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Book: Rural migrants in urban China: Enclaves and transient urbanism

TitleRural migrants in urban China: Enclaves and transient urbanism
KeywordsRural-urban migration China
Internal migrants China Social conditions
Urbanization China
Sociology, Urban China
Issue Date20-Jun-2013
Wu, F, Zhang, F, Webster, CJ( Eds.). Rural migrants in urban China: Enclaves and transient urbanism. UK: Routledge. 2013 How to Cite?
AbstractAfter millions of migrants moved from China’s countryside into its sprawling cities a unique kind of ‘informal’ urban enclave was born – ‘villages in the city’. Like the shanties and favelas before them elsewhere, there has been huge pressure to redevelop these blemishes to the urban face of China’s economic vision. Unlike most developing countries, however, these are not squatter settlements but owner-occupied settlements developed semi-formally by ex-farmers turned small-developers and landlords who rent shockingly high-density rooms to rural migrants, who can outnumber their landlord villagers. A strong state, matched with well-organised landlords collectively represented through joint-stock companies, has meant that it has been relatively easy to grow the city through demolition of these soft migrant enclaves. The lives of the displaced migrants then enter a transient phase from an informal to a formal urbanity. This book looks at migrants and their enclave ‘villages in the city’ and reveals the characteristics and changes in migrants’ livelihoods and living places. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the book analyses how living in the city transforms and changes rural migrant households, and explores the social lives and micro economies of migrant neighbourhoods. It goes on to discuss changing housing and social conditions and spatial changes in the urban villages of major Chinese cities, as well as looking into transient urbanism and examining the consequences of redevelopment and upgrading of the ‘villages in the city’; in particular, the planning, regeneration, politics of development, and socio-economic implications of these immense social, economic and physical upheavals.
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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.editorWu, F-
dc.contributor.editorZhang, F-
dc.contributor.editorWebster, CJ-
dc.identifier.citationWu, F, Zhang, F, Webster, CJ( Eds.). Rural migrants in urban China: Enclaves and transient urbanism. UK: Routledge. 2013-
dc.description.abstractAfter millions of migrants moved from China’s countryside into its sprawling cities a unique kind of ‘informal’ urban enclave was born – ‘villages in the city’. Like the shanties and favelas before them elsewhere, there has been huge pressure to redevelop these blemishes to the urban face of China’s economic vision. Unlike most developing countries, however, these are not squatter settlements but owner-occupied settlements developed semi-formally by ex-farmers turned small-developers and landlords who rent shockingly high-density rooms to rural migrants, who can outnumber their landlord villagers. A strong state, matched with well-organised landlords collectively represented through joint-stock companies, has meant that it has been relatively easy to grow the city through demolition of these soft migrant enclaves. The lives of the displaced migrants then enter a transient phase from an informal to a formal urbanity. This book looks at migrants and their enclave ‘villages in the city’ and reveals the characteristics and changes in migrants’ livelihoods and living places. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the book analyses how living in the city transforms and changes rural migrant households, and explores the social lives and micro economies of migrant neighbourhoods. It goes on to discuss changing housing and social conditions and spatial changes in the urban villages of major Chinese cities, as well as looking into transient urbanism and examining the consequences of redevelopment and upgrading of the ‘villages in the city’; in particular, the planning, regeneration, politics of development, and socio-economic implications of these immense social, economic and physical upheavals.-
dc.relation.ispartofRoutledge contemporary China seriesen_US
dc.subjectRural-urban migration Chinaen_US
dc.subjectInternal migrants China Social conditionsen_US
dc.subjectUrbanization Chinaen_US
dc.subjectSociology, Urban Chinaen_US
dc.titleRural migrants in urban China: Enclaves and transient urbanismen_US
dc.identifier.emailWebster, CJ: cwebster@hku.hken_US
dc.identifier.authorityWebster, CJ=rp01747en_US

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