Impact assessment of mosquito-repellent softener on conventional wastewater treatment processes and development of advanced technologies for pyrethroids removal

Grant Data
Project Title
Impact assessment of mosquito-repellent softener on conventional wastewater treatment processes and development of advanced technologies for pyrethroids removal
Principal Investigator
Professor Li, Xiao-yan   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Dr Huang Xiaowu   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Choi Michael Tsang Ming   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
Impact assessment of mosquito-repellent softener on conventional wastewater treatment processes and development of advanced technologies for pyrethroids removal
Presentation Title
conventional wastewater treatment, mosquito-repellent softener, pyrethroids removal
Others - Biological Sciences,Environmental Studies and Science
Engineering (E)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Partnership Research Programme (PRP)
Funding Year
Mosquitoes are not only irritating but also one of the major inserts for disease spreading. The worldwide incidence of dengue fever has risen 30-fold in the past 30 years with Hong Kong being one of the worst-hit areas. Cypress Bio-Tech has developed an innovative mosquito-repellent softener for laundry, which gives washed clothes a lasting mosquito repellency that protects people from mosquito bites. Pyrethroids (mainly permethrin and transfluthrin), being the active ingredient in the product, are generally safe for human use. However, they are known as toxic chemicals to aquatic organisms. A widespread application of such a product would raise environmental concerns, in particular its impact on the sewage treatment work (STW). The project is proposed for the product development aiming to address the water pollution issues and related regulations. Through field investigations and laboratory experiments, the effect of pyrethroids on STW will be evaluated, the capacity of typical biological treatment processes in treating pyrethroids-containing wastewater will be determined, and advanced technologies for pretreatment of high-level pyrethroids will be developed. The R&D outcomes will be essential for the promotion and application of the new product not only in Hong Kong but also in the international market for prevention of mosquito-borne diseases.