An Empirical and Comparative Study of Law Students’ Perceptions of Their Values in Four Emerging and Transitional Economies: China, Russia, South Africa and Kazakhstan

Grant Data
Project Title
An Empirical and Comparative Study of Law Students’ Perceptions of Their Values in Four Emerging and Transitional Economies: China, Russia, South Africa and Kazakhstan
Principal Investigator
Dr Wu, Richard Wai Sang   (Principal Investigator (PI))
Dr Kiseleva Ekaterina   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Liu Sida   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Kruuse Helen   (Co-Investigator)
Mr Alimanov Zhanat   (Co-Investigator)
Professor Tsang King Fung Dicky   (Co-Investigator)
Professor Evans Adrian Hellier   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Lin Yu Hsin   (Co-Investigator)
Dr Leung Lai-kuen, Grace   (Co-Investigator)
Start Date
Conference Title
An Empirical and Comparative Study of Law Students’ Perceptions of Their Values in Four Emerging and Transitional Economies: China, Russia, South Africa and Kazakhstan
China, Kazakhstan, Law Student’s Values, Russia, South Africa
LawOthers - Education
Humanities & Social Sciences (H)
HKU Project Code
Grant Type
General Research Fund (GRF)
Funding Year
1) To identify and compare the values that are characteristic of law students in China, Russia, South Africa and Kazakhstan; 2) To assess the significance of values in the decision-making process of law students in these four emerging and transitional economies; 3) To investigate the effect of gender on the value orientations of law students in these four countries; 4) To evaluate the impact of law school education on the value orientation of law students in these four countries; 5) To investigate the contextual factors, both external and internal to law schools, in these four countries that impact the values of their students; 6) To identify and develop strategies that can help both the governments and law schools in these four countries to reform their curricula on value development of their law students; 7) To evaluate the similarities and differences in the value orientation of law students in these four emerging and transitional economies