HKU Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science

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General Information
HKU Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science  
(852) 3910 2323
Key People
3910 2323

Professor, Chair of Artificial Intelligence
3910 2323

Associate Director
3917 1986

Associate Director
2857 8451

Chair Professor
Professor Chen, H
3910 2338

Assistant Registrar
Ms Chan, LL
3910 2333
RP - Teaching List, Current
2023 S2BPHM41422AMolecular Pharmacology
Liang, Willmann
2021 S2MATH39992BDirected studies in mathematics
2023 S1COMP32781AIntroduction to database management systems
2020 S2STAT39072ALinear models and forecasting
2021 S2STAT8002FAProject
Kwan, Chi Wai
Zhang, Zhiqiang
2022 S2MATH33032AMatrix theory and its applications
2021 S1DASC76001AData science project
Li, Ah Lik
Zhang, Zhiqiang
2019 S1APAI10011AArtificial intelligence: foundation, philosophy and ethics
2022 S1STAT46011ATime-series analysis
2023 S2MUDT10032AResearch Dissertation and Urban Design & Transport Thesis Project
Kleesattel, Vera
Konvitz, Eli Raphael
Tatcher, Oren
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