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Article: Nearly optimal bounds for the global geometric landscape of phase retrieval

TitleNearly optimal bounds for the global geometric landscape of phase retrieval
Keywordsgeometric landscape
nonconvex optimization
phase retrieval
Issue Date1-Jul-2023
PublisherIOP Publishing
Inverse Problems, 2023, v. 39, n. 7 How to Cite?

The phase retrieval problem is concerned with recovering an unknown signal x∈Cn from a set of magnitude-only measurements yj=|⟨aj,x⟩|,j=1,…,m. A natural least squares formulation can be used to solve this problem efficiently even with random initialization, despite its non-convexity of the loss function. One way to explain this surprising phenomenon is the benign geometric landscape: (1) all local minimizers are global; and (2) the objective function has a negative curvature around each saddle point and local maximizer. In this paper, we show that m=O(nlog⁡n) Gaussian random measurements are sufficient to guarantee the loss function of a commonly used estimator has such benign geometric landscape with high probability. This is a step toward answering the open problem given by Sun et al (2018 Found. Comput. Math.18 1131–98), in which the authors suggest that O(nlog⁡n) or even O(n) is enough to guarantee the favorable geometric property.

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2023 Impact Factor: 2.0
2023 SCImago Journal Rankings: 1.185


DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorCai, Jian Feng-
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Meng-
dc.contributor.authorLi, Dong-
dc.contributor.authorWang, Yang-
dc.identifier.citationInverse Problems, 2023, v. 39, n. 7-
dc.description.abstract<p>The phase retrieval problem is concerned with recovering an unknown signal x∈Cn from a set of magnitude-only measurements yj=|⟨aj,x⟩|,j=1,…,m. A natural least squares formulation can be used to solve this problem efficiently even with random initialization, despite its non-convexity of the loss function. One way to explain this surprising phenomenon is the benign geometric landscape: (1) all local minimizers are global; and (2) the objective function has a negative curvature around each saddle point and local maximizer. In this paper, we show that m=O(nlog⁡n) Gaussian random measurements are sufficient to guarantee the loss function of a commonly used estimator has such benign geometric landscape with high probability. This is a step toward answering the open problem given by Sun <em>et al</em> (2018 <em>Found. Comput. Math.</em><strong>18</strong> 1131–98), in which the authors suggest that O(nlog⁡n) or even <em>O</em>(<em>n</em>) is enough to guarantee the favorable geometric property.</p>-
dc.publisherIOP Publishing-
dc.relation.ispartofInverse Problems-
dc.subjectgeometric landscape-
dc.subjectnonconvex optimization-
dc.subjectphase retrieval-
dc.titleNearly optimal bounds for the global geometric landscape of phase retrieval-

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