‘It’s my right to play too!’ Play for disabled children in Taiwan and Hong Kong
Is there a legal philosophy in the Hong Kong Court of Appeal's decision in Ng Ka Ling (1999) -- a perspective from Ronald Dworkin's moral reading of the constitution
Dignity, rights and community: taking the legal capacity of intellectually disabled people seriously
Play for disabled children in Taiwan and Hong Kong: parent perspectives
Dietary patterns and cardiovascular disease in Australian adults: Findings from the 2011-12 Australian Health Survey
教師同心行: 一條龍式教學交流
Low-Frequency HIIT Improves Body Composition and Aerobic Capacity in Overweight Men
What are Law Courses for? Striking a Balance between Professional and Liberal Education Goals
An Exploration of the History of Vocational Education in Hong Kong
One Country, Two Stances on Separation of Powers: Tensions Over Lack of Parallelism between the National and Subnational Levels
Satisfaction, preference and error occurrence of three dry powder inhalers as assessed by a cohort naïve to inhaler operation
Book review: The Judicial Construction of Hong Kong’s Basic Law: Courts, Politics, and Society after 1997, by Lo Pui Yin. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2014. xlii+580 pp. HK$580.00/US$75.00 (cloth)