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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 446
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Physical activity participation in relation to body image, self-concept, and self-esteem of individuals with and without disabilities
Proceeding/Conference:International Symposium of Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education and Exercise
The design and testing of an innovative activity contingent multi-media tool
Proceeding/Conference:The Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting
How do they make it look so easy?: Practice, skill learning and sports development from an expertise perspective
Proceeding/Conference:Sir William Refshauge Lecture. Annual Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport (Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport)
Partitioning of oral and nasal breathing during treadmill running in Chinese males
Proceeding/Conference:The International Conference for Physical Educators, ICPE 2004
Using heart rate feedback to enhance physical activity in children.
Proceeding/Conference:Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting
Exercise testing in Chinese children with congenital heart defects
Proceeding/Conference:Commonwealth International Sport Conference
Distribution of attentional resources as a function of learning technique: Evidence from probe reaction times.
Proceeding/Conference:12th European Congress of Sport Psychology Book of Abstracts
Perceived enabling features and barriers to regular use of neighbourhood recreational facilities
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Conference of the Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology & Fitness, SCSEPF 2009
Experts do, experts see? Common coding versus perceptual experience in anticipation skill.
Proceeding/Conference:Proceedings of the annual Conference of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Niagra Falls. June 2008. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
A pilot study of sport participation: Motives and perspectives of athletes with physical disabilities in Hong Kong
Proceeding/Conference:International Symposium of Adapted Physical Education and Exercise
Establishing criteria to assess levels of habitual activity in Hong Kong students
Proceeding/Conference:Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health Conference 2004, APACPH
Sport participation of elite athletes with physical disabilities: An application of Reversal Theory
Proceeding/Conference:International Symposium for Adapted Physical Activity
Interception enhances anticipation of advance kinematic information.
Proceeding/Conference:Proceedings of the annual Conference of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Niagra Falls. June 2008. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
The role of cognitive effort in blocked and random practice of applied motor skills
Proceeding/Conference:North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) Annual Conference
Chunking as a characteristic of implicit motor learning
Proceeding/Conference:European Congress of Sport Psychology
The contribution of pattern recognition and prediction skills to expert decision-making in Australian football
Proceeding/Conference:World Congress on Science and Football. Lisbon, Portugal, April 2003. [Abstract published in Journal of Sports Sciences.]
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 446