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Conference Paper: Speedup of information exchange using multiple channels in wireless ad hoc networks

TitleSpeedup of information exchange using multiple channels in wireless ad hoc networks
Issue Date2015
PublisherIEEE Computer Society. The Journal's web site is located at
The 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Hong Kong, China, 26 April-1 May 2015. In IEEE Infocom Proceedings, 2015, p. 2029-2037 How to Cite?
AbstractThis paper initiates the study of distributed information exchange in multi-channel wireless ad hoc networks. Information exchange is a basic operation in which each node of the network sends an information packet to other nodes within a specific distance R. Our study is motivated by the increasing presence and popularity of wireless networks and devices that operate on multiple channels. Consequently, there is a need for a better understanding of how and by how much multiple channels can improve communication. Based on the SINR interference model, we propose a multi-channel network model which incorporates certain features commonly seen in wireless ad hoc networks, including asynchrony, little non-local knowledge, limited message size, and limited power control. We then present a randomized algorithm that can accomplish information exchange in O ((Δ/F + Δlog n/P) log n + log Δ log n) timeslots with high probability, where n is the number of nodes in the network, Δ is the maximum number of nodes within the range R, F is the number of available channels and P is the maximum number of packets that can fit in a message. Our algorithm significantly surpasses the best known results in single-channel networks, achieving a Θ(F) times speedup if Δ and P are sufficiently large. We conducted empirical studies that confirmed the performance of the proposed algorithm as derived in the analysis.
DescriptionINFOCOM, IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, IEEE Annual Joint Conference
Open Access
Persistent Identifier
2023 SCImago Journal Rankings: 2.865


DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorYu, D-
dc.contributor.authorWang, Y-
dc.contributor.authorYan, Y-
dc.contributor.authorYu, J-
dc.contributor.authorLau, FCM-
dc.identifier.citationThe 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Hong Kong, China, 26 April-1 May 2015. In IEEE Infocom Proceedings, 2015, p. 2029-2037-
dc.descriptionINFOCOM, IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, IEEE Annual Joint Conference-
dc.descriptionOpen Access-
dc.description.abstractThis paper initiates the study of distributed information exchange in multi-channel wireless ad hoc networks. Information exchange is a basic operation in which each node of the network sends an information packet to other nodes within a specific distance R. Our study is motivated by the increasing presence and popularity of wireless networks and devices that operate on multiple channels. Consequently, there is a need for a better understanding of how and by how much multiple channels can improve communication. Based on the SINR interference model, we propose a multi-channel network model which incorporates certain features commonly seen in wireless ad hoc networks, including asynchrony, little non-local knowledge, limited message size, and limited power control. We then present a randomized algorithm that can accomplish information exchange in O ((Δ/F + Δlog n/P) log n + log Δ log n) timeslots with high probability, where n is the number of nodes in the network, Δ is the maximum number of nodes within the range R, F is the number of available channels and P is the maximum number of packets that can fit in a message. Our algorithm significantly surpasses the best known results in single-channel networks, achieving a Θ(F) times speedup if Δ and P are sufficiently large. We conducted empirical studies that confirmed the performance of the proposed algorithm as derived in the analysis.-
dc.publisherIEEE Computer Society. The Journal's web site is located at
dc.relation.ispartofIEEE Infocom Proceedings-
dc.rightsIEEE Infocom Proceedings. Copyright © IEEE Computer Society.-
dc.rights©20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.-
dc.titleSpeedup of information exchange using multiple channels in wireless ad hoc networks-
dc.identifier.emailYu, D:
dc.identifier.emailWang, Y:
dc.identifier.emailLau, FCM:
dc.identifier.authorityLau, FCM=rp00221-
dc.publisher.placeUnited States-
dc.customcontrol.immutablesml 151104-

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