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Showing results 9424 to 9443 of 10614 < previous   next >
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
Sekar, R
2014-09-01Travel Award: European Society for Comparative Endocrinologists
Research Achievement
LI, Wing Yi Vivian
2016-08-01Travel Award: European Society of Cardiology
Research Achievement
2002-05-01Travel award: Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies, USA
Research Achievement
2010-04-01Travel Award: Hong Kong Society for Immunology
Research Achievement
2013-08-01Travel Award: International Association of Endocrine Surgeons, International Surgical Week 2013, Helsinski, Finland
Research Achievement
2014-08-10Travel Award: International Association of Plant Biotechnology Congress 2014, August 10-15, 2014, Melbourne, Australia
2012-06-01Travel Award: International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 10th Annual Meeting (Yokohama, Japan)
Research Achievement
2011-06-01Travel award: International Symposium on “Longevity, Health, and Society” Taipei, Taiwan
Lau, CST
Lai, PL
Li, P
Lui, NCK
Li, Z
2019-06-01Travel Award: ISSCR
Research Achievement
2008-07-01Travel Award: Japanese Psychogeriatric Society
2015-09-01Travel Award: Japanese Society of NeuropsychoPharmacology
Research Achievement
2011-05-01Travel award: Longevity Modeling and Inter-disciplinary Approach
2010-06-01Travel Award: Mainland China Visiting Lecturer/Professorship
Research Achievement
Ng, MH
2011-07-01Travel Award: Society Of Chinese Bioscientists In America
Research Achievement
Wang, T
Wen, C
2012-04-01Travel Award: the 2012 OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis
Research Achievement
2018-10-01Travel Award: The 2nd International Advanced Liver & Pancreas Surgery Symposium (ISLS 2018 Symposium), Seoul, Korea, 5-6 October 2018
Research Achievement
2019-06-01Travel Award: The 7th Annual Meeting of Asian Organisation for Crohn’s & Colitis 2019
Research Achievement
2007-01-01Travel Award: The American Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine
CHEUNG, Wai Ting
2008-01-01Travel award: The Hong Kong Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Reproduction
Research Achievement
2016-06-01Travel Award: The Liver Week 2016