Name Card
rp00798 picture

Dr Wan, Jennifer Man Fan 温萬芬

Honorary Associate Professor

Contact Information
rp00798 picture

Dr Wan, Jennifer Man Fan 温萬芬

Honorary Associate Professor

Also Cited As:
Wan, Man Fan, Jennifer
Wan, J

Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
2006-presentMemberBoard of Examiners and Academic Committee for PgD in Human Nutirtion/Dietetics/ SPACE
1990-2003MmeberBritish Nutrition Society
1994-presentMemberHong Kong Immunology Society
1994-presentFounder, Presidant, Exco memberHong Kong Society of Flow Cytometry
2016-presentAssociate EditorNature Food Science Journal
2014-presentExco memberModernized Chinese Medicine Association
2007-2010SecretaryHong Kong Food Science and Technology Society
2016-presentMemberExpert Panel of the Hong Kong Government Food Safety Committee
2014-presentAdvisorHong Kong Nutrition Association
1994-presentMemberSociety for the Study of Endocrinology
2011-presentMemberHong Kong Nutrition Assoication
1995-1997External Co-ordinatorHong Kong Nutrition Assoication
1994-presentMemberCancer Centre Research, Hong Kong
1996-1999ExCo memberHong Kong Society of Traditional Medicine and Natural Products
1994-2005MemberInternational Flow Cytometry Society, USA.
2009-2010Hon. PresidentFood Science Society, The University of Hong Kong
2013-2017ChairmanHong Kong Food Sciences and Technology Assoication
2016-presentChairmanGuangdong Hong Kong Science and Technology Research and Innovation Soceity
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