Discovery and Preclinical Evaluation of Bismuth(III) Complexes with Porphyrins and Thiolates as New Antagonists Against Side-effect of Cisplatin

Grant Data
Project Title
Discovery and Preclinical Evaluation of Bismuth(III) Complexes with Porphyrins and Thiolates as New Antagonists Against Side-effect of Cisplatin
Principal Investigator
Professor Sun, Hongzhe   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Dr Wang Runming   (Co-Investigator)
Professor Chan Godfrey Chi Fung   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Chan Shing   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Li Hongyan   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
Discovery and Preclinical Evaluation of Bismuth(III) Complexes with Porphyrins and Thiolates as New Antagonists Against Side-effect of Cisplatin
Bismuth(III), Cisplatin, New Antagonists, Porphyrins and Thiolates, Side-effect
Biochemical Engineering
Physical Sciences (P)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
Innovation and Technology Fund Internship Programme
Funding Year
Despite various anticancer drugs being developed, cisplatin still remains one of the most potent and widely used anticancer drugs. Should its side effects in particular nephrotoxicity be overcome, cisplatin will play even greater roles in cancer therapy. In our previous project supported by ITF, we have established a library of bismuth compounds and screened their activities towards protection of cisplatin-induced toxicity both at cellular levels and in animal model. We found that three bismuth compounds exhibit nephroprotective activity and decrease the mouse mortality in mice to some extent without compromising anticancer activity of cisplatin. Nevertheless, the most active compound has not be examined further owing to its solubility problem, limited budget as well as availabilty of animals. In this project, we intend to synthsize a variety of anologues of the compounds with dynamic range of biocompatibility and bioactivity. Comprehensive approaches to understand its mechanism of action as well as the extensive pre-clinical evaluation of the most active compound(s) including pharmacokinetics and toxicity will be launched. Finally, we will fine tune the therapeutic regimem of the lead compound in combination with cisplatin. This project will extend application of clinical used anticancer drug cisplatin for cancer therapy and bring enormous economic benefits to local pharmaceutical companies.