Browsing by Author Ng, CP

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
A mouse model of emotional dysregulation with deficiency in LRRC7
Proceeding/Conference:Research Postgraduate Symposium, RPS 2014
A mouse model of emotional dysregulation with deficiency in LRRC7
Proceeding/Conference:HKU-UPAM 2014 Golden Jubilee Scientific Meeting
Document distribution algorithm for load balancing on an extensible Web server architecture
Proceeding/Conference:IEEE / ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid Proceedings
Enriched housing condition reduces stressful behavior in Lrrc7 mutant mice
Proceeding/Conference:Physiology Symposium & HKSN-BSHK 2014 Joint Scientific Conference
LRRC7 regulates neurite morphogenesis through mGluR5
Proceeding/Conference:Neuroscience 2016
The role of Densin180 in anxiety behavior and protein distribution
Proceeding/Conference:Research Postgraduate Symposium, RPS 2013