Contact Information
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Professor Chandola, Tarani

Head, Department of Sociology
Director of Methods Hub for Research, Policy and Practice
Associate Director, Sau Po Centre on Ageing

Short Biography:

Tarani is a Professor of Medical Sociology. He is the director of the Methods Hub in the Faculty of the Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong. He joined the Department of Sociology in August 2021 and was formerly the Head of Department of Social Statistics at the University of Manchester. He is a co-director of the ESRC International Centre for Lifecourse Studies in Society and Health, a member of the ESRC Strategic Advisory Network Strategic Advisory Network – Economic and Social Research Council (, a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and the Royal Statistical Society and is an editor of the journal Sociology Sociology: SAGE Journals ( He obtained his DPhil in Sociology from Nuffield College, University of Oxford in 1998. His research is primarily on the social determinants of health, focusing on health inequalities and psychosocial factors, and the analysis of longitudinal cohort studies.

Professional Qualifications
Professional Societies
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