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Conference Paper: Downfolded Configuration Interaction for Correlated Electronic States

TitleDownfolded Configuration Interaction for Correlated Electronic States
Issue Date9-Sep-2023

I will present our recent progress in developing a deterministic variant of selected configuration interaction (CI) method by downfolding external determinant configurations into a compact internal subspace. The Löwdin-type effective Hamiltonian within a small internal subspace can be constructed for direct diagonalizations to yield chemically accurate total energies and compressed eigenstates. This method is state-specific and termed the downfolded CI (dCI), exhibiting a salient advantage of selecting most important external determinants that are based on the quadratic criterion of internal-external coupling integrals, which is different from traditional selected CI approaches that usually adopt the linear coupling scheme. I will discuss two implementations: the recursive dCI and perturbative dCI algorithms, as well as the parallelization scheme. As a result, the sub-mhartree accuracy of the dCI ground, excited states and excitation energies will be demonstrated to a few challenging molecules including benzene with 30 valence electrons and 258 molecular orbitals.

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dc.contributor.authorLi, Jiasheng-
dc.contributor.authorYang, Jun-
dc.description.abstract<p><em>I will present our recent progress in developing a deterministic variant of selected configuration interaction (CI) method by downfolding external determinant configurations into a compact internal subspace. The Löwdin-type effective Hamiltonian within a small internal subspace can be constructed for direct diagonalizations to yield chemically accurate total energies and compressed eigenstates. This method is state-specific and termed the downfolded CI (dCI), exhibiting a salient advantage of selecting most important external determinants that are based on the quadratic criterion of internal-external coupling integrals, which is different from traditional selected CI approaches that usually adopt the linear coupling scheme. I will discuss two implementations: the recursive dCI and perturbative dCI algorithms, as well as the parallelization scheme. As a result, the sub-mhartree accuracy of the dCI ground, excited states and excitation energies will be demonstrated to a few challenging molecules including benzene with 30 valence electrons and 258 molecular orbitals.</em></p>-
dc.relation.ispartofThe 5th conference of Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry (04/09/2023-09/09/2023, Sapporo)-
dc.titleDownfolded Configuration Interaction for Correlated Electronic States-

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