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Article: On load balancing for distributed multiagent computing

TitleOn load balancing for distributed multiagent computing
KeywordsCluster computing
Distributed systems
Load balancing
Multiagent computing
Object-based systems
Issue Date2002
PublisherI E E E. The Journal's web site is located at
Ieee Transactions On Parallel And Distributed Systems, 2002, v. 13 n. 8, p. 787-801 How to Cite?
AbstractMultiagent computing on a cluster of workstations is widely envisioned to be a powerful paradigm for building useful distributed applications. The agents of the system span across all the machines of a cluster. Just like the case of traditional distributed systems, load balancing becomes an area of concern. With different characteristics between ordinary processes and agents, it is both interesting and useful to investigate whether conventional load-balancing strategies are also applicable and sufficient to cope with the newly emerging needs, such as coping with temporally continuous agents, devising a performance metric for multiagent systems, and taking into account the vast amount of communication and interaction among agent. This paper discusses the above issues with reference to agent properties and load balancing techniques and outlines the space of load-balancing design choices in the arena of multiagent computing. In view of the special agent characteristics, a novel communication-based load-balancing algorithm is proposed, implemented, and evaluated. The proposed algorithm works by associating a credit value with each agent. The credit of an agent depends on its affinity to a machine, its current workload, its communication behavior, and mobility, etc. When a load imbalance occurs, the credits of all agents are examined and an agent with a lower credit value is migrated to relatively lightly loaded machine in the system. Quasi-simulated experiments of this algorithm show load-balancing improvement compared with conventional workload-oriented load-balancing schemes.
Persistent Identifier
2023 Impact Factor: 5.6
2023 SCImago Journal Rankings: 2.340
ISI Accession Number ID


DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorChow, KPen_HK
dc.contributor.authorKwok, YKen_HK
dc.identifier.citationIeee Transactions On Parallel And Distributed Systems, 2002, v. 13 n. 8, p. 787-801en_HK
dc.description.abstractMultiagent computing on a cluster of workstations is widely envisioned to be a powerful paradigm for building useful distributed applications. The agents of the system span across all the machines of a cluster. Just like the case of traditional distributed systems, load balancing becomes an area of concern. With different characteristics between ordinary processes and agents, it is both interesting and useful to investigate whether conventional load-balancing strategies are also applicable and sufficient to cope with the newly emerging needs, such as coping with temporally continuous agents, devising a performance metric for multiagent systems, and taking into account the vast amount of communication and interaction among agent. This paper discusses the above issues with reference to agent properties and load balancing techniques and outlines the space of load-balancing design choices in the arena of multiagent computing. In view of the special agent characteristics, a novel communication-based load-balancing algorithm is proposed, implemented, and evaluated. The proposed algorithm works by associating a credit value with each agent. The credit of an agent depends on its affinity to a machine, its current workload, its communication behavior, and mobility, etc. When a load imbalance occurs, the credits of all agents are examined and an agent with a lower credit value is migrated to relatively lightly loaded machine in the system. Quasi-simulated experiments of this algorithm show load-balancing improvement compared with conventional workload-oriented load-balancing schemes.en_HK
dc.format.extent2014755 bytes-
dc.format.extent28160 bytes-
dc.publisherI E E E. The Journal's web site is located at
dc.relation.ispartofIEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systemsen_HK
dc.rights©2002 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.-
dc.subjectCluster computingen_HK
dc.subjectDistributed systemsen_HK
dc.subjectLoad balancingen_HK
dc.subjectMultiagent computingen_HK
dc.subjectObject-based systemsen_HK
dc.titleOn load balancing for distributed multiagent computingen_HK
dc.identifier.emailKwok, YK:ykwok@eee.hku.hken_HK
dc.identifier.authorityKwok, YK=rp00128en_HK
dc.publisher.placeUnited Statesen_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridChow, KP=36631384400en_HK
dc.identifier.scopusauthoridKwok, YK=7101857718en_HK

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