Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Title | Author(s) | Issue Date | |
Deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum with a point-coupling functional: Examples of even-even Nd isotopes Journal:Physical Review C: covering nuclear physics | 2020 | ||
Nuclear mass table in deformed relativistic Hartree–Bogoliubov theory in continuum, I: Even–even nuclei Journal:Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | Zhang, KCheoun, MKChoi, YBChong, PSDong, JDong, ZDu, XGeng, LHa, EHe, XTHeo, CHo, MCIn, EJKim, SKim, YLee, CHLee, HCJLi, HLi, ZLuo, TMeng, JMun, MHNiu, ZPan, CPapakonstantinou, PShang, XShen, CShen, GSun, WSun, XXTam, CKThaivayongnou, -Wang, CWang, XWong, SHWu, JWu, XXia, XYan, YYIU, TCMYiu, TCZhang, SZhang, WZhang, XYZhao, QZhou, SG | 2022 | |
Possible bound nuclei beyond the two-neutron drip line in the 50≤Z≤70 region Journal:Physical Review C: covering nuclear physics | 2021 |