Browsing by Author Hughes, S

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Children
Journal:Medical Progress (Hong Kong Edition)
Environmental and cultural correlates of physical activity parenting practices among Latino parents with pre-school aged children
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, ISBNPA 2014
Presanis, AMDe Angelis, DHagy, AReed, CRiley, SCooper, BSFinelli, LBiedrzycki, PLipsitch, MAckelsberg, JAdamski, AAdman, GAgborTabi, EAston, CAtamian, JBackman, PBalter, SBarbot, OBeatrice, STBeaudry, GBegier, EBell, GBerg, DBerger, MBetz, JBlank, SBornschlegel, KBregman, BBurke, MButts, BCai, LCajigal, ACampbell, MCamurati, LChamany, SCimini, DCone, JCook, HCook, DCorey, CCostarella, RCoyle, CCrouch, BDa Costa, CADaniels, ADarkins, BDeGrasse, ADeGrechie, SDel Cid, ODeocharan, BDiaz, LDiCaprio, KDiGrande, LDuquaine, DDurrah, JEavey, JEdghill, ZEdwin, BEgger, JEisenhower, DEvans, MFarley, SFeliciano, RFernandez, MFilsAime, CFine, AFireteanu, AMFitzgerald, KFrance, AMFrieden, TFriedman, SFu, JFung, LGirdharrie, LGlaser, MGoranson, CGriffing, FGupta, LHamilton, CHanson, HHarper, SHartmanO'Connell, IHasnain, QHedge, SHeller, MHendrickson, DHerskovitz, AHinterland, KHolmes, RHom, JHon, JHopke, THsieh, JHughes, SImmerwahr, SIncalicchio, AMJasek, JJimenez, JJohns, MJones, LJordan, HKambili, CKang, JKapell, DKarpati, AKerker, BKonty, KKornblum, JKrigsman, GLaraque, FLayton, MLee, ELee, LLee, SLim, SMarx, MMcGibbon, EMahoney, KMarin, GMatte, TMcAnanama, RMcKay, RMcKay, CMcVeigh, KMedina, EMedina, WMichelangelo, DMilhofer, JMilyavskaya, IMisener, MMizrahi, JMoskin, LMotherwell, MMyers, CNair, HPNguyen, TNilsen, DNival, JNorton, JOleszko, WOlson, CPaladini, MPalumbo, LPapadopoulos, PParton, HPaternostro, JPaynter, LPerkins, KPerlman, SPersaud, HPeters, CPfeiffer, MPlatt, RPool, LPunsalang, ARasul, ZRawlins, VReddy, VRinchiuso, ARodriguez, TRosal, RRyan, MSanderson, MScaccia, ASeligson, ALSeupersad, JSevereDildy, JSiddiqi, ASiemetzki, USingh, TSlavinski, SSlopen, MSnuggs, TStarr, DStayton, CStoute, ATerlonge, JTernier, AThorpe, LTravers, CTsoi, BTurner, KTzou, JVines, SWaddell, ENWalker, DWarner, CWeisfuse, IWeiss, DWilliamsAkita, AWilson, EWilson, EWong, MWu, CYang, DYounis, MYusuff, SZimmerman, CZucker, J
What Hispanic parents do to encourage or discourage 3-5 year old children to be active: a qualitative study
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, ISBNPA 2011