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Professor Kim, Loretta Eumie 金由美

Head, School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Associate Professor


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Loretta Kim

Short Biography:

Loretta Kim is assistant professor and coordinator of the China Studies program at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Hong Kong. She is a historian of late imperial and modern China. Her primary research areas include the comparative history of borderlands and frontiers, Sino-Russian cultural relations, and Chinese ethnic minority languages and literatures. She is the author of Ethnic Chrysalis: China’s Orochen People and the Legacy of Qing Borderland Administration (2019).

金由美, 美籍韓國人,哈佛大學史學博士。曾于美國紐約州立大學阿爾巴尼分校和香港浸會大學教授中國歷史與比較歷史,現為香港大學現代語言及文化學院助理教授兼中國 研究課程(人文學科專業)主任。主要研究領域有中國明清史、邊疆比較研究、以及中國少數民族語言及文學。目前的研究項目是清代東北地區中俄文化交流以及十七至十九世紀黑龍江流域的社會文化和環境史。代表著作為:Ethnic Chrysalis: China’s Orochen People and the Legacy of Qing Borderland Administration (2019), “A Garrison in Time Saves Nine: Frontier Administration and ‘Drawing In’ the Yafahan Orochen in Late Qing Heilongjiang”(Journal of Chinese Military History 4 (2015): 44-79); “Saints for Shamans?: Culture, Religion and Borderland Politics in Amuria from the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries” (Central Asiatic Journal 56 (2014): 169-202); “Uncovering a Minor Arcanum: a Sequential Translation of a Manchu-Language Document” (Translation Quarterly 68 (2013): 1-34) 。

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