Centre for the Humanities and Medicine

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Centre for the Humanities and Medicine  
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RP - Teaching List, Current
2019 S1HIST21721ARevolutionizing health in modern China
2021 S1HIST40341AOral history and ethnographic research methods (capstone experience)
2019 S2HIST21112AWar and medicine in Europe, 1800-1950
2020 S2HIST21372APandemic!: Contagious histories
2018 S2ENVM8004FADissertation
Brander, Luke Mckinnon
Burnett, Margaret Julia
Kueh, Show Wu
Lam, Kwok Wa
2019 S1HIST40231AHistory research project (capstone experience)
Insisa, Aurelio
2021 S1CCGL90641AXBody Politics: Local Worlds, Global Processes
Iskra, Anna Maria
2018 S1ENVM8004FADissertation
Brander, Luke Mckinnon
Burnett, Margaret Julia
Kueh, Show Wu
Lam, Kwok Wa
2019 S2HIST40342AOral history and ethnographic research methods (capstone experience)
2021 S1CLIT21001AFugitive science: Science and technology studies (STS) approaches to facts and fakes
Lin, Yiping
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