Glasgow/HKU Early Career Mobility Funds 2024-25

Grant Data
Project Title
Glasgow/HKU Early Career Mobility Funds 2024-25
Principal Investigator
Dr Zeng, Qunsong   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Start Date
Conference Title
Glasgow/HKU Early Career Mobility Funds 2024-25
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Fellowship Schemes
Funding Year
1. To strengthen the partnership between HKU and the University of Glasgow, both universities have agreed to launch reciprocal Glasgow/HKU Early Career Mobility Funds to enable their junior research/academic staff and PhD students to spend part of their research time in the partner institution.2. Under the terms of this award, HKU also seeks to:(a) support research initiatives that are in line with the University’s six research strategies, namely, (i) focus on research quality and impact, and the translational potential and value to industry, business and the community; (ii) raise competitiveness towards external funding and strategic partnership; (iii) foster outcome-based cross-disciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration; (iv) promote social and technological innovation, entrepreneurial incubation and public-private partnership; (v) foster international and mainland China research collaboration; and (vi) develop talents and build capabilities for sustainable growth;(b) ensure that collaborations or academic exchanges have added value at an institutional and individual level; and(c) develop research and related links with the receiving faculty/department at the University of Glasgow.