china |
29 |
hong kong |
22 |
public opinion |
11 |
democracy |
9 |
international financial center |
7 |
foreign policy |
6 |
governance |
6 |
hong kong (china) -- politics and government -- citizen participation. |
6 |
nationalism |
6 |
asian studies |
5 |
democratization |
5 |
globalization |
5 |
intervention |
5 |
myanmar |
5 |
rural electrification |
5 |
asia |
4 |
civil war |
4 |
confucianism |
4 |
corruption |
4 |
east asia |
4 |
foreign aid |
4 |
identity |
4 |
malaria |
4 |
migration |
4 |
political science |
4 |
survey experiment |
4 |
trust |
4 |
adolescents |
3 |
africa |
3 |
authoritarianism |
3 |
bario |
3 |
cities 2050 |
3 |
civic engagement |
3 |
civil service |
3 |
civil society |
3 |
climate change adaptation |
3 |
collaboration |
3 |
collaborative governance |
3 |
development finance |
3 |
difference-in-differences |
3 |
elections |
3 |
environmental regulation |
3 |
experiments |
3 |
flood mitigation |
3 |
gender |
3 |
global south |
3 |
green infrastructure |
3 |
happiness |
3 |
indigenous communities |
3 |
international relations |
3 |
just war theory |
3 |
legitimate authority |
3 |
life satisfaction |
3 |
local government |
3 |
measurement |
3 |
nonprofit organizations |
3 |
off-grid energy |
3 |
philosophy |
3 |
public diplomacy |
3 |
purpose in life |
3 |
qualitative evaluation |
3 |
regime change |
3 |
renewable energy |
3 |
representation |
3 |
rural development |
3 |
self-esteem |
3 |
signaling |
3 |
social cohesion |
3 |
socio-technical systems |
3 |
survey |
3 |
sustainability |
3 |
united nations |
3 |
united states |
3 |
adaptation |
2 |
administrative behavior |
2 |
administrative norms |
2 |
agenda setting |
2 |
alliances |
2 |
asian regionalism |
2 |
burma |
2 |
business and economics |
2 |
campaign-style enforcement |
2 |
capital accumulation |
2 |
censorship |
2 |
charitable giving |
2 |
civil conflict |
2 |
civil service reform - china - case studies. |
2 |
climate anomalies |
2 |
climate change |
2 |
climate policy |
2 |
closed nations |
2 |
coercion |
2 |
commoning |
2 |
comparative policy analysis |
2 |
compliance |
2 |
conflict |
2 |
confucianism. |
2 |
constitution |
2 |
consumer behaviour |
2 |
cooperation |
2 |
decentralization in government - china - hong kong. |
2 |
definition |
2 |
deforestation |
2 |
developing countries |
2 |
doctrine of double effect |
2 |
détente reversal |
2 |
environment |
2 |
environmental governance |
2 |
environmental justice |
2 |
environmental policy |
2 |
environmental protection - political aspects - china - hong kong. |
2 |
ethics |
2 |
ethnic conflict |
2 |
ethnicity |
2 |
family |
2 |
forest coverage |
2 |
functional representation |
2 |
global governance |
2 |
government ties |
2 |
government-nonprofit relation |
2 |
government-nonprofit relations |
2 |
health policy |
2 |
health systems research |
2 |
human rights. |
2 |
humans |
2 |
hybrid regimes |
2 |
hypocrisy costs |
2 |
ideology |
2 |
implementation process |
2 |
indonesia |
2 |
infectious disease |
2 |
infectious diseases |
2 |
information disclosure |
2 |
interconnected systems |
2 |
interdependence |
2 |
international order |
2 |
international organizations |
2 |
international political economy |
2 |
island cities |
2 |
just cause |
2 |
jürgen habermas |
2 |
knowledge requirement |
2 |
korea |
2 |
legislative council |
2 |
legitimacy |
2 |
local government - china - beijing. |
2 |
local government - china - changchun shi. |
2 |
local government - china - hong kong. |
2 |
local government - china - ningbo shi. |
2 |
local government. |
2 |
marine emissions |
2 |
mcmahan, jeff |
2 |
methodology |
2 |
mixed methods |
2 |
moral equality of combatants |
2 |
moral obligation |
2 |
mortality decline |
2 |
multiculturalism |
2 |
necessity |
2 |
neighborhood council |
2 |
neighborhood governance |
2 |
nesting |
2 |
non-timber forest products |
2 |
nonprofit |
2 |
north korea |
2 |
operationalization |
2 |
ophthalmology |
2 |
overlapping generations |
2 |
overseas chinese |
2 |
overseas development assistance |
2 |
partisan electoral interventions |
2 |
pearl river delta |
2 |
perceptions |
2 |
peri-urban |
2 |
permissibility |
2 |
philanthropy |
2 |
policy advocacy |
2 |
policy narrative |
2 |
policy politicization |
2 |
political reform |
2 |
politics |
2 |
politics and government - citizen participation. |
2 |
polycentric governance |
2 |
populism |
2 |
power |
2 |
public administration - china - hong kong. |
2 |
public services |
2 |
public-private sector cooperation - china - hong kong. |
2 |
race |
2 |
regression discontinuity design |
2 |
resolve |
2 |
responsibility |
2 |
responsibility to protect |
2 |
right intention |
2 |
rival regimes |
2 |
rugged terrain |
2 |
rural revitalisation |
2 |
self-defense |
2 |
semi-democracy |
2 |
sense of belonging |
2 |
shenzhen |
2 |
singapore |
2 |
social expectation |
2 |
social media |
2 |
social orientation |
2 |
social repercussions |
2 |
social welfare nonprofits |
2 |
south korea |
2 |
southeast asia |
2 |
sub-sahara africa |
2 |
sustainable consumption |
2 |
syria |
2 |
tactical bomber |
2 |
taiwan |
2 |
terrorism |
2 |
thailand |
2 |
trade |
2 |
transboundary air pollution |
2 |
transitioning regimes |
2 |
tricholoma matsutake |
2 |
tu quoque |
2 |
turn taking |
2 |
two-level games |
2 |
universal suffrage |
2 |
war |
2 |
whataboutism |
2 |
6061 aluminum alloy |
1 |
abandoning taiwan |
1 |
academic achievement |
1 |
academic integrity |
1 |
academies and institutes |
1 |
accountability |
1 |
action-guidingness |
1 |
active learning |
1 |
administration |
1 |
administrative integration |
1 |
adoption |
1 |
africa, north -- relations -- france |
1 |
age-specific mortality |
1 |
age-specific mortality rates |
1 |
agencification |
1 |
agency |
1 |
agent-relative considerations |
1 |
aggressors |
1 |
ai policy |
1 |
aid allocation |
1 |
aid shocks |
1 |
alamo |
1 |
alec walen |
1 |
alexander sarch |
1 |
alliance disengagement |
1 |
alternating moves |
1 |
alternative medicine |
1 |
alumni networks |
1 |
amartya sen |
1 |
anticorruption |
1 |
anticorruption attention |
1 |
anticorruption enforcement |
1 |
antipiracy |
1 |
applied public administration |
1 |
approximate analytical solution |
1 |
arab spring |
1 |
arash abizadeh |
1 |
armed conflict |
1 |
armed forces |
1 |
artificial intelligence |
1 |
asian financial crisis |
1 |
asian regional connectivity |
1 |
asian-pacific security |
1 |
assignment game |
1 |
attitude of health personnel |
1 |
attitude of health personnel - ethnology |
1 |
attitude to health - ethnology |
1 |
audience costs |
1 |
austria |
1 |
authoritarian politics |
1 |
authoritarian regime |
1 |
authoritarian regimes and development |
1 |
authoritarian regimes and ethnicity |
1 |
authorization |
1 |
autocratic regimes |
1 |
automation |
1 |
autonomy and control |
1 |
balance of interests |
1 |
bandwagon |
1 |
bargaining |
1 |
bargaining models |
1 |
bargaining success |
1 |
bargaining, brexit |
1 |
battle of the sexes game |
1 |
bcim-ec |
1 |
behavioral public administration |
1 |
bellicist theories |
1 |
bharatiya janata party |
1 |
bias |
1 |
bicameralism |
1 |
big data |
1 |
blame avoidance |
1 |
blameworthiness |
1 |
board |
1 |
borderland consolidation |
1 |
borders |
1 |
bribe |
1 |
bso |
1 |
building a new socialist countryside |
1 |
building participatory projects |
1 |
bulgaria |
1 |
bureaucracy |
1 |
bureaucratic attitude |
1 |
burma -- foreign relations |
1 |
burma -- politics and government -- 1948- |
1 |
burma/myanmar |
1 |
business community |
1 |
business ethics |
1 |
business-government connections |
1 |
business-state relationship |
1 |
campaigns |
1 |
canada |
1 |
capabilities |
1 |
capacity building |
1 |
capital resources |
1 |
categories |
1 |
ccp regime legitimacy |
1 |
center |
1 |
center displacement |
1 |
central angle |
1 |
central environment inspection teams |
1 |
charter reform |
1 |
chiang mai |
1 |
chiefs |
1 |
child well-being |
1 |
chile |
1 |
china -- foreign relations -- 1949- |
1 |
china -- relations -- china -- hong kong. |
1 |
china higher education (中国高等教育) |
1 |
china maritime studies |
1 |
china-us-taiwan relations |
1 |
chinaglobal southpoverty and inequalitysocial protectionindustrial policy |
1 |
china–indonesia relations |
1 |
chinese |
1 |
chinese civil war |
1 |
chinese diaspora |
1 |
chinese foreign policy |
1 |
chinese foreign policy actors |
1 |
chinese legalism |
1 |
chinese political fragmentation |
1 |
chinese political system |
1 |
chinese politics |
1 |
choice experiments |
1 |
christopher j. finlay |
1 |
citizen satisfaction |
1 |
citizenship |
1 |
civil conflicts |
1 |
civil rights |
1 |
civil service reform -- china. |
1 |
civil society -- china -- hong kong. |
1 |
civil society development |
1 |
civil society organizations |
1 |
claiming citizenship |
1 |
clarity |
1 |
class |
1 |
classic confucianism |
1 |
climate regime |
1 |
closeness |
1 |
co-decision |
1 |
codecision |
1 |
cointegration |
1 |
colonial universities (殖民大学) |
1 |
combat troops |
1 |
combined justification |
1 |
command-and-control |
1 |
commission of inquiry |
1 |
commissioners |
1 |
commitment |
1 |
committees |
1 |
common-pool resources |
1 |
common-pool resources (公共池塘資源) |
1 |
commons |
1 |
communicative action |
1 |
community-based elderly services |
1 |
communitybased management |
1 |
comparative party pledges project |
1 |
comparative political philosophy |
1 |
comparative political theory |
1 |
comparative public administration |
1 |
compensation |
1 |
complementary therapies - economics - utilization |
1 |
computational social science |
1 |
conflict mitigating |
1 |
confucian democracy |
1 |
confucian meritocracy |
1 |
confucian political order |
1 |
confucian political theory |
1 |
confucian political thought |
1 |
confucianism -- philosophy |
1 |
conservative |
1 |
constructive engagement |
1 |
constructivism |
1 |
consultations |
1 |
conventions |
1 |
coordination |
1 |
coordination enhancing |
1 |
corporate social responsibility |
1 |
corruption (腐敗) |
1 |
corruption environment |
1 |
corruption experience |
1 |
corruption investigation |
1 |
costly signals |
1 |
council |
1 |
council of ministers |
1 |
council of the european union |
1 |
covert operations |
1 |
covert/clandestine action |
1 |
covid-19 |
1 |
covid-19 in china |
1 |
craniotomy |
1 |
credibility |
1 |
crime crackdown |
1 |
critical theory |
1 |
cross-strait relations |
1 |
crowdsourcing |
1 |
cultural characteristics |
1 |
customary law of war |
1 |
data availability |
1 |
data management |
1 |
data sharing plans |
1 |
dataset |
1 |
david estlund |
1 |
decentralization |
1 |
decision making |
1 |
defence strategy |
1 |
deliberative democracy |
1 |
delivery of health care - economics - legislation & jurisprudence - organization & administration |
1 |
delivery of health care - ethics - standards |
1 |
delivery of health care, integrated - ethics |
1 |
democrac |
1 |
democracy -- burma |
1 |
democratic institutions |
1 |
democratic peace |
1 |
democratic people's republic of korea |
1 |
democratic republic of congo |
1 |
democratic theory |
1 |
democratisation |
1 |
demographic change |
1 |
deployment |
1 |
desire |
1 |
deterrence |
1 |
deu dataset |
1 |
developing country |
1 |
development |
1 |
development assistance |
1 |
developmental state |
1 |
diaspora diplomacy |
1 |
diaspora policy changes |
1 |
dictatorship |
1 |
difference in differences |
1 |
diffusion stages |
1 |
digital authoritarianism |
1 |
diplomatic relations |
1 |
discourse ethics |
1 |
discretion |
1 |
diversity |
1 |
divorce |
1 |
do parties fulfill their election pledges |
1 |
document retrieval |
1 |
domestic interests |
1 |
domestic politics |
1 |
domestic terrorism |
1 |
donor behaviour |
1 |
drinking |
1 |
duncan purves |
1 |
duty to retreat |
1 |
détente |
1 |
e-government |
1 |
e-health |
1 |
east-asian |
1 |
ecap |
1 |
ecological modernization |
1 |
ecological rationality |
1 |
economic analysis |
1 |
economic cooperation |
1 |
economic development |
1 |
economic inequality |
1 |
economic interests and security |
1 |
economic logic |
1 |
economic reform |
1 |
economic underpinning |
1 |
education |
1 |
effects of election interference |
1 |
egional organisations |
1 |
election campaigns |
1 |
election interference |
1 |
election pledges |
1 |
election promises |
1 |
electoral pledges |
1 |
electricity and development |
1 |
electricity supply |
1 |
electronic services delivery |
1 |
elite co-optation |
1 |
elite competition |
1 |
elite power competition |
1 |
elite repression |
1 |
emigration and immigration -- political aspects |
1 |
empirical puzzles |
1 |
employment equity |
1 |
endogenous growth |
1 |
endogenous long-run growth |
1 |
endogenous nonsynchronization |
1 |
enduring rivalries |
1 |
energy access |
1 |
energy aid |
1 |
energy poverty |
1 |
enlightenment |
1 |
environmental attitudes |
1 |
environmental income |
1 |
environmental participation |
1 |
environmental politics |
1 |
environmental risk perception |
1 |
ep party groups |
1 |
epistemic proceduralism |
1 |
epistemology |
1 |
equity |
1 |
error compensation |
1 |
error-correction model |
1 |
ethical assurance statements |
1 |
ethical citizenship |
1 |
ethics approval |
1 |
ethics reporting |
1 |
ethics, comparative |
1 |
ethics/politics division |
1 |
ethnic identity |
1 |
ethnic minorities |
1 |
ethnic politics in china |
1 |
ethnic relations |
1 |
ethnicity and development |
1 |
european commission |
1 |
european integration |
1 |
european parliament |
1 |
european union |
1 |
european union directives |
1 |
everyday resistance |
1 |
exogenous growth models |
1 |
expectancy-disconfirmation model (edm) |
1 |
experiment |
1 |
expert survey |
1 |
external kin relations |
1 |
external threats |
1 |
facebook |
1 |
fairness |
1 |
far east |
1 |
fdi |
1 |
federal government |
1 |
feedback |
1 |
fem |
1 |
fertility |
1 |
financial co-operation |
1 |
fiona leverick |
1 |
forecasting |
1 |
foreign direct investment |
1 |
foreign electoral intervention |
1 |
foreign policy decision-making |
1 |
forest management |
1 |
forest management (中國森林治理) |
1 |
forest policy |
1 |
forfeiture |
1 |
fossil fuel endowment |
1 |
france -- relations -- africa, north |
1 |
frances kamm |
1 |
frictional coefficient |
1 |
fringe benefits |
1 |
frowe, helen |
1 |
functional, solidarity, and pecuniary preferences |
1 |
fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis |
1 |
g2b |
1 |
g2c |
1 |
g2g |
1 |
game theory (博弈論) |
1 |
genetic engineering - ethics |
1 |
genetic enhancement - ethics |
1 |
germany |
1 |
gift giving |
1 |
giving quarter |
1 |
global cities |
1 |
global negotiations |
1 |
globalization -- social aspects |
1 |
goliad |
1 |
governance reform |
1 |
government capacity |
1 |
government public image (政府形象) |
1 |
government resource availability |
1 |
government transparency |
1 |
government weibo (政务微博) |
1 |
government-nonprofit partnerships |
1 |
governmental affairs (政务信息) |
1 |
graduate students -- china -- hong kong. |
1 |
grains |
1 |
grapevine |
1 |
great power expansion |
1 |
great powers |
1 |
greg janzen |
1 |
group consciousness |
1 |
growth and deterministic trends |
1 |
guangdong sheng (china) - economic conditions |
1 |
guangdong sheng (china) - social conditions |
1 |
gulf of aden |
1 |
guns-versus-butter |
1 |
han fei |
1 |
harmony |
1 |
health policy - legislation & jurisprudence |
1 |
health policy - trends |
1 |
health promotion - organization & administration |
1 |
health services accessibility |
1 |
health services, indigenous - legislation & jurisprudence - organization & administration |
1 |
helen frowe |
1 |
herbal medicine |
1 |
heritage preservation |
1 |
high-ranking officials |
1 |
historical perspective |
1 |
history of election interference |
1 |
homelandâ diaspora relations |
1 |
homeowners’ associations |
1 |
hong kong (china) -- politics and government -- 1997- |
1 |
hong kong civil service |
1 |
hong kong civil service values |
1 |
hong kong higher education (香港高等教育) |
1 |
hong kong police |
1 |
hong kong politics |
1 |
hope |
1 |
household economy |
1 |
human characteristics |
1 |
human participants |
1 |
human rights |
1 |
human rights -- burma |
1 |
hybrid account |
1 |
hysterectomy |
1 |
identification |
1 |
identity politics |
1 |
illiberal democracy |
1 |
image manipulation |
1 |
immigrant |
1 |
immigrants -- civil rights |
1 |
immigrants -- political activity |
1 |
immigration |
1 |
implementation |
1 |
incentive |
1 |
incentive for early retirement |
1 |
incentives |
1 |
incentives to deviate |
1 |
income generation |
1 |
income inequality |
1 |
independent agencies |
1 |
india |
1 |
indian national congress |
1 |
inequality |
1 |
influence |
1 |
informal connections |
1 |
information age |
1 |
information and communication technology |
1 |
information compensation |
1 |
information control |
1 |
information management |
1 |
information technology |
1 |
informational and sociodemographic |
1 |
informed consent |
1 |
infrastructure |
1 |
ingos |
1 |
inner mongolia |
1 |
innocence |
1 |
innovation |
1 |
innovation imperative |
1 |
insider provocateurs |
1 |
institution |
1 |
institutional change |
1 |
institutional design |
1 |
institutional disincentive |
1 |
institutional embeddedness |
1 |
institutional innovation |
1 |
institutional review boards |
1 |
institutional theory |
1 |
institutions |
1 |
intelligence |
1 |
intention |
1 |
inter-group prisoner's dilemma |
1 |
interest groups |
1 |
intergovernmental cooperation |
1 |
intergovernmental relations |
1 |
international court of justice |
1 |
international development |
1 |
international development and assistance geography population studies |
1 |
international dimension of ethnic politics |
1 |
international finance |
1 |
international justice |
1 |
international ngos |
1 |
international relations theory |
1 |
international sanctions |
1 |
international security |
1 |
international security environment |
1 |
internet |
1 |
internet recruitment of subjects |
1 |
internet technologies |
1 |
intersector relations |
1 |
intertemporal cooperation |
1 |
interviews as topic |
1 |
intrastate war |
1 |
ireland |
1 |
irrigation |
1 |
irrigation -- economic aspects -- developing countries |
1 |
irrigation associations |
1 |
irrigation management |
1 |
irrigation works |
1 |
irs registration |
1 |
italy |
1 |
james turner johnson |
1 |
japan |
1 |
jeff mcmahan |
1 |
john rawls |
1 |
jus ad bellum |
1 |
jus in bello |
1 |
justice |
1 |
justification |
1 |
justified attacker |
1 |
justified attackers |
1 |
kmt |
1 |
knowledge |
1 |
kyoto protocol |
1 |
laboratory experiment |
1 |
labour movement |
1 |
language |
1 |
latin america |
1 |
law |
1 |
law enforcement |
1 |
leaders |
1 |
leadership change |
1 |
leadership succession |
1 |
leadership transition |
1 |
learning |
1 |
learning objects |
1 |
least squares estimation |
1 |
legal citizenship |
1 |
legal pluralism |
1 |
legislation |
1 |
legislative bargaining |
1 |
legislative decision making |
1 |
legislative decision-making |
1 |
legislative politics |
1 |
legislature size |
1 |
lesser evil |
1 |
liability |
1 |
liability to attack |
1 |
liberal |
1 |
liberalism |
1 |
libya |
1 |
licensure |
1 |
lifetime human wealth effect |
1 |
lifetime labor supply |
1 |
limited liberalism |
1 |
local governance |
1 |
local government management |
1 |
local institutions |
1 |
local participation |
1 |
loglinear approximate solution |
1 |
long-run identifying restrictions |
1 |
longer-horizon mechanism |
1 |
loop case |
1 |
los angeles |
1 |
loubna el amine |
1 |
macau |
1 |
machine learning |
1 |
maize plantation |
1 |
malaysia |
1 |
managerial networking |
1 |
mandate |
1 |
mandates |
1 |
manifestos |
1 |
manipulation checks |
1 |
market conditions |
1 |
market-based instruments |
1 |
marketization |
1 |
maxime lepoutre |
1 |
mean age function |
1 |
means principle |
1 |
measurement error |
1 |
media |
1 |
median voter |
1 |
medicine, east asian traditional |
1 |
medicine, traditional |
1 |
mekong river |
1 |
mentorship |
1 |
metropolitan regions |
1 |
mexican-american war |
1 |
military ethics. |
1 |
military interventions |
1 |
military spending |
1 |
minimally responsible threats |
1 |
minimum wage |
1 |
minimum wage legislation |
1 |
ministerial autonomy |
1 |
ministerial system |
1 |
minusma |
1 |
misperception |
1 |
mixed account |
1 |
mobilisation |
1 |
moderating effect |
1 |
modern scientific medicine |
1 |
mongols |
1 |
monitor |
1 |
moral equality |
1 |
moral obstacles |
1 |
mortality |
1 |
mortality reductions |
1 |
mou zongsan |
1 |
multi-player |
1 |
multilateralism |
1 |
multilevel governance |
1 |
multinational corporations |
1 |
nation |
1 |
national defense |
1 |
national pride |
1 |
national representation |
1 |
nationality |
1 |
necessity justification |
1 |
negotiations |
1 |
neighborhood participation |
1 |
neo-institutionalism |
1 |
neoliberal globalization |
1 |
nepal |
1 |
netherlands |
1 |
network |
1 |
network structure |
1 |
networks |
1 |
new public management |
1 |
new public management reform |
1 |
nexus |
1 |
nexus drivers |
1 |
ngos |
1 |
ngo–government relations |
1 |
non-combatant immunity |
1 |
non-dac donors |
1 |
non-democratic regimes |
1 |
non-responsible threats |
1 |
non-state actors |
1 |
non-state institutions |
1 |
non-traditional security |
1 |
nongovernmental organizations |
1 |
nonprofit development |
1 |
nonprofit sector |
1 |
nontraditional security |
1 |
normative fragmentation |
1 |
normative resistance |
1 |
norms |
1 |
ntfp |
1 |
objective justification |
1 |
objectivism |
1 |
obor |
1 |
one belt one road |
1 |
online |
1 |
online engagement |
1 |
online participation |
1 |
online platform |
1 |
open government |
1 |
open source |
1 |
optimism bias |
1 |
organizational configuration |
1 |
organizational culture |
1 |
organizational effectiveness |
1 |
organizational performance |
1 |
other-defense |
1 |
overlapping-generations model |
1 |
parents |
1 |
paris agreement |
1 |
participation |
1 |
participatory reform |
1 |
parties |
1 |
partisan electoral intervention |
1 |
party cohesion |
1 |
party competition |
1 |
patriotism |
1 |
patron |
1 |
patronage |
1 |
patronage networks |
1 |
pattern of wage adjustment |
1 |
pay-for-performance |
1 |
pay-performance |
1 |
peace process |
1 |
peacekeeping |
1 |
perception |
1 |
performance |
1 |
performance information |
1 |
permission |
1 |
personalization of politics |
1 |
pharmacogenetics |
1 |
philosophy, chinese |
1 |
physician-patient relations |
1 |
piracy |
1 |
platforms |
1 |
policy coordination |
1 |
policy designs |
1 |
policy influence |
1 |
policy making |
1 |
policy positions |
1 |
policy process |
1 |
policy processes |
1 |
policy themes |
1 |
policy-making |
1 |
policymaking |
1 |
political agency |
1 |
political aggression |
1 |
political behavior |
1 |
political competition |
1 |
political control |
1 |
political culture |
1 |
political history |
1 |
political knowledge |
1 |
political myth |
1 |
political participation |
1 |
political parties |
1 |
political polarization |
1 |
political science -- china -- philosophy |
1 |
political science journals |
1 |
political sophistication |
1 |
political trust |
1 |
political/administrative culture |
1 |
politicians and bureaucrats |
1 |
politics of welfare |
1 |
pollution |
1 |
pollution abatement |
1 |
popular sovereignty |
1 |
population growth |
1 |
portugal |
1 |
post-washington consensus |
1 |
postcolonialism -- africa, north |
1 |
postgraduate students |
1 |
poverty attitudes |
1 |
power resources |
1 |
power transition |
1 |
pows |
1 |
precarity |
1 |
precolonial institutions |
1 |
prediction |
1 |
preferences |
1 |
principle of discrimination |
1 |
prior interaction |
1 |
private interests |
1 |
procedural models |
1 |
productivism |
1 |
program-to-policy-linkage |
1 |
progressive movement |
1 |
promissory representation |
1 |
promotion |
1 |
property |
1 |
proportionality |
1 |
protest movements |
1 |
protest policing |
1 |
psychology, military. |
1 |
public accountability |
1 |
public administration |
1 |
public administration -- china -- hong kong. |
1 |
public administration -- moral and ethical aspects |
1 |
public affairs |
1 |
public affairs academia |
1 |
public bodies |
1 |
public budget |
1 |
public engagement |
1 |
public interests |
1 |
public opinion and public policy |
1 |
public policies |
1 |
public sector bias |
1 |
public service innovation |
1 |
public service provision |
1 |
public trust |
1 |
publicity weibo (宣传微博) |
1 |
punctuated equilibrium |
1 |
punishment |
1 |
quality improvement |
1 |
quong, jonathan |
1 |
racial disparities |
1 |
rapporteurs |
1 |
rational politics |
1 |
rationale |
1 |
rationalism |
1 |
rationality |
1 |
real-business-cycle models |
1 |
realism in political theory |
1 |
realistic demography |
1 |
realpolitik |
1 |
reason |
1 |
reasonableness |
1 |
reciprocal engagement |
1 |
reciprocity |
1 |
reconstructive-analytic methods |
1 |
recruitment |
1 |
redistribution |
1 |
reform |
1 |
regime types |
1 |
regional analyses |
1 |
regional governance |
1 |
regional institution |
1 |
regulation |
1 |
regulatory regime |
1 |
relative gains |
1 |