Division of Speech & Hearing Sciences: Conference papers Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 750
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Access of Sublexical Phonological in Chinese-Speaking Children: An Event-Related Potential Study.
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference on the Proessing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL), 2016
Electrophysiological Correlates of Morphological Processing in Chinese-Speaking Children
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference on the Proessing of East Asian Languages, 2016
The use of 5Hz rTMS to improve swallowing functions in chronic post-stroke dysphagia
Proceeding/Conference:Dysphagia Research Society 2017 Annual Meeting
Unpack the relations among sublexical and lexical morphological awareness, vocabulary knowledge and word reading in children knowledge
Proceeding/Conference:The 16th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL), 2016
Searching for meaning: Effects of positional specificity and functional regularity of semantic radicals in reading Chinese
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL), 2016
International perspectives in voice disorders
Proceeding/Conference:World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, IALP
Acupuncture, Acupoint stimulation and voice therapy
Proceeding/Conference:Asia Pacific Conference on Speech, Language and Hearing, APCSLH 2017
Application of the results of voice evaluation in planning voice intervention
Proceeding/Conference:Chongqing 2017 Annual Otolaryngology Conference
Voice Research at the University of Hong Kong and the contribution to the voice science
Proceeding/Conference:Voice Conference, West China Hospital, Medical School of Sichuan University
Statistical learning account of Chinese orthographic learning in Chinese children with and without dyslexia
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
Levels of phonological awareness in Chinese-English bilingual children’s word reading
Proceeding/Conference:The 16th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL), 2016
Quantity matters: Children with dyslexia are impaired in short-exposure but not long-exposure of implicit repeated sequence learning
Proceeding/Conference:The 16th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL), 2016
Early neural perceptual integration of tones and vowels: A mismatch negativity study
Proceeding/Conference:The 16th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL), 2016
A cross-language comparison of intonation patterns in Cantonese and English among Cantonese-English bilingual children
Proceeding/Conference:The 16th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL), 2016
N170 sensitivity to orthographic and visual-spatial processing in Chinese L1 and L2 kindergartners.
Proceeding/Conference:9th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language
Orthographic and visual-spatial processing in Chinese L1 and L2 emergent readers: An ERP study
Proceeding/Conference:Association for Reading and Writing in Chinese Conference
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 750