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TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Tomás Pereira and the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk
Proceeding/Conference:Tomás Pereira S.J. (1646-1708): Life, Work and World
Hokkien Sangleys, Pirate and Mandarin: The Early Encounters between Ming China and Castilians in the Philippines
Proceeding/Conference:Empires on the Move: Encounters between China and the West in the Early Modern Era (16th-19th Centuries) International Colloqium
Seeking recognition from the Son of Heaven: King Taksin and Qing China
Proceeding/Conference:The Changing Nature of Asian Relations from the 18th to the Early 20th Century Conference 2011
Chinese new migrants in Czech and Slovakia: a fieldwork report from Central Europe
Proceeding/Conference:4th International Conference of Institutes and Libraries for Overseas Chinese Studies
Soft Power, Smart Power and Overseas Chinese
Proceeding/Conference:Soft Power and Overseas Chinese International Conference
New Chinese Migrant Community in Cambodia: A Fieldwork Report
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies
Export ceramics recently unearthed on the Sãnchoão Island: a revisit to the Early Sino-Portuguese Trade off Macau
Proceeding/Conference:Symposium on Europe-China Intercultural Encounters (16th-18th Centuries) 2010
King Taksin and Qing China: Siam-Chinese Relations during the Thonburi Period as Seen from the Perspective of Chinese Maritime Policy
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference on Maritime Policies of Ming-Qing Dynasties and the East Asian Society ("海洋文明与战略发展"高端论坛暨"明清海洋政策与东亚社会"国际学术讨论会)
Maritime traffic between Zhejiang and Kyushu of Japan in Late Ming and Early Qing
Proceeding/Conference:Maritime Silk Road and the Progress of Global Civilization International Forum
King Taksin and China: Siam-Chinese relations during the Thonburi period as seen from Chinese sources
Proceeding/Conference:5th International Conference on Thai Studies, SOAS, London, 1993 = [Thaisưksā 5 hā].
Rebuilding lineages overseas: the five major Hokkien clans in Penang
Proceeding/Conference:China and southeast Asia: historical interactions : an international symposium, 19-21 July 2001, the University of Hong Kong
The Snake Totem Worship and divine service dedicated to the Sea Goddess in ancient Maritime World
Proceeding/Conference:The 2nd International Conference on the Sea Goddess Worship
Family Business and Chinese immigrant entrepreneurs
Proceeding/Conference:11th IFERA Annual World Family Business Research Conference 2011
Institutionalized piracy and maritime trade: a Hokkien maritime empire in the Greater China Seas, 1620-1683
Proceeding/Conference:Persistent Piracy - Historical Perspectives on Maritime Violence and State Formation Conference