Faculty of Engineering

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General Information
Faculty of Engineering  
3917 2803
2546 9142 
Key People
3917 2800

Associate Dean
2859 8025

Associate Dean
2587 8490

Associate Dean
2859 2172

Associate Dean
2859 1973

Associate Dean
2859 1964

Associate Dean
3917 8493

Associate Dean
2857 8551

Faculty Secretary
Mr Tsang, WK
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RP - Teaching List, Current
2022 S1CIVL21041FHydraulics and Hydrology
2022 S1COMP32311AComputer architecture
2019 S1ENGG13101B2Electricity and electronics
2018 S1ENGG13501AThermofluid mechanics
2019 S1MATH18511ACalculus and ordinary differential equations
2019 S2CIVL11152BCivil engineering informatics
Wong, Cheuk Pong
2019 S2CIVL60272AFoundation engineering
Kwan, Shun Hang
2023 S2DASC76062BDeep learning
Chan, Mee Yee
2021 S2IMSE70342BOperational research
2021 S1CCST90201ASustainable Development of the Built Environment
Mak, Chai Kwong
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