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Showing results 26 to 45 of 1918 < previous   next >
NameChinese NameDepartmentsResearch Interests
Babic, Boris-School of Humanities (Philosophy)Bayesian Statistics; Ethics, Law and Policy of AI and Machine Learning; Decision & Game Theory; Legal Theory
Bach, Petra Anneliese-Department of Earth Sciences
Back, Seung Ho Andy-Faculty of Business and Economics (HKU Business School)Social Networks; Network Narration; Network Agency; Status and Networks
Bacon-Shone, John白景崇Faculty of Social SciencesCompositional data; Gambling; Telephone survey methodology; Privacy policy; Immigration and population policy
Bae, Kyongtae Tyler裴庚泰Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Baker, David Michael-The Swire Institute of Marine Science; School of Biological Sciences; Knowledge Exchange OfficeMarine Pollution; Stable Isotopes; Symbiosis; Historical Ecology; Coral Reefs; Biogeochemistry; Disease Ecology
Bakhtiar, Mehdi白明治Faculty of EducationNormal Speech Fluency, Stuttering and other Fluency Disorders; Speech and language assessment and intervention; Neuromodulation in Neurogenic Communication Disorders
Bao, Xiucong鮑秀叢School of Biomedical SciencesChemical biology; Chem-Proteomics; Protein Post-translational Modifications; Protein-Protein Interactions
Barrett, Elizabeth Ann-Faculty of Education
Becker, Benjamin-Department of Psychology
Becker, Bert貝克School of Humanities (History)Political, economic and social history of Prussia and Germany; History of Europe-Asia relations; Maritime and business history of Hong Kong, China, and East Asia; Modern European history
Beh, Swan Lip馬宣立Department of Pathology; The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and PreventionThe development and maintenance of a Hong Kong Homicide Monitoring Database; Clinical forensic medicine; Forensic pathology
Bell, Daniel貝淡寧Department of LawComparative political theory; Confucianism and Legalism
Ben Iaquinto-Department of GeographySustainable tourism; Mobilities; Backpackers; Tourism policy; Tourism and climate change; Tourism Geography; Cultural Geography; The Anthropocene
Ben Kane李温福Department of MathematicsMock modular forms; Quadratic forms; Modular forms; Sums of triangular numbers; Elliptic curves; Partition theory; harmonic weak Maass forms
Ben Richards-Faculty of Education (Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education)Education policy; Early child development; Socioeconomic inequalities; Quantitative analysis
Benati, Alessandro Giovanni-Centre for Applied English StudiesLanguage processing, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistic.
Bennett, Mia Moy-Department of GeographyPolitical geography, the Arctic, regional development, infrastructure, indigeneous peoples, frontiers
Bezabeh, Samson Abebe-School of Modern Languages and Cultures (African Studies)
Bian, Jiang卞疆Faculty of Business and Economics (HKU Business School)Innovation Management; Collaborative Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Regulatory Environment; Healthcare; China