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Professor Kulick, Don

Professor, Chair of Anthropology



Short Biography:

Don Kulick is a linguistic anthropologist who has researched a wide variety of topics, from language death to obese pets. His interests center on people and other beings who are vulnerable – socially and politically, epistemologically and ontologically – and how that vulnerability is a productive force that prompts unexpected understandings and often-surprising reconfigurations of power. He has published extensively on topics such as language and sexuality, sex work, and disability. His recent books on the village of Gapun in the Sepik/Ramu region of Papua New Guinea – A Death in the Rainforest (2019), and A Grammar and Dictionary of Tayap (2019, co-authored with Angela Terrill) cap more than thirty years of research in the country. His current interests include how and why humans communicate with animals. 

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