Browsing by Author Sun, IG

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Knowledge, Comparison of Lesions Colour Changes in Different Application Time With 38% Silver Diamine Fluoride
Proceeding/Conference:15th International Conference of the Asian Academy of Preventive Dentistry (AAPD) 2023 (08/11/2023-11/11/2023, Hong Kong)
Stability of Silver and Fluoride Contents in Silver Diamine Fluoride Solutions
Proceeding/Conference:The 44th Asia Pacific Dental Congress 2023 (44th APDC 2023) & The 12th Hong Kong International Dental Expo and Symposium (12th HKIDEAS) (09/06/2023-11/06/2023, Hong Kong)