Enhancing Mother-Child Ties and Psychosocial Wellness through Arts: A Mixed Methods Study on Dyadic Expressive arts-based Intervention for Children with Intellectual Disability and their Mothers

Grant Data
Project Title
Enhancing Mother-Child Ties and Psychosocial Wellness through Arts: A Mixed Methods Study on Dyadic Expressive arts-based Intervention for Children with Intellectual Disability and their Mothers
Principal Investigator
Professor Ho, Rainbow Tin Hung   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Dr Wong King Shui Phyllis   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Wan Ho Yin Adrian   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Lo Hay Ming Herman   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
Enhancing Mother-Child Ties and Psychosocial Wellness through Arts: A Mixed Methods Study on Dyadic Expressive arts-based Intervention for Children with Intellectual Disability and their Mothers
Presentation Title
Expressive Arts Therapy, Intellectual disability, Mother-child relationship, Psychosocial Well-being, Randomized controlled trial
Social Work,Others - relating to Social and Behavioural Sciences
Humanities & Social Sciences (H)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
General Research Fund (GRF)
Funding Year
1 The primary objective of the present study is to investigate the effectiveness of a dyadic Expressive arts-based intervention with reference to a waitlist control group on the caregiving mother on the following domains: (i) Parenting stress; (ii) Caregiver burnout, and; (iii) Parent-child relationship; 2 The secondary objective of the proposed study also aims to investigate the effectiveness of the dyadic Expressive arts-based intervention on other psychosocial wellness of the caregiving mothers and children: (iv) Mother’s positive and negative affect (v) Children’s mood (as indicated by a visual analogue); (vi) Emotional expressions (as indicated by arts-based assessment); (vii) Behavioral and emotional problems (as perceived by the teachers or social workers); (viii) Mother’s quality of life; (ix) The participating mother's experiences in the intervention program (through qualitative inquiry), and; (x) The factors that may contribute to or affect the outcomes of the EXAT-based group intervention (quantitative analyses and qualitative interviews)