Periodontology Unit of the Faculty of Dentistry

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
corbet, ef 276
leung, wk 101
jin, lj 59
lo, ecm 36
zee, ky 30
dyson, je 20
samaranayake, lp 20
jin, l 17
wong, mcm 16
botelho, mg 15
bridges, sm 11
holmgren, cj 11
comfort, mb 10
corbet, e 9
lai, sml 9
lin, hc 9
davies, wir 8
goh, v 8
lang, np 8
mcgrath, cpj 8
wong, rms 8
schwarz, e 7
siu, sc 7
chan, lk 6
davies, wi 6
luo, y 6
wan, cp 6
yau, jyy 6
yiu, cky 6
chan, ckp 5
koshy, g 5
lim, lp 5
mcgrath, c 5
soder, po 5
sun, q 5
cheung, bpk 4
liu, jks 4
mombelli, a 4
movva, lr 4
ng, sks 4
rabie, abm 4
söder, b 4
tam, jow 4
tan, hp 4
cao, cf 3
chen, a 3
cheung, ky 3
chien, ayj 3
frey, j 3
geng, sf 3
hu, cz 3
jain, s 3
kieser, jb 3
lam, kf 3
lee, dh 3
ng, dkc 3
ng, st 3
she, tt 3
tan, h 3
wan, p 3
yang, yg 3
yang, yz 3
zhou, sy 3
bridges, s 2
cao, z 2
chan, lk 2
cheng, rhw 2
chiu, gkc 2
chiu, jjn 2
daly, cg 2
dong, xx 2
duan, yr 2
evans, rw 2
fung, cky 2
fung, gwk 2
gmür, r 2
goo, cl 2
hagg, euo 2
ho, jcs 2
ho, kl 2
kan, kw 2
katrova, l 2
kawamura, m 2
kwok, a 2
kwok, wk 2
leung, pc 2
li, c 2
lind, op 2
lo, ec 2
luk, kc 2
meyer, j 2
mombelli, aw 2
ng, kss 2
ngai, vks 2
orwoll, es 2
ouyang, xy 2
seymour, gj 2
shum, i 2
smales, r 2
sun, z 2
tong, ksk 2
tsang, pwk 2
tse, od 2
woo, ms 2
yeung, skw 2
yu, c 2
zhang, hg 2
ahmed, hb 1
akinwade, j 1
al-hezaimi, k 1
alexander, c 1
alexander, d 1
balciuniene, i 1
barnes, ie 1
botelho, m 1
bow, hyc 1
brodin, p 1
brukiene, v 1
bucur, mv 1
bérard, c 1
cao, zg 1
chai, l 1
chan, acc 1
chan, bwh 1
chan, c 1
chan, fhy 1
chan, ps 1
chan, tps 1
cheng, ss 1
cherrett, hm 1
cheung, lk 1
chiu, bm 1
chiu, ml 1
choi, sk 1
chong, dlh 1
choumon, b 1
corbet, e. f. 1
darnaudet, jf 1
darveau, rp 1
di rienzo, j 1
dillenberg, j 1
ding, y 1
djukanovic, d 1
douglas, c 1
duggal, r 1
dyson, j 1
dyson, je 1
ekanayake, k 1
emingil, g 1
eriksen, h 1
fan, mw 1
faveri, m 1
feres, m 1
fisher, j 1
fox, c 1
gao, x 1
gebreegziabher, g 1
gmur, r 1
goffin, g 1
gréco, j 1
hackmack, pp 1
hirvikangas, h 1
ho, dk 1
ho, dkl 1
ho, eyl 1
ho, kl 1
ho, sky 1
hobdell, m 1
holbrook, wp 1
hull, p 1
humagain, m 1
hysi, d 1
ishikawa, i 1
izumi, y 1
javed, f 1
kamil, w 1
karaharjusuvanto, t 1
kemal, y 1
keung leung, w 1
king, nm 1
kumchai, t 1
kwok, ems 1
lai, ia 1
lai, mk 1
lai, sm 1
lam, wfb 1
lang, n 1
lau, e 1
lee, hmg 1
lee, kl 1
lee, skl 1
leung, scy 1
li, cz 1
li, klt 1
li, m 1
liang, b 1
liang, hq 1
lin, wsw 1
littleton, p 1
luciakdonsberger, c 1
lui, j 1
lui, jkc 1
lumley, p 1
lund, j 1
luo, w 1
ma, xx 1
mabelya, l 1
maccarthy, d 1
mahanonda, r 1
mak, k 1
mak, ryl 1
mathur, v 1
meng, h 1
meng, hx 1
newsome, prh 1
ng, chc 1
ng, kc 1
ng, kcd 1
ng, ks 1
nihalani, d 1
nihalani, dr 1
novaes jr, a 1
ono, k 1
ou-yang, xy 1
pang, sk 1
phillipsen, hp 1
phipps, kr 1
punzalan, pb 1
puriene, a 1
qadri, t 1
radnai, m 1
rajpal, j 1
ramli, h 1
ritz, a 1
rogerleroi, v 1
romanos, ge 1
saito, i 1
sakellari, d 1
samartzis, d 1
schou, l 1
scott, j 1
seng, z 1
sham, ask 1
shang, sh 1
siew, kl 1
silva, jr 1
sinkford, j 1
sixou, jl 1
soboleva, u 1
soder, b 1
söder, pö 1
tan, wc 1
tsang, eyc 1
tsang, yc 1
tse, c 1
tse, iyk 1
turner, s 1
uoshima, k 1
vaughan, aj 1
walker, rt 1
wang, zj 1
watt, rm 1
wei, shy 1
wen, fm 1
wilson, tg 1
wong, cm 1
wong, kyn 1
wong, m 1
wong, mc 1
wong, ms 1
wong, rwk 1
woo, bms 1
yamazaki, k 1
yanevaribagina, k 1
yeung, kws 1
yeung, rwk 1
yip, kw 1
yiu, c 1
zee, k-y 1
zhang, c 1
zheng, y 1
zhu, g 1
zhuan, b 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
humans 19
adult 15
hong kong 14
aged 12
periodontal index 12
female 11
male 11
middle aged 11
clinical competence 10
dentistry 10
problem-based learning 10
adolescent 9
competency 9
oral health 9
periodontal disease 9
curriculum 8
medical sciences 8
periodontitis 8
chi-square distribution 7
child 7
dental curriculum 7
dental education 7
dental graduate 7
dental graduates 7
dental practice 7
dmf index 7
education, dental - organization and administration 7
oral hygiene index 7
periodontics 7
prevalence 7
questionnaires 7
smoking 7
students, dental - psychology 7
china 6
chinese 6
dental 6
dental implants 6
education 6
employee performance 6
graduate 6
gram-negative facultatively anaerobic rods - isolation & purification 6
mouth - microbiology 6
periodontal diseases 6
plaque 6
statistics, nonparametric 6
survey 6
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans 5
behavioral science 5
blood glucose - analysis 5
case-control studies 5
china - epidemiology 5
china - ethnology 5
chronic periodontitis 5
clinical trials 5
dental plaque index 5
dental scaling 5
disease progression 5
double-blind method 5
enteric rods 5
gingival crevicular fluid 5
gingivitis 5
gram-positive rods - isolation & purification 5
granulocyte elastase 5
mouthwashes - therapeutic use 5
oral microbiology 5
periodontitis - enzymology - immunology - microbiology 5
periodontitis - therapy 5
preventive dentistry 5
pseudomonas - isolation & purification 5
smoking - adverse effects 5
socioeconomic factors 5
stenotrophomonas maltophilia 5
stenotrophomonas maltophilia - isolation & purification 5
tibetans 5
treatment outcome 5
urban health - statistics & numerical data 5
yeasts 5
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans - isolation & purification 4
adult periodontitis 4
age distribution 4
aged, 80 and over 4
analysis of variance 4
animals 4
bacteroides - isolation & purification 4
biostatistics 4
chemical plaque control 4
children 4
chlorhexidine 4
chlorhexidine - analogs & derivatives - therapeutic use 4
chlorhexidine therapy 4
chronic disease 4
dental calculus - drug therapy 4
dental calculus - epidemiology - ethnology 4
dental care - utilization 4
dental caries 4
dental caries - epidemiology - ethnology 4
dental health surveys 4
dental plaque - prevention & control 4
dental restoration failure 4
dentifrices 4
dinoprostone - analysis - metabolism 4
dna, bacterial - analysis 4
ecology 4
epidemiology 4
gingival crevicular fluid - chemistry 4
gingival crevicular fluid - immunology - metabolism 4
gingivitis - drug therapy 4
health behavior 4
health services needs and demand - statistics & numerical data 4
health status 4
interleukin-8 4
interleukin-8 - analysis 4
internet 4
leukocyte elastase - analysis 4
leukocyte elastase - analysis - metabolism 4
linear models 4
longitudinal studies 4
models 4
models, statistical 4
multilevel modeling 4
periodontal attachment loss 4
periodontal attachment loss - complications 4
periodontal attachment loss - pathology - therapy 4
periodontal diseases - complications 4
periodontal diseases - epidemiology - ethnology 4
periodontal pocket 4
periodontal pocket - pathology - therapy 4
periodontal status 4
periodontitis - microbiology 4
periodontology 4
periodontopathogen 4
pge2 4
porphyromonas gingivalis - isolation & purification 4
prevotella intermedia - isolation & purification 4
promoter regions, genetic 4
quality of life 4
sex distribution 4
statistical 4
tibet - epidemiology 4
toothbrushing - utilization 4
treponema - isolation & purification 4
wound healing 4
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 3
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans - isolation & purification - pathogenicity 3
actinobacillus actinomyceterncomitans 3
actinobacillus infections 3
adolescence 3
age 3
age factors 3
aggressive periodontitis 3
alveolar bone loss - complications - therapy 3
anaerobic bacteria 3
anti-bacterial agents - administration & dosage 3
antimicrobial agents/inhibitors 3
antimicrobials 3
asia - epidemiology 3
atraumatic restorative treatment 3
bacillus phages - genetics 3
bacterial 3
bacterial toxins - analysis 3
bacterial toxins - analysis - genetics 3
blended learning 3
body mass index 3
caries 3
carrier state - epidemiology 3
child, preschool 3
chronic periodontitis - complications 3
clinical periodontal variables 3
clinical trial 3
computer-assisted instruction - methods 3
concept map 3
cooperative behavior 3
cross-sectional studies 3
cytolethal distending toxin gene 3
data collection - methods 3
demography 3
dental care for aged - methods 3
dental caries - complications 3
dental caries - epidemiology 3
dental cavity preparation - methods 3
dental plaque - microbiology 3
dental prosthesis 3
dental restoration, permanent - methods 3
dentin and effectiveness 3
dentine hypersensitivity and health services research 3
dentistry, operative 3
denture, partial - statistics & numerical data 3
diabetes 3
diabetes complications 3
diabetes mellitus 3
diabetes mellitus, type 2 - blood - complications - metabolism 3
diagnosis 3
down syndrome 3
down syndrome - complications 3
education, medical, undergraduate - methods 3
educational status 3
endodontics 3
erythritol 3
exotoxins - analysis 3
exotoxins - analysis - genetics 3
extraction 3
factor analysis, statistical 3
first year 3
fluoridation 3
fluoride 3
follow-up studies 3
gingival hemorrhage - etiology 3
glass ionomer cements 3
glass-ionomer cement 3
gram-negative bacteria - growth and development 3
health knowledge, attitudes, practice 3
health sciences 3
hemoglobin a, glycosylated - analysis 3
home care 3
hong kong - epidemiology 3
impacted tooth 3
inflammation 3
inquiry-based leaning 3
interviews as topic 3
laser therapy, low-level 3
learning technologies 3
leukotoxin gene 3
lifestyle 3
local delivery 3
medical education 3
medical education professional development 3
minocycline 3
minocycline - administration & dosage 3
molar - pathology 3
molar, third - surgery 3
molecular epidemiology 3
motivational interview 3
mouth mucosa - pathology 3
mouth neoplasms 3
mouth neoplasms - etiology - pathology 3
mucositis 3
nonsurgical periodontal debridement 3
nursing homes 3
obesity - complications 3
operon 3
oral health status 3
oral hygiene - utilization 3
orthodontic appliances 3
patient outcome assessment 3
patient selection 3
periodontal attachment loss - epidemiology 3
periodontal diseases - classification - etiology 3
periodontal diseases - epidemiology 3
periodontal diseases - etiology - pathology 3
periodontal pocket - drug therapy - microbiology 3
periodontal pocket - etiology 3
periodontal pocket - therapy 3
periodontal therapy 3
periodontics and essential hypertension 3
periodontitis - microbiology - therapy 3
periodontitis - prevention & control - therapy 3
porphyromonas gingivalis 3
porphyromonas gingivalis - isolation & purification - pathogenicity 3
psychology 3
residential facilities 3
restoration survival 3
risk factors 3
root caries 3
root caries - therapy 3
root planing 3
root surface caries 3
rural health - statistics & numerical data 3
sampling studies 3
serotype 3
statistical model 3
streptococcus mitis - isolation & purification 3
students, medical - psychology 3
supportive periodontal care 3
surgery, oral 3
survival analysis 3
swine 3
third molar 3
tobacco 3
tobacco use disorder - complications - therapy 3
tobacco, smokeless - adverse effects 3
tooth extraction - adverse effects 3
tooth loss 3
tooth loss - etiology 3
tooth, impacted - surgery 3
toothbrushing - instrumentation 3
treatment response 3
tumor necrosis factor-alpha - blood 3
type-2 diabetes mellitus 3
absorptiometry, photon 2
acceptance 2
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans - classification - genetics 2
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans - enzymology - immunology 2
actinobacillus infections - enzymology - immunology 2
aggressive periodontitis - epidemiology 2
alcohol drinking - epidemiology 2
alleles 2
alveolar bone loss - enzymology 2
alveolar bone loss - radiography 2
analgesics 2
anti-infective agents - therapeutic use 2
anti-infective agents, local - administration & dosage 2
asian continental ancestry group 2
asian continental ancestry group - genetics 2
assessment 2
bacteria - enzymology - immunology 2
bacterial proteins 2
bacteroidaceae infections - enzymology - immunology 2
bacteroides - classification 2
bacteroides infections - enzymology - immunology 2
base pairing - genetics 2
bone density 2
bone diseases, metabolic - complications 2
cardiovascular disease 2
cardiovascular diseases 2
cardiovascular diseases - etiology 2
carrier state - ethnology - microbiology 2
chlorhexidine - administration & dosage 2
chronic periodontitis - drug therapy - radiotherapy 2
chronic periodontitis - prevention and control - psychology - therapy 2
chronic periodontitis - radiography - radiotherapy 2
clinical clerkship 2
cluster analysis 2
cone-beam computed tomography 2
cost 2
cross-professional 2
decision-making 2
dental care 2
dental care - manpower 2
dental care for aged 2
dental care for chronically ill 2
dental fear 2
dental health services 2
dental health services - statistics & numerical data 2
dental health surveys - statistics & numerical data 2
dental implants - adverse effects - microbiology 2
dental occlusion 2
dental plaque - complications - etiology 2
dental plaque - complications - therapy 2
dental plaque - ethnology - microbiology 2
dental prophylaxis 2
dental prophylaxis - methods 2
dental prosthesis retention 2
dental restoration 2
dentin hypersensitivity 2
dentine sensitivity 2
dentition 2
dentures 2
device removal 2
diabetes mellitus - etiology 2
diagnosis, oral - education 2
diode laser 2
dna - analysis 2
education, dental - methods 2
elastase, granulocyte 2
electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel 2
epidemiology and periodontal disease 2
european continental ancestry group 2
evaluation 2
exotoxins - genetics 2
factors associated 2
family practice - education 2
furcation defects 2
gels 2
gene amplification 2
gene frequency 2
genes, bacterial 2
genetic predisposition to disease 2
genotype 2
genotypes 2
gingival crevicular fluid - enzymology - immunology - microbiology 2
gingival crevicular fluid - enzymology - secretion 2
gingival crevicular fluid/analysis 2
gingival recession 2
gingival recession - complications 2
gingival recession - epidemiology 2
gingivitis - enzymology 2
gingivitis - etiology - therapy 2
gingivitis, necrotizing ulcerative - epidemiology 2
global mobility 2
glycine power air-polishing 2
health services needs and demand 2
health services research 2
hemolysin proteins - genetics 2
imaging 2
income - statistics & numerical data 2
inflammatory response 2
initial periodontal therapy 2
interleukin-1β 2
lasers, gas 2
leukoplakia - epidemiology 2
leukotoxin 2
logistic models 2
matrix metalloproteinase 1 - genetics 2
matrix metalloproteinase-1 2
men 2
molars 2
motivation 2
mouth diseases - epidemiology 2
mouth neoplasms - epidemiology 2
mouth, edentulous 2
nonsurgical periodontal therapy 2
oceania - epidemiology 2
oral disease 2
oral health patient-centered measure 2
oral hygiene 2
oral hygiene - statistics & numerical data 2
oral hygiene and periodontics 2
osteoporosis 2
osteoporosis - complications 2
outcome (health) and periodontics 2
pacific islands - epidemiology 2
patient care planning 2
patient compliance - psychology 2
periodontal attachment loss - enzymology 2
periodontal disease and pregnancy 2
periodontal disease and quality of life 2
periodontal diseases - classification - diagnosis 2
periodontal diseases - radiography - therapy 2
periodontal pocket - diagnosis 2
periodontal pocket - enzymology 2
periodontal pocket - radiotherapy 2
periodontal splints 2
periodontics - education 2
periodontics - instrumentation 2
periodontics and prophylaxis 2
periodontics and quality of life 2
periodontitis - complications 2
periodontitis - complications - drug therapy - therapy 2
periodontitis - enzymology 2
periodontitis - epidemiology 2
periodontitis - ethnology - microbiology 2
periodontitis - etiology - therapy 2
periodontitis - genetics 2
periodontitis/pathogenesis 2
periodontium - enzymology 2
photochemotherapy 2
photodynamic therapy 2
pilot projects 2
polymerase chain reaction 2
polymorphism 2
polymorphism, restriction fragment length 2
polymorphism, single nucleotide 2
polymorphism, single nucleotide - genetics 2
porphyromonas gingivalis - enzymology - immunology 2
poverty - statistics & numerical data 2
pregnancy outcome 2
prevotella intermedia - enzymology - immunology 2
prognosis 2
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 2
proportional hazards models 2
prospective studies 2
prosthodontics - education 2
psychosocial aspects 2
public health dentistry - education 2
radiograph 2
radiographs 2
radiography, bitewing 2
radiography, dental, digital 2
radiography, panoramic 2
reoperation 2
research design 2
respiratory tract infections 2
review 2
secretory rate 2
serotyping 2
sex factors 2
smoking - epidemiology 2
social class 2
staff development 2
staff recruitment 2
staff retention 2
stomatitis - etiology - therapy 2
subtraction technique 2
supportive periodontal therapy 2
suppuration 2
surgery 2
surgery, oral - education 2
survival 2
susceptibility 2
systemic disease 2
teeth and dentists extraction 2
time factors 2
toll-like receptor 2 - genetics 2
toll-like receptor 4 - genetics 2
toll-like receptors 2
tongue, fissured - epidemiology 2
tooth extraction - statistics & numerical data 2
tooth loss - epidemiology 2
tooth mobility - diagnosis 2
toothpastes - therapeutic use 2
treatment 2
treponema - enzymology - immunology 2
treponemal infections - enzymology - immunology 2
type 2 diabetes mellitus 2
wound healing and low-level laser 2
young adult 2
617.662 c78 1
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans - growth & development 1
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitants 1
actinobacillus infections - therapy 1
acute disease 1
anatomy 1
antebrachial agenesis 1
anti-infective agents, local - therapeutic use 1
artificial limbs 1
attitude to health 1
bacteria - metabolism 1
bacterial infections - therapy 1
biological markers - analysis 1
biotype and periodontium-gingiva 1
calculus 1
cervical projections 1
chlorhexidine - therapeutic use 1
colony count, microbial 1
community periodontal index of treatment needs 1
comparison studies 1
computer-assisted densitometric image analysis 1
cpitn 1
cross-cultural comparison 1
crowns - statistics & numerical data 1
dental abutments - statistics & numerical data 1
dental calculus - complications - therapy 1
dental calculus - epidemiology 1
dental calculus - ethnology 1
dental cementum - analysis - anatomy & histology - metabolism - physiology 1
dental cementum - microbiology - pathology 1
dental cementum - pathology - surgery 1
dental enamel - abnormalities - pathology 1
dental health services - history 1
dental plaque - complications - prevention & control 1
dental plaque - ethnology 1
dental records 1
dental research 1
dental scaling - instrumentation 1
dental scaling - instrumentation - methods 1
dental school 1
dental service, hospital 1
dental workforce planning 1
dentistry - trends 1
dentistry, operative. 1
dentists - supply & distribution 1
denture design 1
denture, partial, fixed - statistics & numerical data 1
denture, partial, removable - statistics & numerical data 1
dentures - statistics & numerical data 1
determinants of oral health 1
developing countries 1
digital subtraction radiography 1
disease susceptibility 1
disparities 1
education, dental - ethics 1
education, dental - history 1
education, dental - trends 1
emigration and immigration - statistics & numerical data 1
emigration plans 1
endotoxins - metabolism 1
epidemiologic methods 1
ethical issues 1
ethics, dental 1
faculty, dental - supply & distribution 1
far east 1
fluorosis, dental - epidemiology 1
food habits 1
forearm - abnormalities - surgery 1
forecasting 1
gingival hemorrhage - epidemiology 1
gingival recession - ethnology 1
gingivitis - etiology - surgery - therapy 1
gingivitis, necrotizing ulcerative - diagnosis 1
great britain 1
hardness 1
health education, dental 1
health personnel - psychology 1
health services accessibility 1
histology 1
history of dentistry 1
history, 19th century 1
history, 20th century 1
history, ancient 1
hiv infections - complications 1
hong kong dentists 1
hospitals, teaching 1
immunosuppression 1
international educational exchange 1
jaw, edentulous, partially - epidemiology 1
learning 1
lipid metabolism 1
mass screening 1
medicine, chinese traditional - history 1
metronidazole - therapeutic use 1
molar - abnormalities - pathology 1
molar - anatomy & histology 1
mouth -- diseases 1
mouth diseases - epidemiology - prevention & control 1
mouth mucosa 1
mouthwashes 1
odontometry 1
oral hygiene - education 1
oral medicine 1
parents - psychology 1
periodontal abscess - diagnosis 1
periodontal attachment loss - microbiology - therapy 1
periodontal disease -- diagnosis. 1
periodontal disease -- treatment. 1
periodontal diseases - complications - pathology - therapy 1
periodontal diseases - diagnosis 1
periodontal diseases - diagnosis - radiography 1
periodontal diseases - epidemiology - pathology 1
periodontal diseases - ethnology - microbiology - therapy 1
periodontal diseases - etiology - therapy 1
periodontal diseases - therapy 1
periodontal epidemiology 1
periodontal pocket - drug therapy 1
periodontal pocket - drug therapy - microbiology - therapy 1
periodontal pocket - epidemiology 1
periodontal pocket - microbiology 1
periodontal pocket - microbiology - therapy 1
periodontal treatment 1
periodontal treatment needs 1
periodontally involved cementum 1
periodontally‐involved cementum 1
periodontitis - drug therapy - microbiology - therapy 1
periodontitis - etiology - surgery - therapy 1
periodontitis - microbiology - pathology 1
periodontitis/microbiology 1
periodontitis/therapy 1
permeability 1
plaque control 1
polysaccharides, bacterial - metabolism 1
progressive periodontal disease 1
prosthesis 1
radiography, dental - methods 1
recurrence - prevention & control 1
root enamel 1
root planing - instrumentation - methods 1
root planing‐bacteria 1
root surface debridement 1
scaling and root planning 1
scaling/root planing 1
scanned images 1
schools, dental - ethics 1
sex characteristics 1
social responsibility 1
societies, dental - history 1
socioeconomic development 1
special needs patients 1
staining and labeling 1
stomatitis, herpetic - diagnosis 1
subgingival curettage 1
subgingival curettage - instrumentation - methods 1
supragingival plaque 1
surface properties 1
surgery, oral - history 1
teeth -- diseases 1
therapeutic irrigation 1
tooth 1
tooth - anatomy & histology 1
tooth abnormalities - classification - epidemiology 1
tooth diseases - epidemiology 1
tooth diseases - epidemiology - prevention & control 1
tooth fractures - diagnosis 1
tooth loss - epidemiology - radiography 1
tooth loss - ethnology 1
tooth root - anatomy & histology 1
tooth root - pathology 1
underserved areas 1
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