Name Card
rp00822 picture

Professor Yam, Vivian Wing Wah 任詠華

Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor in Chemistry and Energy
Professor: Chair of Chemistry
Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor in Chemistry and Energy
Professor (Non-Clinical)

Contact Information
rp00822 picture

Professor Yam, Vivian Wing Wah 任詠華

Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor in Chemistry and Energy
Professor: Chair of Chemistry
Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor in Chemistry and Energy
Professor (Non-Clinical)

Also Cited As:
Yam, V
Yam, Wing-wah, Vivian
Yam, VW
Yam, Vivian

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
2023-01-04Inter-American Photochemical Society (I-APS) Presidential Award
Research Achievement
2023-04-24Bailar Medalist and Lectureship by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Research Achievement
2023-06-22Vilsmeier Lectureship by University of Regensburg, Germany
Research Achievement
2023-04-21Dow Lectureship by California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA
Research Achievement
2006-09-09Japanese Photochemistry Association (JPA) Lectureship Award for Asian and Oceanian Photochemist (Eikohsha Award): Japanese Photochemistry Association (JPA)
Research Achievement
2005-08-01RSC Centenary Lectureship and Medal: Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom
Research Achievement
2006-09-04Fellow of Third World Academy of Science (TWAS): The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World
Research Achievement
2013-05-0413th World Outstanding Chinese Award: World Chinese Business Investment Foundation
Research Achievement
2010-01-08Molecular Science Forum Lecture Professorship: Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research Achievement
2012-05-31Jessica Most Successful Women Award 2012: Jessica Magazine Hong Kong, South China Media
Research Achievement
2009-11-15Distinguished Alumni (Honoured at the 70~^th~~ Anniversary of the Faculty of Science): Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong
2001-01-01Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences: Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research Achievement
2000-03-01Croucher Senior Research Fellowship: Croucher Foundation
Research Achievement
2002-01-01Ten Outstanding Young Persons (Professional): Hong Kong Junior Chamber
2007-04-10Hong Kong Fulbright Distinguished Scholar: Fulbright Program, U.S.A.
Research Achievement
2011-11-09Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress: Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation
Research Achievement
2008-01-15Distinguished Research Achievement Award: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2006-01-09State Natural Science Award: National Office of Science and Technology Awards, China
Research Achievement
2007-03-26UMPC Visiting Professor: Uiversit~$e9~~ Pierre et Marie Curie, CNRS (Universit~$e9 Pairs VI), Paris, France
Research Achievement
2011-03-14L’OR~$c9~~AL-UNESCO Awards For Women in Science - Laureate (Asia-Pacific): UNESCO- L’OR~$c9~~AL Foundation
Research Achievement
2013-03-15Seaborg Lectureship: University of California, Berkeley, USA
Research Achievement
2014-08-04Chinese Chemical Society (CCS)-Sinopec Chemistry Award: Chinese Chemical Society (CCS)
Research Achievement
2012-05-01Elected to Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences USA: National Academy of Sciences(NAS), USA
Research Achievement
2010-04-13Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professorship in Chemistry and Energy: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2008-07-02Outstanding Women Professionals and Enter: Hong Kong Women Professional & Enterpreneur Association, Hong Kong, July 2, 2008
2013-03-08Docteur Honoris Causa: Universit~$e9 de Rennes 1, France
Research Achievement
2014-05-042014 Pacific Rim Visiting Speaker Lectureship: University of Alberta, Canada
Research Achievement
2005-01-01Centenary Lectureship: Royal Society of Chemistry
Research Achievement
2020-06-01Porter Medal: Porter Medal Committee
Research Achievement
2019-12-01Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS) Foundation Lectureship Award: Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS)
Research Achievement
2021-09-012022 American Chemical Society (ACS) National Award – the 2022 Josef Michl ACS Award in Photochemistry: American Chemical Society
Research Achievement
2015-05-01RSC Ludwig Mond Award: Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Research Achievement
2015-01-01Forum of the Millennium Institution: Distinguished Scholar Lectureship in The Frontier of Chemistry and Biology: Hunan University, P. R. China
Research Achievement
2015-01-01Julia S. and Edward C. Lee Memorial Lectureship (Lee Lectureship): University of Chicago, USA
Research Achievement
2014-09-01Peking University-Eli Lilly Lectureship: Peking University & Eli Lilly, P. R. China
Research Achievement
2016-01-01Lavoisier Lectureship: University of Paris Diderot 7, France
Research Achievement
2015-12-01Leader of the Year 2015 (Education/Professionals/Technology & Innovation): Sing Tao News Corporation
Research Achievement
2015-12-01Bronze Bauhinia Star (BBS): Hong Kong SAR Government
2022-07-01InnoStars Award 2021: Our Hong Kong Foundation
Research Achievement
2019-07-01Justice of the Peace: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
Research Achievement
2019-01-01Dow Lectureship: California Institute of Technology
Research Achievement
2016-07-01Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry (JSCC) International Award: Japan Society of CoordinationChemistry (JSCC)
Research Achievement
2016-07-01APA Masuhara Lectureship Award: Asian and Oceanian Photo-chemistry Association (APA)
Research Achievement
2022-09-01Japanese Photochemistry Association (JPA) Honda-Fujishima Lectureship Award: Japanese Photochemistry Association
Research Achievement
2022-08-01Silver Bauhinia Star (SBS) Hong Kong SAR Government: Hong Kong SAR Government
2022-08-01RIGAKU-ACCC Award: The Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC)
Research Achievement
2017-12-012017 KAIST Chemistry Distinguished Lectureship Award: Korean Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)
Research Achievement
2018-04-01Charles Force Hutchison Lectureship: University of Rochester, USA
Research Achievement
2018-06-01Selected as one of the Ten Science Stars of East Asia by Nature: Nature Publishing Group
Research Achievement
2018-11-01Huang Yao-Zeng Organometallic Chemistry Award of the Chinese Chemical Society: Chinese Chemical Society
Research Achievement
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