Dr Yip, Man Kit 葉文傑
After receiving my Ph.D. degree in Physics under the supervision of Prof. J. Wang at the University of Hong Kong, I started off my research works and teaching career in the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Science at the same university. My research interests include the transport properties in mesoscopic system, condensed matter physics, quantum mechanics, as well as the classical dynamics. By the way, I am dealing with the transport theory by using the Greens' function and S-matrix approach. You are welcome to discuss any related topics through my e-mail: mankit@hku.hk. This year, I teach a couple of courses, they are: Introductory Mechanics (PHYS2250), Fundamental Physics (PHYS1250), Physics for Engineering Students (PHYS1050), Revealing the Magic in Everyday Life (PHYS0612) and How Things Work (PHYS1055). In the previous years, I have taught the following courses: Classical Mechanics (PHYS2324), Animation in Science (PHYS2226), Methods in Physics I and II (PHYS1314 and PHYS1315), Methods in Physics A (PHYS1313), Introduction to Physics (PHYS0111), General Physics I (PHYS1414), Basic Physics (PHYS1417), Physics in a Nutshell (PHYS1413) and Fundamental Physics I and II (PHYS0114 and PHYS0115) which are parallel courses to College Physics I and II. The broadening course "How Things Work" (YSCN0018) was an attempt to introduce physics to laymen. In 2011, one of our most popular 3-credit course "Revealing the Magic in Everyday Life (PHYS0607) was last offered and thereafter it becomes a 6-credit course.
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