 1
cooperative behavior 1
copper 1
county cork 1
crab 1
cryptic species 1
cyanobacteria 1
cyanobacteria - chemistry - isolation & purification 1
cyanobacterium 1
cytochrome oxidase i 1
deb model 1
demographic expansion 1
desiccation 1
desiccation stress 1
design 1
diet 1
dispersal 1
distribution range 1
dna barcoding 1
dynamic energy budget model 1
ecological relevance 1
ecology 1
ecophysiology 1
ecosystem 1
ecosystem engineering 1
ecosystem enigneer 1
ecosystem services 1
effluxes 1
emergence 1
emersion 1
encrusting algae 1
energy 1
energy absorption efficiency 1
engraulis encrasicolus 1
environmental pollution 1
epilithic 1
epiphytes 1
evolutionary biology 1
experiments 1
feeding behavior 1
feeding behaviour 1
feeding ecology 1
food availability 1
foraging behavior 1
foraging behaviour 1
fractal dimension 1
fucoids 1
fucus serratus 1
functional traits 1
gastropoda 1
gastropods 1
glacial period 1
glaciation 1
global change 1
grapsidae 1
grazing cycles 1
habitat complexity 1
halogenated carbazole alkaloid 1
heat budget model 1
heat shock 1
heat shock response 1
heat-shock response 1
herbivore 1
herbivores 1
historical ecology 1
host–parasite interaction 1
hydrogen peroxide - chemistry 1
hydrozoa 1
hypometabolism 1
hypoxia 1
immune response 1
individual-based model 1
indo-west pacific 1
interactive effects 1
intertidal benthos 1
intertidal ecology 1
intertidal ectotherms 1
intertidal grazers 1
intertidal rocky shore 1
intertidal sediments 1
ireland 1
isognomon nucleus 1
its1 1
ka/ks 1
kyrtuthrix maculans 1
lactones - chemistry - isolation & purification - metabolism 1
larval supply 1
life history 1
life-history traits 1
limpets 1
littorina 1
littorina mariae 1
littorina obtusata 1
littorina palliata 1
littorinid snail 1
littorinidae 1
littorinids 1
long-term 1
lough hyne marine reserve 1
maculalactone 1
maculalactone l 1
magnetic resonance spectroscopy - methods 1
mangroves 1
marine chemical ecology 1
marine ecosystem 1
marine natural products 1
marine provinces 1
marine reserve 1
marthasterias glacialis 1
mass mortality 1
mass spectrometry - methods 1
mediterranean sea 1
metabolic depression 1
metabolic theory of ecology 1
methodology 1
microclimate 1
microhabitat 1
microlaga 1
mobile fauna 1
models, biological 1
models, molecular 1
molecular conformation 1
mollusc 1
molluscs 1
monsoon rain 1
morphological variation 1
mortality event 1
mucus trails 1
mussel 1
n. radiata 1
n. vidua 1
nerita 1
nested 1
niche partitioning 1
nodilittorina spp. 1
nodilittorina trochoides 1
nutrients 1
nutritional value 1
osmotic stress 1
oxidation 1
oxidation-reduction 1
oxidative cleavage 1
oxygen consumption 1
p. rustica 1
p. ulyssiponensis 1
paracentrotus lividus 1
parameterisation 1
parasite 1
patella caerulea 1
patella vulgata 1
performance assessment 1
perna viridis 1
phylogeny 1
phylogeography 1
physical factor 1
physical stress 1
physiological adaptation 1
physiological constraints 1
physiological responses 1
physiological stress 1
pomacea 1
population connectivity 1
population expansion 1
population genetics 1
positive interactions 1
post-settlement mortality 1
predictability 1
protein 1
protein profiles 1
proteomics 1
random walk 1
range shift 1
reference window 1
refugia 1
rgb images 1
rhythm 1
rocky intertidal 1
rocky shores 1
salinity 1
sampling 1
scenarios 1
schistosomiasis 1
sea urchins 1
seasonal change 1
seasonal variation 1
seaweed 1
seco-dibenzyldiphenyl-4.5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzofuranone 1
self-organization 1
semantic segmentation 1
sesarmidae 1
sichang island 1
size spectrum 1
snails - physiology 1
social behavior 1
south china sea 1
spatial and temporal variability 1
spatial distribution 1
spatial heterogeneity 1
spatial variation 1
species distribution 1
species-area relationship 1
state-dependent model 1
substratum complexity 1
succession 1
sunlight 1
survivorship 1
taxonomy 1
temporal and spatial variation 1
tetraclita japonica 1
tetraclita squamosa 1
tetrodotoxin 1
thermal adaptation 1
thermal extreme 1
thermal preference 1
thermal response 1
thermal tolerance 1
tidepool 1
topography 1
trace metals 1
trade-offs 1
trail complexity 1
trematode 1
tribenzyl butyrolactone 1
tribenzylbutyrolactone 1
tropical 1
tropical intertidal 1
tropical rocky shores 1
tropical sandy shore 1
typhoon 1
vertical distribution 1
water loss 1
west pacific 1
zonation 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
astrobiology, climate change, pollution, public health, stable isotopes 14
coastal marine environments, marine biodiversity and ecology, shuen wan hoi, ting kok, tolo harbour and channel 10
biodiversity, disease, ecosystem function, microbiome, pollution 6
marine biodiversity database 6
anthropogenic disturbance, ecosystem recovery, fisheries, marine biodiversity, trawling ban 5
amount and composition, biodiversity reservoir, hong kong, macro- and microplastic, mangrove forests, monitoring 3
assessment, forgotten ecosystem, hong kong, marine biodiversity, remnant oyster habitats 3
coexistence, foraging activity, sea urchin, subtidal communities 3
detritus, ecosystems, food webs, seasonality, trophic-flow 3
echinoderm, marine protected area, sea urchin 3
heavy metal bioaccumulation, mangrove crabs, mangrove ecology, metabolic stress, thermal biology 3
hong kong, mangroves, where are they now 3
benthic biodiversity / environmental adaptation / hypoxia / ocean acidification / heatwaves 3
null 3
biocalcification by tubeworms 2
biodiversity conservation, co2 emission, freshwater carbon cycling, hong kong, human stressors 2
climate change, coastal ecology, dynamic energy budget models, species distributions 2
dna damage, genome stability, metabolic depression, molecular evolution, reactive oxygen species, thermal stress 2
ecological surveys, marine biodiversity, review 2
ectotherms, gene expression, metabolic depression, phenotypic plasticity, thermal performance 2
extreme environments, intertidal, local adaptation, metabolic depression, phenotypic plasticity 2
metabolic rates, natural selection, heatwaves, biodiversity, rocky shores 2
adaptation, behaviour, climate change, sexual selection, thermal stress 1
adaptation, climate change, marine gastropods, sexual selection, whole life cycle 1
biodiversity, climate change, ecosystem engineer, habitat loss 1
climate change, latitudinal gradient, littorinids, rock shores, thermal stress 1
future distribution of key marine species, identifying lantau's ""hotspots"", salinity profiles to assess 1
marine biodiversity, shuen wan hoi, ting kok, tolo harbour 1
supply-side ecology 1
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