Browsing by Author Lovell-Badge, RH

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Showing results 15 to 23 of 23 < previous 
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Predicting the establishment of hair follicle patterns in the developing mouse
Proceeding/Conference:Symposium of the Hong Kong Society for Developmental Biology, HKSDB 2012
Sox2 dosage defines the specification and survival of sensory neurons in the inner ear
Proceeding/Conference:Symposium of the Hong Kong Society for Developmental Biology, HKSDB 2012
SOX2 dosage dependent control of otic cell identity revealed by single cell transcriptome analyses
Proceeding/Conference:The 11th Molecular Biology of Hearing and Deafness Conference 2018
SOX2 dosage dependent control of otic cell identity revealed by single-cell transcriptome analyses
Proceeding/Conference:Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists Annual Meeting, 2019
Sox2 is required for sensory organ development in the inner ear
Proceeding/Conference:CSHL 2004 Mouse Molecular Genetics Meeting
Sox2 regulates hair type specification and pigmentation
Proceeding/Conference:26th Annual Meeting on Mouse Molecular Genetics
Transcriptional control of sensory progenitor specification in the inner ear
Proceeding/Conference:ARO 2015 Annual MidWinter Meeting
Understanding the molecular impact of Sox9Y440X in campomelic dysplasia
Proceeding/Conference:Symposium of the Hong Kong Society for Developmental Biology, HKSDB 2012