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TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Boer, CGHatzikotoulas, KSoutham, LStefansdottir, LZhang, YFCoutinho de Almeida, RWU, TZheng, JHartley, ATeder-Laving, MSkogholt, AHDavey Smith, GSharma, DBanerjee, IBovijn, JLocke, AVerweij, NHaas, MHindy, GDe, TMagi, RCoppola, GAkbari, PSosina, OSham, PCBjornsdottir, GFerreira, MARJones, MBMighty, JLeBlanc, MGMitnaul, LJGabrielsen, MEEsko, TMangino, MGilly, AIngvarsson, TJohnsen, MBThorleifsson, GJonsson, HNelissen, RRGHHShivakumar, MSteinberg, JTakuwa, HWilkinson, JMGaunt, TRFors, EAThomas, LFTuerlings, MBabis, GCCheung, JPYKang, JHKraft, PLietman, SASamartzis, DMeulenbelt, ISlagboom, PEStefansson, KMundal, IMorris, APThorsteinsdottir, UTobias, JHUitterlinden, AGWinsvold, BZwart, JAValdes, AMLee, MTMTsezou, ACheah, KSEIkegawa, SHagen, KHveem, Kvan Meurs, JBJStyrkarsdottir, UZeggini, ELoughlin, JNilsen, KBTerao, CArden, NBirrell, FDeubler, ACarr, ADeloukas, PDoherty, MMcCaskie, AWOllier, WERRai, ARalston, SHForsythe, CLie, MUSpector, TDWallis, GAMartinsen, AEEconomides, AWiller, CBorte, SBrumpton, BNielsen, JBFritsche, LGFuller, EDLotta, LANafde, MZhou, WHeuch, IStorheim, KTyrpenou, EKoukakis, AChytas, DEvangelopoulos, DSEfstathios, CGu, ZHPneumaticos, SNikolaou, VSO'Keeffe, SOverton, JDMalizos, KAnastasopoulou, LAbecasis, GBaras, ACantor, MReid, JGLattari, MShuldiner, AKaralis, KSiminovitch, KOrelus, MBeechert, CLopez, ASchleicher, TDPadilla, MSWidom, LPanea, RKloppenburg, MWolf, SEPradhan, MZengini, EManoochehri, KBai, XDBalasubramanian, SBoutkov, BEom, GHabegger, LHawes, ALuetge, APolanco, TKrasheninina, OLanche, RMansfield, AJAlexiadis, GMaxwell, EKRasool, ASalerno, WStaples, JCLi, DDLund, SHBarysenka, A
IMECS 2011 - International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2011: Preface
Journal:IMECS 2011 - International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2011