Browsing by Datset RGC Code 1211 - epidemiology 流行病學

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Data from: Modes of Transmission of Influenza B Virus in Households
Fang, Vicky J.
Suntarattiwong, Piyarat
Olsen, Sonja J.
Levy, Jens
Uyeki, Timothy M.
Chotpitayasunondh, Tawee
Nishiura, Hiroshi
Simmerman, J. Mark
Data from: Surveillance for Seasonal Influenza Virus Prevalence in Hospitalized Children with Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Guangzhou, China during the Post-Pandemic Era
Guan, Wen Da
Gong, Xiao Yan
Chen, Ting Ting
Wu, Shi Guan
Pan, Si Hua
Yang, Zi Feng
Chen, De Hui
Data from: Avian Influenza A H7N9 Virus Induces Severe Pneumonia in Mice without Prior Adaptation and Responds to a Combination of Zanamivir and COX-2 Inhibitor
Li, Can
Li, Chuangen
Lee, Andrew C. Y.
Zhu, Houshun
Wu, Hazel W. L.
Li, Lanjuan
Data from: Quantification of Influenza Virus RNA in Aerosols in Patient Rooms
Leung, Nancy H. L.
Zhou, Jie
Chu, Daniel K. W.
Yu, Han
Lindsley, William G.
Beezhold, Donald H.
Seto, Wing-Hong
Data from: Live Bird Exposure among the General Public, Guangzhou, China, May 2013
Yuan, Jun
Chen, Guang Yan
Yang, Zhi Cong
Ma, Xiao Wei
Chen, Jian Dong
Liu, Yan Hui
Wang, Chang
Tang, Xiao Ping
Liu, Yu Fei
Zhuo, Li
Zhang, Wei
Wang, Ming
Data from: Epidemiological and Evolutionary Dynamics of Influenza B Viruses in Malaysia, 2012-2014
Oong, Xiang Yong
Ng, Kim Tien
Pang, Yong Kek
Chan, Kok Gan
Hanafi, Nik Sherina
Kamarulzaman, Adeeba
Tee, Kok Keng
Data from: Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease in China: Modeling Epidemic Dynamics of Enterovirus Serotypes and Implications for Vaccination
Takahashi, Saki
Liao, Qiaohong
Van Boeckel, Thomas P.
Xing, Weijia
Sun, Junling
Hsiao, Victor Y.
Metcalf, C. Jessica E.
Chang, Zhaorui
Liu, Fengfeng
Zhang, Jing
Farrar, Jeremy J.
van Doorn, H. Rogier
Grenfell, Bryan T.
Yu, Hongjie
Data from: IL-17A Promotes Pulmonary B-1a Cell Differentiation via Induction of Blimp-1 Expression during Influenza Virus Infection
Wang, Xiaohui
Ma, Kongyang
Chen, Miao
Ko, King-Hung
Data from: Individual correlates of infectivity of influenza A virus infections in households
Tsang, Tim K.
Fang, Vicky J.
Cauchemez, Simon