Trajectories of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and the role of psychological factors among breast cancer patients

Grant Data
Project Title
Trajectories of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and the role of psychological factors among breast cancer patients
Principal Investigator
Ms Chan, Joyce Hoyun   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Dr Ng Wing Lam   (Co-Investigator)
Professor Fielding Richard   (Co-Investigator)
Professor Kwong Ava   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Ng Ka Man   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Lam Wendy Wing Tak   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Chan Wing Lok Wendy   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
Trajectories of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and the role of psychological factors among breast cancer patients
Presentation Title
anxiety, cancer, chronic pain, mixture-growth modelling, quality of life, survivorship
Others - Medicine, Dentistry and Health
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Health and Medical Research Fund - Full Grant
Funding Year
(1) Objectives: The aims of this longitudinal study are to generate the trajectories of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) over 2 years among breast cancer (BC) patients undergoing chemotherapy, to identify its risk factors and the effects on psychological variables and quality of life (QoL). (2) Hypothesis to be tested: It is hypothesized that (i) there are distinct trajectories of CIPN; (ii) neuroticism and catastrophizing would predict the CIPN membership; and (iii) the effect of CIPN on QoL would be mediated by psychological distress and catastrophizing. (3) Design and subjects: Using longitudinal study, 230 Chinese BC patients undergoing chemotherapy will be assessed at baseline, 1-months, 3-months, 6-months, and 12-months postbaseline. (4) Instruments: A set of questionnaires including EORTC QLQ-CIPN20, EORTC QLQ-C30, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Pain Catastrophizing Scale, The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index will be used. (5) Intervention: NA (6) Main outcome measures: CIPN, neuroticism, catastrophizing, HADS-distress and QoL will be assessed using a set of questionnaires. (7) Data analysis: Mixture Growth Modelling (MGM) will generate CIPN trajectories. Multinomial logistic regression will test the effect of neuroticism and catastrophizing on CIPN trajectory. Multivariate regression will identify the direct and indirect effects of CIPN through distress and catastrophizing on quality of life. (8) Expected results: Neuroticism and catastrophizing are expected to predict distinct CIPN trajectory patterns. Patients with consistently-elevated CIPN are expected to report poor QoL, distress, catastrophizing and sleep, and the effect of CIPN on QoL is expected to be mediated by distress and catastrophizing.