big data, covid-19, international study, mental health, prognosis |
14 |
covid19, effectiveness, protection, sars-cov-2, vaccines, variants |
13 |
- |
12 |
refer to attachment |
12 |
active surveillance, adverse events, covid-19, pharmacovigilance, safety, vaccines |
10 |
1) adhd 2) big data network 3) epidemiology 4) child cohort 5) data linkage |
10 |
mri, population-based, psychosis, psychotic experiences, subclinical psychotic symptoms, youth |
9 |
antihypertensive, big data, blood pressure target, hypertension, target trial emulation |
8 |
child health, child psychosocial, low income family, parental mental health, parental stress, poverty |
8 |
abused women, chinese, perceived stress, qigong, rct, telomerase |
7 |
accident and emergency, alcohol, alcohol brief intervention, chat-based, mobile phone intervention, risky drinkers |
7 |
at-risk for depressive disorders, experience sampling method |
7 |
at-risk mental states, community, psychosis |
7 |
bipolar affective disorders, cognitive function, long-term follow up, schizophrenia |
7 |
breast cancer, cognitive attentional syndrome, colorectal cancer, fear of cancer recurrence, metacognition |
7 |
breast milk, formula, intestinal microbiome |
7 |
brief intervention, community, instant messaging, smoking cessation |
7 |
cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, ldl-c, mortality, rct emulation, statin |
7 |
cardiovascular, lipid modifying drugs, risk prediction model |
7 |
chronic disease management programmes, extended evaluation, hospital authority, public-private partnership programmes, qualtiy of care |
7 |
environmental factors, genetic factors, hypovitaminosis d, infants, toddlers |
7 |
artificial intelligence, children, adolescents, scoliosis, machine learning |
7 |
cancer-related cognitive impairment, cognitive function, lung cancer, physical activity, cancer-related symptoms |
7 |
refer to attachments |
7 |
resilience, social disadvantage, early childhood, developmental trajectory, social-emotional development |
7 |
schizophrenia, clozapine, long-term outcomes, mortality, hospitalization |
7 |
schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, self-harm, early intervention, early intervention service |
7 |
10-year follow-up, adult-onset, delusional disorder, functioning, long-term outcome, schizophrenia |
6 |
addiction, brief alcohol intervention, mobile technology, personalized support, university student |
6 |
aerobic exercise, cancer survivors, chat-based, exercise counselling, instant messaging, older adults |
6 |
anti-smoking, quitting behaviour, youth smoking |
6 |
anxiety, depression, meditation, parkinson's disease, yoga |
6 |
at risk group, chinese, diabetes, mobile app, prevention, validation |
6 |
biased inference, circular inference, clinical high-risk, computational modeling, first-episode psychosis, novelty salience |
6 |
brace, cost-effectiveness, idiopathic scoliosis, spine, surgery |
6 |
brief, exercise, instant messaging, lung cancer, physical activity |
6 |
cancer, genetic, heterogeneity, identify, intra-tumoural, translating |
6 |
chinese, climate, elderly, hong kong, mortality, suicide |
6 |
chinese, cognitive-behavioral intervention, postnatal depression, preventive medicine, randomised controlled trial (rct) |
6 |
chronic hepatitis b, cost-effectiveness, disease progression, drug treatment, quality of life |
6 |
cognitive enhancement, direct current stimulation, psychosis, rct |
6 |
cognitive outcome, diffusion kurtosis, functional outcome, intracranial germinoma |
6 |
colorectal cancer, colorectal polyps, cost-effectiveness, quality of life, screening |
6 |
coping, emotion regulation, mental health, partner stalking, partner violence |
6 |
coronary heart disease, handgrip strength, muscle strength, physical activity, smartphone application |
6 |
early-onset schizophrenia, gene-environment interaction, genetic, neuroimaging |
6 |
family intervention, healthcare utilization, household no-smoking policy, secondhand smoke, smoking cessation |
6 |
hepatitis b |
6 |
mindfulness, psychosis, randomized controlled trial, relapse, stress |
6 |
alcohol, workiing age, chatbot, screening, brief intervention |
6 |
cognitive function, cancer-related cognitive impairment, physical activity, personalised motivational messaging, instant messaging |
6 |
emergency room, advance care planning, end-of-life care, older adults and caregivers, motivational interviewing |
6 |
hospitalization -associated, post-discharge care, geriatric patients, frailty, hospitalization |
6 |
implementation science, symptom distress screening, cancer, stepped wedge cluster randomized trial, psycho-oncology |
6 |
null |
6 |
prehabilitation, health education, lung cancer, functional capacity, cost-effectiveness |
6 |
2019-20, mobile phone survey, tabacco control policy-related survey |
5 |
active referral, brief advice, emergency departments, evidence-based, quit, smoking cessation |
5 |
acupressure, caregiver stress, chinese, family caregivers, symptom management |
5 |
adhd, methylphenidate, seizure |
5 |
age-friendly |
5 |
age-friendly city |
5 |
alcohol, brief intervention, capacity building, smoking cessation |
5 |
anti-smoking legislation, impact, secondhand smoke |
5 |
baby-friendly community, baby-friendtly initative, breastfeeding |
5 |
baduanjin, cancer survivors, frailty, older adults, psychological distress, qigong |
5 |
behavioral change techniques, cessation service enhancement, mobile health technology, nurse-led intervention, smoking cessation support |
5 |
cancer, cluster, communication, perception, smoking, trial |
5 |
chair-based exercises, cognitve training, congitive function, dual-tasks, older adults, physical training |
5 |
chat, instant messaging, relapse, smoking cessation, tobacco, whatsapp |
5 |
chatbot, im apps, nrt, smoking cessation |
5 |
child protection, children and women health, cross border families, longitudinal study, social exclusion & integration |
5 |
children with disability, health, prevention, victimization |
5 |
chinese, complications, cvd, dm, mortality, risk |
5 |
cognitive behaviour therapy, mobile intervention, psychological well-being, rct, stroke caregiver |
5 |
cognitive impairment, intimate partner violence, mild traumatic brain injury |
5 |
cognitive–behavioural therapy, depression, early psychological intervention, ecological momentary intervention, instant messaging, stroke caregiver |
5 |
cohort study, elderly, healthy ageing, mastication, oral health, quality of life |
5 |
community, controlled trial, quit to win, smoking cessation |
5 |
community-based smoke-free, fy2020-2021, provision of research study |
5 |
community-based, management patterns, morbidity, primary care services |
5 |
depressive disorders, primary care |
5 |
diabetes prevention, diet, lifestyle intervention, physical activity, smartphone-based intervention, weight loss |
5 |
family doctor, health care, utilization pattern |
5 |
glycaemic control, rct, smoking cessation, type 2 diabetes |
5 |
health-related quality of life, implementation research, musculoskeletal problems, primary care, randomized controlled trial |
5 |
hotline, smoking cessation, youth |
5 |
m-health, relapse prevention, smoking cessation, social media, whatsapp |
5 |
mobile-based positive psychological support, promoting smoking cessation in the community, quit to win |
5 |
noise, noise sensitivity, non-restorative sleep, sleep |
5 |
olicy-related survey 2020-2021, online survey, tobacco control |
5 |
smoking |
5 |
suspension antibody |
5 |
tobacco control |
5 |
alcohol, marketing, normalization, ecological momentary, |
5 |
cancer survivorship, psycho-oncology, weight management, feasibility trial, lifestyle modification |
5 |
dementia, family caregiving, partnered exercise, dyadic health outcome, dyadic dynamic |
5 |
geriatric oncology, geriatric assessment, older patients, cancer, randomised controlled |
5 |
gestational diabetes, pregnancy, lifestyle intervention, mobile health, instant messaging |
5 |
long covid, cognitive impairment , attentional control, adolescents, mri brain |
5 |
lung cancer, aerobic exercise, tai-chi, symptom cluster , mediating pathway |
5 |
self-efficacy, motivational interviewing, tai chi, advanced lung cancer, motivation |
5 |
smoking cessation intervention, low-income older smokers, incentive, mobile health, real-time personalized support |
5 |
smoking, tobacco, chatbot, conversational agent, virtual assistant |
5 |
social frailty, depression, service utilisation , older adults, mediator |
5 |
walking exercise, exercise guidelines, exercise prescription, liver fat, obesity |
5 |
""quit to win"" contest 2018, brief intervention (award), increase abstinence |
4 |
""quit to win"" contest 2019, building capacity and promoting smoking cessation, randomized trial (smart) |
4 |
2021-2022, evaluation study, smoke-free elite teens programme |
4 |
2021-2022, policy-related survey 2019-2020, tobacco control |
4 |
abstinenc, air, cocktail"" intervention, promoting smoking cessation |
4 |
active referral, brief cessation advice, nicotine replacement therapy, randomized controlled trial, smoking cessation |
4 |
adhd, behaviour, child maltreatment, parenting, prevalence |
4 |
adhd, methylphenidate, paediatrics, pharmacoepidemiology, poisoning |
4 |
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, brace, randomized, controlled trial |
4 |
adolescent, cessation, experiential sampling, mhealth, smoking, tobacco |
4 |
adolescents, cervical cancer, hpv, secondary school, vaccination |
4 |
adolescents, e-cigarette |
4 |
adolescents, smoking initiation, smoking perception, smoking susceptibility, social norms approach |
4 |
advance care planning, cluster, end of life care, intervention, pragmatic, residential care home |
4 |
advancing information, communications technology, family services |
4 |
adventure-based training, chilhood cancer survivors, physical activity, quality of life, self-efficacy |
4 |
age-friendly city project |
4 |
alcohol, brief intervention, gamification, health promotion, implementation science, young adults |
4 |
alzheimer's disease, antihypertensive, big data, dementia, epidemiology |
4 |
anticoagulation, bleed, dose, gastroprotective agent, noac, stroke |
4 |
asian, diabetes, ethnic, prevention, program, south |
4 |
assessment and management, cost-effectiveness study of, in-depth, multidisciplinary risk factor, pep, ramp |
4 |
attention training, clumsy children, neuromuscular training, pediatric rehabilitation, postural control |
4 |
award, instant messaging, randomized control trial, semi-personalized smoking cessation |
4 |
behavioral risk, ecological momentary assessment, internet gaming disorder, longitudinal study, mental health, sensing technologies |
4 |
bioactive, bone cement, spinal fracture |
4 |
bmi-1, epstein-barr virus, infection, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, persistence |
4 |
brain tumors, musical training, neurocognitive function, quality of life, self-esteem |
4 |
breast cancer, goal disengagement, goal reengagement, longitudinal study, psychological well-being |
4 |
breast cancer, return to work, work productivity, work satisfaction |
4 |
breastfeeding, cohort study, infectious disease |
4 |
breastfeeding, hong kong, infant feeding, infant nutrition, intervention, professional support |
4 |
cancer survivors, physical activity, technology, website |
4 |
cancer, co-design, cognitive, older people, psychological, reminiscence |
4 |
carcinogenesis, centromere, chromosomes |
4 |
cervical cancer, dating violence, female university, sexual coercion, sexually transmitted, youth |
4 |
cervical cancer, hpv, precancerous leison |
4 |
child abuse, intimate partner violence, longitudinal study, pregnancy, risk factors |
4 |
children, cotinine, neighbour smoking, secondhand smoking |
4 |
chinese (hong kong) students, critical thinkingdisposition, instrument validation |
4 |
chinese, chronic pain, intimate partner violence, posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, women |
4 |
chinese, control, depression, intimate partner violence, posttraumatic stress disorder |
4 |
chinese, inventory, maltreatment, psychological, validation, women |
4 |
cigarette packaging, mobile augmented reality, mobile devices interaction, randomized controlled trial, sensing technology, smoking cessation |
4 |
colorectal cancer |
4 |
colorectal cancer survivors, diet, physical activity intervention |
4 |
colorectal cancer, longitudinal study, physical symptom distress, psychological distress, psychosocial unmet needs |
4 |
consumer health informatics, disease self-monitoring, health behavior adoption, human factors engineering |
4 |
cost, cost effectiveness, effectiveness, hypertension, multi-disciplinary, risk stratification |
4 |
cost-effectiveness, dementia, e-mental health, participatory gerontechnology, public health preparedness |
4 |
covid-19, health-related outcome, misinformation, population-based study, socioeconomic disparities |
4 |
depression, exercise training, insomnia, mind-body exercise, sleep, tai chi |
4 |
depressive symptoms, immigrants, intervention, intimate partner violence, mainland chinese, randomized controlled trial |
4 |
developing and evaluating a chatbot, increasing accessibility, smoking cessation services |
4 |
domestic, hong kong, service utilization, violence costs |
4 |
dual-tasks, congitive function, cognitve training, physical training, chair-based exercises |
4 |
dyadic intervention, family care, health-related quality of life, heart failure, hospital readmission, self-care |
4 |
e-cigarettes |
4 |
ecological momentary assessment, smoking cessation, tobacco control |
4 |
ema, hotspots, pictorial warning, point-of-sale, spatial, tobacco |
4 |
evaluation study, smoke-free, youth |
4 |
evaluation, iciq-nocturia, instrument, life, psychometric, quality |
4 |
exercise therapy, geriatric health, healthcare for older people, healthy aging, sleep health |
4 |
exercise training, fatty liver, hiit, metabolic syndrome, obesity |
4 |
female sex workers, hiv prevention, psychological intervention, randomised control trial, resilience |
4 |
financial incentive schemes, follow-up survey, smokers' response |
4 |
gestational diabetes, randomised controlled trial |
4 |
health care, scoliosis |
4 |
heart rate variability, menopause, sleep, women |
4 |
hong kong chinese, international prostate symptoms score, reliability study |
4 |
hpv, mothers, vaccination |
4 |
information need, information seeking, longitudinal study, postpartum adjustment, pregnancy outcome |
4 |
mobile phone survey, tobacco control policy-related survey 2018-19 |
4 |
smoking cessation |
4 |
smoking cessation, secondhand smoke, child health, brief advice, mobile health |
4 |
youth smokers |
4 |
""school"" ""education"" ""study"" ""programme"" |
4 |
acupressure, qigong, chemotherapy, peripheral neuropathy, cancer |
4 |
advance care planning, dementia, end-of-life care, palliative care, alzheimer's dementia |
4 |
alcohol, drinking, liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis |
4 |
dementia, feeding, hospital readmissions, randomized controlled, home care |
4 |
mindfulness, depression, dyadic care, parkinson's disease, gut microbiome |
4 |
neurodegenerative disorders, caregivers, behavioral risk modification, physical activity, mindfulness |
4 |
pre-hypertension,hypertension,lifestyle modification,intervention,rct |
4 |
shared decision-making, goals-of-care discussions, doctor-patient communication, chronic kidney disease, older adults |
4 |
stroke, caregiver, insomnia, sleep, cognitive behavioral therapy |
4 |
2018-19, evaluation study, smoke-free teens programme |
3 |
2021-22, evaluation study, school interactive education theatre programme |
3 |
abused, dwelling women, mental health, rct |
3 |
active referral, brief advice, health leaflet, nicotine replacement, smoking cessation, telephone counselling |
3 |
acupuncture, dense cranial electroacupuncture stimulation, depression, domestic violence, transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation, women victims |
3 |
adaption, behaviour, cultural, eating, psychologica, translation |
3 |
advance care planning, chinese, delphi study, mild dementia |
3 |
advanced care planning, alzheimer's disease, knowledge |
3 |
affordability of tobacco, price elasticity |
3 |
air quality, tobacco control, waterpipe smoking |
3 |
alcohol drinking, drinking pattern, primary school students, risk factors |
3 |
alzheimer's disease, dementia, exercise training, mild cognitive impairment, mind-body exercise, tai chi |
3 |
among men who have sex with men in hong kong, developing and testing an interactive internet-based intervention, reduce sexual harm of sexualised drug use (""chemsex"") |
3 |
becoming parents, enhance transition, hospital-community partnership, parenthood |
3 |
bisexual, dating, health needs, health status, lesbian, stress |
3 |
brain health, cognitive decline, exercise, mild cognitive impairment, peer mentoring, physical activity |
3 |
breastfeeding, diabetes, gestational, glucose regulation, postpartum |
3 |
breastfeeding, maternal health, maternity leave, policy evaluation, postnatal depression, postpartum depression |
3 |
brief intervention, habit formation theory, lifestyle intervention, pre-diabetes, weight loss |
3 |
brief smoking, emergency departments, quitting, self-determination, self-efficacy |
3 |
brief, cessation, communication, interviewing, motivational, technology |
3 |
brief, cessation, hotspots, intervention, promotion, smoking |
3 |
childhood cancer, children, fatigue, psychometric properties, validation |
3 |
children, parents, randomized controlled trial, surgery, therapeutic play |
3 |
chinese, experiences, intimate partner, intimate partner violence, relationship, women |
3 |
chinese, perinatal depression, pregnancy |
3 |
chronic diseases, general health approach, motivational interviewing, smoking |
3 |
chronic inflammation, hba1c, oral health, periodontal disease, randomized controlled trial, type 2 diabetes |
3 |
clinical effectiveness, cost effectiveness, scoliosis, screening |
3 |
cluster randomised controlled trial, never-smoking children, reducing exposure, tobacco smoke |
3 |
cognitive-behavioral approach, maternal role competence, postnatal depression, quality of life, social support, telephone-based intervention |
3 |
collaboration of parents, volunteers and professionals |
3 |
consumer health, diabetes mellitus and, randomized controlled, self-monitoring |
3 |
continous positive airway pressure, education, obstructive sleep apnea |
3 |
developmental, motor proficiency, randomised controlled, skeletal development, taekwondo |
3 |
diabetes prevention, diet, lifestyle interventions, physical activity, pre-diabetes |
3 |
diabetic macular edema, diabetic retinopathy, external limiting membrane, optical coherence tomography, retinal ultrastructures |
3 |
dietary intervention, glycaemic index, inflammation, insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, telomere |
3 |
ebv infection, nasopharyngeal carcinoma |
3 |
elderly patients, problem-solving counselling |
3 |
epstein-barr virus, immortalization, interleukin-6, interleulin-6 receptor, nasopharyngeal |
3 |
evaluation study, school interactive education theatre programme 2020-21 |
3 |
exercise intervention, hiit, interval training, metabolic syndrome, obesity |
3 |
family-focused, mental health, mental well-being, m-health, positive psychology, postiive interventions |
3 |
gay, image-based sexual abuse, men who have sex with men, sexual abuse, technology-facilitated abuse |
3 |
hardcore smokers, smoking cessation, tobacco policy |
3 |
helping youth smokers, stop smoking, youth quitline programme |
3 |
hpv, instant messaging, mhealth, vaccination |
3 |
human milk donation, lactation, milk banks, policy, theory of planned behavior |
3 |
intergenerational learning, reading programme |
3 |
mental health |
3 |
mindfulness, smoking cessation, women in the workplace |
3 |
policy-related, survey, tobacco control |
3 |
pregnant abused |
3 |
promoting, smoking cessation |
3 |
risky sexual behaviour, sex education, sexual consent, virtual reality |
3 |
smoke-free teens |
3 |
smoking among students |
3 |
smoking-related trends |
3 |
1) robotics 2) robot programming 3) human robot interaction 4) robot planning 5) service robot |
3 |
artificial intelligence , children, adolescents, scoliosis
3 |
language learner strategies, strategy instruction, second language listening, english medium instruction |
3 |
progressive neurological, palliative care, support care, psychological, spiritual |
3 |
sexual health, risky sexual behaviors , men who have sex with men, hiv, stis |
3 |
2020-2021, evaluation study, smoke-free teens programme |
2 |
a pragmatic randomized controlled trial on mobile phone based intervention, smoking cessation and reducing mental health symptoms, smoking cessation program |
2 |
abused women, domestic violence, psychological health |
2 |
anti-smoking, evaluation, performance, theatre |
2 |
anxiety, attachment theory, childhood adversities, risky behaviors, sexual decision-making |
2 |
attention, brain health, cognitive function, mild cognitive impairment, sudoku puzzle, working memory |
2 |
attitude, behaviour, in-patient, quitting, risk perception, smoking |
2 |
baby friendly hospital initiative, breastfeeding, infant formula |
2 |
breast milk expression, breastfeeding |
2 |
cardiovascular risks, chinese, heart rate variability, long working hours, socioeconomic status |
2 |
cardiovascular risks, middle-aged, psychological distress, socioeconomic status |
2 |
central retinal thickness, cost effectiveness, diabetic macular edema, optical coherence, subclinical diabetic |
2 |
cessation, female, promoting, smokers, smoking, training |
2 |
chatbot, conversation agent, coronavirus, covid-19, immunization, vaccination |
2 |
childhood cancer, children and adolescent, osteosarcoma, quality of life, survivor |
2 |
childhood obesity, children, exercise, physical fitness, physical inactivity |
2 |
chinese medicine, randomized clinical trial, respiratory tract infections |
2 |
chinese women, cognitive appraisals, coping strategies, emotional states, intimate partner violence, psychological stress |
2 |
corporate environment, smoking cessation, tobacco, tobacco control |
2 |
counselling hotline service, drug-abusing youth and young adults, medical peer addiction, medpac hotline |
2 |
cross-sectional study, psychological resilience, v |
2 |
cut down to quit, quit immediately, quitting, randomised controlled trial, smoking |
2 |
diabetes prevention, lifestyle intervention, pre-diabetes, weight loss |
2 |
disordered eating, pregnant |
2 |
ehealth, internet, mobile phone, survey |
2 |
engaging diabetic, hypertensive patients, photovoice |
2 |
epstein-barr virus, il-6, il-6 receptor, nasopharyngeal epithelial cell, persistence |
2 |
epstein-barr virus, infection, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, persistance, retention |
2 |
evaluation study, school interactive education theatre programme |
2 |
evaluation study, school interactive education, theatre programme 2018-19 |
2 |
evaluation study, school interactive education, theatre programme 2019-20 |
2 |
evaluation study, smoke free teens programme 2019-2020 |
2 |
evaluation, smoking cessation programme, workplaces in hong kong |
2 |
facebook, interactive, ipads, iphones, sexuality education, youngsters |
2 |
infectious disease, infleunza, influenza vaccine, pregnancy |
2 |
infectious disease, influenza, influenza vaccine, pregnancy |
2 |
jockey club elderly support project, under the new normal |
2 |
learning, student |
2 |
neonatal nutrition, neonatal outcome, preterm infants |
2 |
perceptions and motivations amongst young adults, qualitative study, waterpipe smoking experiences |
2 |
perceptions of tobacco packaging |
2 |
sars |
2 |
school interactive education theatre programme |
2 |
smoke-free ambassador |
2 |
smoke-free youth ambassador |
2 |
smoking cessation programme in workplaces |
2 |
smoking hazards |
2 |
antimicrobial resistance, surveillance, public health, risk factor, big data |
2 |
generative ai; artificial intelligence; conversational agent; adolescents; young people |
2 |
obesity, pre-diabetes, south asian, lifestyle intervention |
2 |
prehabilitation, frailty, cardiovascular disease, cardiac surgery, feasibility |
2 |
telehealth, social cognitive theory, breastfeeding |
2 |
abuse, depression, intervention, women |
1 |
abused women |
1 |
abused women, cross-cultural study, depression, intimate partner violence |
1 |
accident and emergency, cohabitating women, injuries, intimate partner violence |
1 |
active referral, smoking cessation |
1 |
acupressure, cancer-related fatigue, chemotherapy, exercise |
1 |
acute myocardial infarction, behavioral intention, care seeking, narrative, prehospital delay |
1 |
acute myocardial infarction, older chinese in hong kong, patient delay, pre-hospital delay, treatment seeking behaviour |
1 |
adolescent, cotinine, e-cigarettes, secondhand smoke, smoking |
1 |
adventure-based training, childhood cancer survivors, experiential learning, physical activity, quality of life, self-efficacy |
1 |
adventure-based, children, depressive symptoms, self-esteem |
1 |
alcohol, ecological momentary, marketing, normalization |
1 |
ambassador, dating, dating violence |
1 |
anxiety, assessment, children, emotions, nursing, surgery |
1 |
anxiety, depression, psychosomatic symptoms |
1 |
anxiety, risky sexual behaviours, young adults |
1 |
atrial fibrillation, empowerment, model of care, patient participation, self-management |
1 |
attitudes, behavior, cancer, qualitative study, rsik perception, smoking |
1 |
balance and mobility, mhealth, mindfulness yoga, parkinson's disease, symptom management |
1 |
breastfeeding, breastfeeding duration, peer support |
1 |
cancer survivors, childhood, physical activity, quality of life |
1 |
cancer treatment, childhood cancer, management, prevention, tumour lysis syndrome |
1 |
cancer, children, chinese, coping |
1 |
cancer, children, chinese, hong kong, physical, psychological |
1 |
cancer, children, chinese, quality-of-life |
1 |
cancer, children, community, mental well-being, nurse |
1 |
cancer, children, depressive symptoms, survivors |
1 |
caregiving in dementia, coping model, meaning making model, positive aspects, transactional stress, unravelling |
1 |
childhood brain tumours survivors, muscial training, neuro-cognitive function, psychological well-being |
1 |
childhood cancer survivors, depressive symptoms, fatigue, physical activity, quality of life |
1 |
children, coping, surgery |
1 |
children, emotional responses, surgery |
1 |
children, mental health, psychological distress, self-esteem, theapeutic play |
1 |
chinese women, domestic vioilence, intimate terrorism, mental health, sexual assault, situational couple violence |
1 |
chinese, intervention, safety, trial, violence, women |
1 |
chinese, intimate partner violence, pregnancy, risk factor |
1 |
chinese, lifestyle, risk behaviour, smoking, youth |
1 |
chinese, mental distress, quality of life, sexual minority |
1 |
chinese, mental well-being, play, primary school, students |
1 |
chinese, risk factors, somatic symptoms |
1 |
chronic, domiciliary, hypercapnic, information-motivation-behavioral, respiratory, ventilation |
1 |
cognitive behavioural therapy, depression, mhealth, stroke |
1 |
cognitive functioning, intimate partner violence, mental health, mild traumatic brain injury, physical health |
1 |
community, contest, hong kong, quit, quit-to-win, smoker |
1 |
community-based, smoke-free campaign |
1 |
critical care, delirium, icu, nurse, nursing education, simulation education |
1 |
cut down to quit, quit to win, smoking cessation |
1 |
cybersex, hiv, men who have sex with men, risky sexual behaviours, sexual health |
1 |
drug abuse, motivational interviewing, youth |
1 |
effectiveness, therapeutic |
1 |
electronic cigarettes, smoking cessation, tobacco products, youth |
1 |
emergency departments, self-determination theory, smoking cessation |
1 |
empowerment intervention |
1 |
happy, healthy, harmony, in-law relationship, intergenerational relationship, pregnancy, transition to parenthood |
1 |
hku overseas |
1 |
hong kong jockey club nice-link project |
1 |
initimate partner sexual violence, mental health, quality of life |
1 |
integrated intervention, internet addiction, problematic internet use, remote delivered intervention, university students, wechat-based |
1 |
intimate partner violence, neuroanatomical impact, neurobiological impact |
1 |
n/a |
1 |
nurse |
1 |
pregnant chinese women |
1 |
quit win contest, randomized controlled trial, smoking cessation |
1 |
research output prize |
1 |
stroke |
1 |
""biomarkers"", ""dementia"", ""expressed emotion"", ""similarity-based federated learning"", ""neuro-psychiatric symptoms"" |
1 |
/ |
1 |
dementia, antibiotics, medication safety, encephalopathy hospitalization, |
1 |
dementia; automobile driving; depression; rural population; urban population |
1 |
extreme cold weather, climate change, design guidance, weather information services, climate resilience |
1 |
innovative models of care,information communication technologies,smoking cessation interventions,personalized behavioral support,community |
1 |
pharmaceutical treatment, cessation |
1 |
smoking cessation, social media, instant messaging, adolescent, chinese |
1 |
smoking, tobacco, cessation, typology, q-methodology |
1 |
university, mental health, lifestyleemerging adulthood is the peak age for the start of the majority of mental health issues. this period, during which many young people attend college, is also characterised by a change in a variety of lifestyle patterns, including an increase in sedentary behaviour and physical inactivity, worse eating habits, sleep quality, and drug use. evidence in the general population has already shown links between such lifestyle choices and an elevated risk of mental health disorder |
1 |