Multi-scale Multi-Parameter High Speed Photoacoustic Imaging for Tumor Margin Detection

Grant Data
Project Title
Multi-scale Multi-Parameter High Speed Photoacoustic Imaging for Tumor Margin Detection
Principal Investigator
Professor Wong, Kenneth Kin Yip   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Start Date
Conference Title
Multi-scale Multi-Parameter High Speed Photoacoustic Imaging for Tumor Margin Detection
Multi-scale , Multi-Parameter , High Speed Photoacoustic Imaging , Tumor Margin Detection
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Funding Scheme (MHKJFS)
Funding Year
This project is a multi-scale multi-parameter high-speed photoacoustic imaging systemfor precise tumor boundary definition. Tumors infiltrate and grow in two-dimensionalplanes and depth directions. The accurate identification of tumor boundaries requiresboth high resolution and deep imaging depth. To ensure the accuracy of differentiation,the integration of structural, functional, molecular, and other multi-dimensional informationis also required. This project will be targeting for exploring a high-speed multi-scalefunctional photoacoustic microscopy integrating optical-resolution (OR-PAM) andacoustic-resolution (AR-PAM), high-speed polygon mirror scanning technology, multi-wavelength Raman laser technology, multifunctional parameter imaging technology, andnear-infrared molecular imaging technology to achieve a micron-level resolution,centimeter-level imaging depth, and the real-time in-vivo tumor imaging, for accuratelyacquiring information including tumor vascular structure, oxygen metabolism, andmolecular concentration.The purpose of this project is to: 1) develop innovative technology of tumor boundaryidentification for MOST application;2) create a novel exciting source prototype todemonstrate this technology serving the application needed by the biomedical industries,and 3) promote this new technology to our industrial partner and other possible industrialusers for technology transfer.The results of this project will provide key technical support for the research of emergingmulti-parameter photoacoustic imaging systems based on new excitation laser sources,so as to provide solutions for the increasing demands that current industrial techniquescannot meet. Patent application and technology transfer will benefit, both the local andglobal, biomedical industry and commercial sectors.