Faculty of Education (Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences)

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AuthorsNo. of Publications
whitehill, tl 182
so, lkh 60
klee, t 55
stokes, sf 47
ciocca, v 43
samman, n 29
xue, sa 23
ma, epm 16
whitehill, t 14
klee, tm 13
ma, jky 12
masters, rsw 11
ng, ml 11
fletcher, p 10
lee, asy 10
cheung, lk 9
pickering, m 9
sader, r 9
carson, dk 8
mcpherson, db 8
moran, c 8
tse, acy 8
bressmann, t 7
dodd, b 7
dodd, bj 7
leung, cs 7
newbury, j 7
chun, jc 6
lee, sya 6
sultana, a 6
wong, lln 6
yiu, eml 6
chua, hdp 5
gavin, wj 5
masters, r 5
wong, wk 5
chun, c 4
francis, al 4
gibbon, f 4
hardcastle, wj 4
kwan, l 4
lee, a 4
ma, e 4
mackinnon, mm 4
perry, ck 4
tse, cya 4
wong, amy 4
xue, s 4
bridges, sm 3
buhler, d 3
chanchareonsook, n 3
chow, mmn 3
de schepper, l 3
hagler, p 3
hao, gj 3
henningsson, g 3
ho, wl 3
horch, hh 3
jiang, c 3
kou, xy 3
lee, fph 3
leonard, lb 3
ma, ky 3
mcallister, l 3
membrino, i 3
mok, c 3
mok, ckf 3
ng, ss 3
penn, c 3
perlmutter, m 3
sell, d 3
stringer, h 3
sweeney, t 3
tan, st 3
tideman, h 3
tsang, esl 3
westby, c 3
yan, n 3
zhou, j 3
awan, s 2
bishop, dvm 2
bressman, t 2
bridges, s 2
carson, cp 2
chan, jct 2
chan, kmk 2
chau, chf 2
ching, cky 2
dohmen, a 2
donaghy, t 2
greenhalgh, t 2
hedberg, n 2
higgins, e 2
ho, dwl 2
hooshyar, n. 2
kazemi, y 2
king, nm 2
klee, t. 2
kuehn, dp 2
lai, jfc 2
lam, cwy 2
lam, slm 2
law, sp 2
law, zwy 2
leung, css 2
may, s 2
mccready, v 2
muskina, g 2
polich, l 2
robertson, sj 2
schaffer, m. 2
so, lly 2
thompson, pa 2
trostcardamone, je 2
tse, fcm 2
wang, j 2
wong, awk 2
wong, lln 2
yoder, p. j. 2
yu, kkm 2
adaikkalasamy, s 1
ambrose, s. 1
anderson, a 1
au, dkk 1
awan, s.n 1
awan, sn 1
beckwith, j 1
berreucos, p 1
bess, fh 1
bleses, d 1
bransford, jd 1
brice, a 1
brice, ae 1
capell, k 1
carson, c 1
carson, d 1
catalise consortium (incl. klee, t) 1
catalise-2 consortium, 1
chan, bm 1
chan, kk 1
chan, rkk 1
chan, wk 1
chau, zcm 1
chen, dpw 1
chen, r 1
chen, y 1
cheng, dth 1
cheng, l 1
cheng, llr 1
cheng, lrl 1
cheng, r 1
cheng, rwc 1
chermak, g 1
cheung, bwm 1
cheung, ksk 1
chow, dty 1
chu, awy 1
chung, o 1
chung, osy 1
cioeca, v 1
clezy, g 1
cook, k 1
couture, m 1
culbertson, jl 1
d'souza, d 1
davis-dansky, e 1
de letter, m 1
diefenderfer, a 1
ferketic, m 1
fitzgerald, md 1
fletcher, p. 1
furlong, l 1
gatt, d 1
gavin, w 1
gibson, e 1
goldstein, b 1
gotzke, c.l 1
gunter, c 1
hagg, m.b. 1
hall, l 1
hao, g 1
hao, gh 1
harrington, j 1
harrison, g 1
harrison, gj 1
hime, lk 1
ho, s.m.y. 1
ho, wai-lam. 1
hodge, m 1
hodge, mn 1
hodges, j 1
hoole, p 1
howard, d 1
jackman-brown, j 1
jiang, c.h 1
jiang, dy 1
jiao, y 1
jones, dl 1
jones, h 1
jorgensen, rn 1
kaine, l 1
kane, l 1
kei, j 1
kemp, k 1
kent, a 1
kenworthy, ot 1
kong, aph 1
kornisch, m 1
kotby, n 1
kuehn, d 1
kwan chen, lly 1
kwan, lc 1
lam, csl 1
lam, kkc 1
lam, mpm 1
lam, sl 1
lau, cc 1
law, cw 1
lee, k 1
lee, s 1
letts, c 1
leung, hhm 1
li, dyh 1
li, mc 1
li, w 1
lo, acy 1
lower, a 1
ma ka yin, j 1
ma, h 1
matkins, n 1
mcceady, v 1
mcgrath, c 1
mcgrath, cpj 1
mcmann, g 1
mcpherson, b 1
mecrow, c 1
mencher, g 1
michael, al 1
miller, jf 1
mok, km 1
mondelaers, b 1
moran, c. 1
moransky, t 1
mougey, k 1
moyle, j 1
murdoch, be 1
nairn, m 1
naucler, k 1
ng, lm 1
ormiston, i 1
patel, r 1
paul, r 1
pearce, k 1
perry ck 1
ramsay, r 1
ratusnik, cm 1
ratusnik, dl 1
reece, s 1
reese, e 1
robbins, j 1
robertson, s 1
schaffer, m 1
shek, mk 1
sheng, h 1
smith, v 1
snowling, m 1
snowling, mj 1
so, lk 1
so, sys 1
stokes, s 1
tharpe, am 1
thelwall, r 1
thompson, m 1
tillard, g 1
tripathy, r 1
trost-cardamone, j 1
tsang, ly 1
tse, cy 1
tse, f 1
tse, sk 1
tse, wt 1
tsui, amy 1
varley, r 1
vigil, dc 1
wai lam ho, d 1
walstro, a 1
warren, sf 1
williams, kc 1
winkworth, a 1
witchitaksorn, n 1
wong, a 1
wong, cy 1
wong, ks 1
wong, s 1
wong, wp 1
xu, l 1
xue, mz 1
xue, sk 1
yiu, e 1
yonnie, myh 1
yuan, a 1
yuen, kcp 1
yuen, ym 1
zeilhofer, h.f 1
zeilhofer, hf 1
zheng, l 1
zubrick, a 1
何韋琳. 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
cantonese 9
speech 9
cleft palate 7
speech acoustics 7
voice quality 7
adolescent 5
child, preschool 5
phonetics 5
speech disorder 5
voice 5
acoustic analysis 4
assessment 4
case-control studies 4
child language 4
electropalatography 4
feeding behaviour 4
female 4
hearing loss 4
humans 4
infant, newborn 4
online problem based learning 4
orthodontics 4
pediatric dentistry 4
problem-based learning 4
programme design 4
programme evaluation 4
specific language impairment 4
speech intelligibility 4
speech production 4
speech production measurement 4
surgery, oral 4
vocabulary 4
唇腭裂 4
治療 4
acoustic correlates of pitch variation 3
affricate 3
analogy instruction 3
analogy learning 3
articulation 3
asian continental ancestry group 3
aspiration 3
aural symptoms 3
cantonese chinese 3
child 3
child language development 3
child language disorders 3
china 3
chinese 3
cleft 3
cleft palate - complications 3
clinical education 3
consonant 3
curriculum design 3
diagnostic accuracy 3
distraction 3
dysarthria 3
ear, middle 3
error experience 3
errorful learning 3
errorless learning 3
eustachian tube function 3
fullness 3
hearing disorders - etiology 3
hong kong 3
hypernasality 3
imagery (psychotherapy) 3
implicit motor learning 3
language 3
language acquisition 3
language delay 3
language disorders - diagnosis 3
language sampling 3
language specific errors 3
lexical diversity 3
male 3
mandarin 3
maxillofacial abnormalities - surgery 3
medical education 3
metaphor 3
mlu 3
motor activity 3
orthognathic surgery 3
otalgia 3
pedagogy 3
perceptual rating 3
phonological loop 3
phonology 3
physics 3
pitch variation 3
place of articulation 3
postoperative complications 3
practice schedule 3
sound 3
spectral moment analysis 3
speech motor control 3
speech motor learning 3
speech motor performance 3
speech motor task 3
speech naturalness 3
speech perception 3
tinnitus 3
tutorial 3
utterance duration control 3
velopharyngeal function 3
visuospatial sketchpad 3
acoustic reflection 2
adult 2
affricates 2
aged 2
airflow measurements 2
analysis of variance 2
articulation disorders - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 2
articulation disorders - etiology 2
articulation disorders - etiology - physiopathology - therapy 2
articulation disorders - surgery 2
bangla 2
bengali 2
biofeedback, psychology - instrumentation 2
cad 2
cantonese dialects - prepositions. 2
catalise consortium 2
cephalometry 2
children 2
children - china - hong kong - language. 2
cleft lip - complications 2
cleft palate - complications - surgery 2
cleft palate - surgery 2
cleft palete 2
cochlear implant 2
command search 2
communication 2
development 2
developmental language disorder 2
directed transfer function 2
distraction osteogenesis 2
down syndrome 2
down syndrome - physiopathology 2
dysarthria - etiology - physiopathology 2
education 2
electroencephalographic 2
endoscopy 2
environmental barriers 2
epg 2
facial muscles - transplantation 2
fieldwork 2
fluoroscopy 2
follow-up studies 2
formant frequency 2
glossectomy 2
glossectomy - adverse effects 2
glossectomy - classification 2
implicational hierarchy 2
inhalation 2
inspiratory phonation 2
instrumental analysis 2
intelligibility 2
interface 2
knowledge 2
language development 2
language development in bangla 2
language disorder 2
language impairment 2
language typology 2
late repair 2
late talkers 2
lexicon list 2
malocclusion, angle class iii - complications - physiopathology - surgery 2
maxilla - abnormalities - pathology - surgery 2
maxilla - abnormalities - surgery 2
maxillary advancement 2
medical education - methodology. 2
middle aged 2
modeling 2
movement 2
natural discourse 2
natural voice 2
nonword repetition 2
oral cavity 2
oral surgical procedures 2
oral surgical procedures - methods 2
osteogenesis, distraction 2
osteotomy 2
osteotomy, le fort 2
osteotomy, le fort - classification 2
palate - physiopathology 2
palate, soft - pathology - physiopathology 2
paramedical education - fieldwork. 2
parkinson's disease 2
part-of-speech tagging 2
pharynx - anatomy and histology - physiology 2
pharynx - pathology - physiopathology 2
phonation 2
phonological analysis 2
phonological assessment 2
phonological development 2
phonological disorders 2
preschool specific language impairment 2
professional issues 2
prospective studies 2
reconstructive surgical procedures 2
recurrence 2
reliability 2
reproducibility of results 2
retrognathism - etiology - surgery 2
reverse phonation 2
review 2
rhinomanometry 2
semantic inference 2
semantic search 2
sensitivity and specificity 2
singer's type 2
single-blind method 2
sound spectrography 2
space and time in language. 2
speech - physiology 2
speech and language therapy 2
speech articulation tests 2
speech development 2
speech disorders 2
speech disorders - etiology - physiopathology 2
speech intelligibility - physiology 2
speech recognition 2
speech therapy - instrumentation - methods 2
speech therapy for children - china - hong kong. 2
speech-language pathology 2
student supervision 2
surgical flaps 2
sustained attention 2
synonym expansion 2
template matching 2
tongue - physiopathology 2
tongue - physiopathology - surgery 2
tongue neoplasms - surgery 2
treatment efficacy 2
treatment outcome 2
velopharyngeal 2
velopharyngeal insufficiency 2
velopharyngeal insufficiency - surgery 2
verb inflections 2
verb morphology 2
verbal behavior 2
vocabulary development 2
vocal cords - anatomy and histology - physiology 2
vocal tract 2
vocal tract configuration 2
voice - physiology 2
voice disorders 2
voice disorders - surgery 2
voice-enabled cad 2
vot 2
vowel production 2
wonting memory 2
world health organization's icf 2
academic training 1
acoustic 1
acoustics 1
active learning 1
adolescents 1
articulation disorders - diagnosis - psychology 1
articulation disorders - etiology - physiopathology 1
asian-continental-ancestry-group 1
attitude 1
attitude to health 1
bilingualism 1
botox 1
brain depth stimulation 1
cantonese-speaking children 1
cerebral palsy 1
cerebral palsy - complications - physiopathology 1
child language impairment 1
child speech 1
children and youth 1
china - ethnology 1
cleft lip - psychology 1
cleft lip and palate 1
cleft palate - psychology 1
clinical assessment 1
clinical outcome 1
command-response model 1
communication disorder 1
comparison (比較) 1
concept mapping 1
continuing education 1
critical appraisal 1
critical thinking 1
cross-cultural comparison 1
cues 1
cultural diversity 1
definitions 1
developmental language impairment 1
differential diagnosis 1
direct magnitude estimation 1
disabled persons - psychology 1
down syndrome - diagnosis - psychology 1
duration 1
dysarthria - ethnology - etiology - psychology 1
early deafness 1
early language development 1
emotion 1
evidence-based practice 1
evidence-based practice (ebp) 1
external factors 1
f0 1
facilitating inputs 1
faculty 1
fieldwork education 1
fundamental frequency 1
grammatical analysis 1
health knowledge, attitudes, practice 1
hearing aids 1
hearing impairment 1
hearing loss, bilateral - rehabilitation 1
homeopathy 1
hyperrhinophonia 1
hypokinesia - complications - physiopathology 1
hypokinesia - ethnology - etiology 1
identification 1
instructional model 1
instrumental analysis speech 1
intelligence 1
intensity 1
international perspectives 1
interpersonal relations 1
intervention 1
intonation 1
intonation perception 1
intonation production 1
iran 1
language delays 1
language development disorders - diagnosis - psychology 1
language education (語言教育) 1
language sample analysis 1
language screening 1
language screening, language delay 1
language tests 1
larsp 1
learning approaches 1
lexical mixing 1
lexical tone 1
lexical tones 1
linguistics psychology 1
linguistics social sciences: comprehensive works 1
literature review 1
lsvt 1
maternal language 1
mental health 1
mental retardation 1
mentally - retarded children (弱智兒童) 1
models, theoretical 1
multilingualism 1
nasalance 1
nasalview 1
nasometer 1
occupations 1
outcome measures 1
parental questionnaire 1
parents - psychology 1
parkinson disease 1
parkinson disease - complications - ethnology - psychology 1
parkinson disease - complications - physiopathology 1
parkinson's 1
perception 1
perceptual 1
perceptual analysis 1
perceptual judgement 1
persian 1
personal contact 1
phonation- 1
phonological awareness 1
phonological disorder 1
phonological disorder (語音障礙) 1
phonological process approach (語音加工分析方法) 1
pitch discrimination 1
pitch perception 1
pre-literacy 1
pre-school children 1
preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses statement 1
preschool children 1
primary language impairment 1
prosody 1
resonance 1
risk factors 1
severity of illness index 1
social behavior 1
spasmodic dysphonia 1
speech assessment 1
speech discrimination tests 1
speech disorders - therapy 1
speech therapy 1
speech therapy (語音治療) 1
speech, intelligibility of. 1
stereotyping 1
stimulus effect 1
systematic review 1
task performance and analysis 1
teaching methods 1
terminology 1
toddlers 1
tone 1
tones 1
translation equivalents 1
treatment 1
validity 1
verbal-behavior 1
vocabulary checklist 1
vocabulary- 1
vocal tract development 1
voice disorder 1
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