Department of Emergency Medicine

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Department of Emergency Medicine
    in the Faculty of:
Key People
RP - Teaching List, Current
2022 S1CCGL90621AXShaping Our Health Across Cultures
2018 S8CMED6231SAEmergency medicine for disaster and humanitarian crises responders
2018 S2CCGL90602AHealth is Global: An International Relations Perspective
2023 S2CCCH50572AShaping Health in China (Online)
2019 S8CMED6231SAEmergency medicine for disaster and humanitarian crises responders
2020 S1CCGL90621AShaping Our Health Across Cultures
2019 S1CCGL90621AXShaping Our Health Across Cultures
2019 S1CCGL90621AShaping Our Health Across Cultures
2018 S1CCST90711AShaping our Health: Policy Formation and ‘Glocal’ Experience
2021 S1CCGL90621AShaping Our Health Across Cultures
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