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Name Card
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Dr Fung, Kam Wing 馮錦榮

Honorary Associate Professor


Teaching List, Current
2018 S1CHIN32211AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
2018 S2CHIN32212AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
2020 S1CHIN32211AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
2023 S2CHIN32212AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
2021 S2CHIN22682AHistory of China-West cultural exchanges
2019 S1CHIN12071ATraditional Chinese culture
2019 S1CHIN22311AReligious Daoism and popular religions in China
2019 S1CHIN60071AImperial China: Thematic Studies
2019 S2CHIN12032AChinese history and culture in the twentieth century
2019 S2CHIN22432AHistory of Chinese science and civilization
2018 S2CHIN12032AChinese history and culture in the twentieth century
2018 S1CHIN60071AImperial China: Thematic Studies
2018 S1CHIN12071ATraditional Chinese culture
2018 S1CHIN22551AChinese intellectual history (Part I)
2018 S2CHIN22432AHistory of Chinese science and civilization
2020 S2CHIN22222AHistory of the Wei, Jin and the Northern-and-Southern periods
2020 S2CHIN22432AHistory of Chinese science and civilization
2019 S1CHIN32211AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
2020 S2CHIN32212AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
2019 S2CHIN79992ACapstone Experience: Dissertation in Chinese Historical Studies
2022 S2CHIN22682AHistory of China-West cultural exchanges
2019 S2CHIN32212AThematic study in Chinese history and culture (capstone experience)
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
學術與經世 : 陳澧及其 《 東塾讀書記》 Scholarship and Statecraft: Chen Li (1810-1882) and his Dongshu dushujiChinese Intellectual History2007 MPhil
Chan Wai Shing Wilson
Entrepreneurial Families and Government-business Relations: A Comparative Study on Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong KongHistory of Modern China and Hong Kong2007 Phd
Chow Man Kong
Heaven, Earth and Main: Aesthetic Beauty in Chinese Traditional Vernacular Architecture - An Inquiry in the Master Builders' Oral Tradition and the Vernacular Built-form in ChaozhouArchitecture History and Theory2013 Phd
Wu Dinghang
A Study of the Planetary Theory of Chongzhen lishu 《崇禎曆書》五星運動理論研究 History of Chinese Science and Civilization2014 MPhil
Chan Wing Cheong
A Study of Wan Minying’s Xingxue dacheng 萬民英《星學大成》研究History of Chinese Science and Civilization2018 Phd
Chan Wing Cheong
十六﹑十七世紀在華耶穌會士之政治策略及其所傳播之宗教文化 A Critical Study of the Policies formulated and the Religious Culture disseminated by the Jesuits in China during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries History of Cultural Exchange between China and the West2004 Phd
Wong Ching Him Felix
宇文黑獺 (505-556) 建周代魏研究 A Study of Yuwen Heita (505-556) and the Establishment of the Northern Zhou DynastyHistory of Wei, Jin and the Northern-and-Southern Periods2002 MPhil
Hui Ching
Astronomy and Politics: A study of the Star Worship in Tang-Song Period 天文與政治:唐宋時期的星祠研究History of Science and Technology2012 MPhil
Choi Kit Fai
魏晉南北朝”升天圖”研究 A Study of the Tomb Murals Depicting the Ascent to Paradise during the Wei, Jin, Northern-and-Southern DynastiesChinese History2003 MPhil
Cheung Shin Yee
Charity Is Power: A Study of Chinese Merchants and Charitable Organizations in Macao, 1849 – 1949Historical Sociology2009 Phd
Leung Kai Chun
The Interiorization of Life Nurturing Skills and the Medical Culture in Late Imperial China 近世中國煉養術之內化與醫療文化Medical Culture in Late Imperial2003 Phd
Tam Man Yee County
The Transformation of Mohism Discourse in the Qing Dynasty 清代墨學論述的衍化與轉型Chinese History and Culture2014 Phd
Liu Xunqian
The Chinese Intellectuals During the Sino-Japanese War Period (1894-1895): Challenges and Responses ????????????(1894-1895)???????????l???Q??????The Development of Thought in China during the Sino- Japanese War (1894-1895)1993 MPhil
Lau Tai Kwan James
A Study of Jingzhou Region during the Southern Dynasties (420 A.D. - 589 A.D.)History of Medieval China2001 MPhil
Wong Hoi To
從政治退隱到文化抗逆﹕港澳兩地清遺民的文化志業研究 (From Political Retreat to Cultural Resistance: A Study on Qing Yimin’s Cultural Pursuits in Hong Kong and Macau)Intellectual Communities2009 Phd
Lam Hoi Yan Hester
明未 清初知識分子﹑耶穌會士與《祟禛曆書》的編纂 The Contributions of Intellectuals and Jesuit Missionaires of the Late Ming and Early Qing Period to the Compilation of the Chongzhen Lishu (Calendar Compendium of the Chongzhen Reign)Histroy of Chinese Science and Civilization2002 MPhil
Wong Chun Wai
“All Within the Four Seas Are Brethren”: Chinese Elites from Queen’s College of Hong Kong and Modern China “四海之內皆兄弟也”:香港皇仁書院華人菁英與近代中國 Hong Kong History / History of Modern China2013 Phd
Wong Chun Wai
Modern Transformation of the Huizhou Merchant: We Jim-pah (1850-1927) the Mandarin-Capitalist in Late Qing TianjinChinese Economic History2007 Phd
Hui Ching
Civil Buddhism and Martial Daoism: An Ethnographic and Textual Study on a Chinese Local Ritual Tradition in Northern GuangdongReligion and Society in Asia2019 MPhil
Tse Man Him Martin
契丹(916-1125)水軍發展史研究 A Study of Historical Development of the Khitan (916-1125) NavyHistory of Science and Civilization in China2018 Phd
Leung Yeuk Yu
The Ordos Bronze Crosses as Performative Assemblages – Understanding the Materialization of Silk Road Material CulturesReligious Art Study2015 Phd
Chen Jian
Written Culture of Inkstick-Makers in China and Japan, 1300-1900History of Chinese Science and Technology2016 Phd
Chan Wai Shing Wilson
Study on Imperial Clansmen Policy of the Western Jin Dynasty 西晉宗室政策之研究 History of the Wei, Jin and the Northern-and-Southern periods2017 MPhil
Lau Kwok Yan
Chinese History of Science and Civilization; Chinese Economic History2021 Phd
Tam Kwong Lim
A Critical Investigation into the Computations of Chinese and Indian Calendars in Early and High Tang China 初盛唐中印曆術探論Chinese History of Science and Civilization2015 MPhil
Hui Pui Ying
History of Chinese Science and Civilization2021 MPhil
Lai Ho Man
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
1996-04-151999-05-01Centre of Asian Studies Committee of ManagementThe Chairman of each Centre programme of study
1990-09-012020-06-30Faculty of Arts, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
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