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Conference Paper: Dual-flap Floating Oscillating Surge Wave Energy Converter: Modelling and Experiment Evaluation

TitleDual-flap Floating Oscillating Surge Wave Energy Converter: Modelling and Experiment Evaluation
Keywordsnumerical modelling
renewable energy
Wave energy converter
wave tank test
Issue Date2022
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2022, v. 55, n. 27, p. 138-143 How to Cite?
AbstractBottom-hinged oscillating surge wave energy converters have been proposed in literature to extract energy from the surge wave motions. This study investigates a dual-flap out-of-phase floating oscillating surge wave energy converter (FOSWEC) for deep water deployment where the wave power density is larger and the WECs are less visible. The proposed FOSWEC consists of a floating platform and two pivoting flaps. The distance between the two flaps is around half of the wavelength in order to achieve out-of-phase motion, decrease the motion of the frame and reduce mooring load. Numerical modelling and dynamic analysis are formulated using the WEC-Sim. Numerical simulation results of the average power and optimal PTO damping with different viscous drag coefficients and PTO rotatory inertias are presented. Simulation results show the proposed dual-flap design can significantly mitigate the platform's horizontal motion so that the mooring load can be reduced. To experimentally evaluate the system performance, a 1:10 scaled prototype was designed, fabricated and tested in the wave tank based on the Froude scaling law. Experimental results were verified with modeling results and revealed the out-of-phase phenomenon as desired.
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dc.contributor.authorMi, Jia-
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Jianuo-
dc.contributor.authorLi, Xiaofan-
dc.contributor.authorYang, Lisheng-
dc.contributor.authorAhmed, Alaa-
dc.contributor.authorDatla, Raju-
dc.contributor.authorFolly, Matt-
dc.contributor.authorHajj, Muhammad-
dc.contributor.authorZuo, Lei-
dc.identifier.citationIFAC-PapersOnLine, 2022, v. 55, n. 27, p. 138-143-
dc.description.abstractBottom-hinged oscillating surge wave energy converters have been proposed in literature to extract energy from the surge wave motions. This study investigates a dual-flap out-of-phase floating oscillating surge wave energy converter (FOSWEC) for deep water deployment where the wave power density is larger and the WECs are less visible. The proposed FOSWEC consists of a floating platform and two pivoting flaps. The distance between the two flaps is around half of the wavelength in order to achieve out-of-phase motion, decrease the motion of the frame and reduce mooring load. Numerical modelling and dynamic analysis are formulated using the WEC-Sim. Numerical simulation results of the average power and optimal PTO damping with different viscous drag coefficients and PTO rotatory inertias are presented. Simulation results show the proposed dual-flap design can significantly mitigate the platform's horizontal motion so that the mooring load can be reduced. To experimentally evaluate the system performance, a 1:10 scaled prototype was designed, fabricated and tested in the wave tank based on the Froude scaling law. Experimental results were verified with modeling results and revealed the out-of-phase phenomenon as desired.-
dc.subjectnumerical modelling-
dc.subjectrenewable energy-
dc.subjectWave energy converter-
dc.subjectwave tank test-
dc.titleDual-flap Floating Oscillating Surge Wave Energy Converter: Modelling and Experiment Evaluation-

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