Name Card
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Chan, Jasper Fuk Woo 陳福和

Clinical Associate Professor

Contact Information
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Chan, Jasper Fuk Woo 陳福和

Clinical Associate Professor

Also Cited As:
Chan, Jasper
Chan, JFW
Chan, JF

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
2005The University of Hong KongMBBS (HK)
2006The Medical Council of Hong KongRegistered Medical Practitioner
2008The Royal College of Physicians of the United KingdomMRCP (UK)
2009The University of Hong KongPDipID
2012The Royal College of PathologistsFRCPath
2012Hong Kong College of PathologistsFHKCPath
2012The Hong Kong Academy of MedicineFHKAM (Pathology)
2013The Medical Council of Hong KongSpecialist in Clinical Microbiology & Infection
2014The Royal College of Physicians of EdinburghFRCP (Edin)
2017The University of Hong KongMD (HK)
2023The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of GlasgowFRCP (Glasg)

Dr. Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan is currently Assistant Dean (Global Engagement) of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKU); Deputy Department Chairperson and tenured Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, HKU; Deputy Chief-of-Service and Consultant, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, HKU-Shenzhen Hospital; and Honorary Consultant, Department of Microbiology, Queen Mary Hospital. He received his M.B.B.S. from HKU in 2005 and underwent postgraduate specialist training at the Department of Medicine and Department of Microbiology at Queen Mary Hospital to become Fellow of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of Edinburgh and Glasgow, the Royal College of Pathologists of the United Kingdom, the Hong Kong College of Pathologists, and the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. He joined the Department of Microbiology at his alma mater as Clinical Assistant Professor in 2013. He was awarded the Sir Patrick Manson Gold Medal for the best M.D. thesis at HKU in 2017. He was elected as Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (FIDSA) in 2022 and as Member of the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences in 2024.

Dr Chan's research focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and control of emerging viral infections with pandemic potential and emerging infectious diseases with special relevance to Asia. He has authored more than 330 (over 120 (co-)first/corresponding) journal publications in these areas (Scopus: h-index 84, citations: >40,000), including (co-)first/corresponding-authored publications in The Lancet, Science, and Nature. Dr. Chan has been consistently ranked by Clarivate as one of the world's top 1% scholars by citations since 2015 and as a "Highly Cited Researcher" (2 fields: "Microbiology" and "Immunology")  since 2021. He has served as expert member or ambassador of various international organizations, including member of the WHO ad hoc Expert Group focused on COVID-19 disease modelling (WHOCOM) and Young Ambassador of Science of the American Society for Microbiology. He has been invited to chair sessions or speak at more than 70 international and regional conferences/symposia. He is an Associate Editor / Editorial Advisory Board / Global Advisory Board Member for Clinical Microbiology Reviews, American Journal of Transplantation, Journal of Medical Virology, Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Pathogens, and BMC Microbiology, and has been invited to review research papers for more than 50 journals (including NEJM, The Lancet, and Nature series) and grant applications for international/national funding agencies in USA and Europe [European Research Council (ERC), Switzerland (SNSF), France (ANR), the Netherlands (NWO), Austria (FWF), Poland (NCN), and Croatia (HRZZ)]. He has obtained various external peer-reviewed research grants as Principal Coordinator/Investigator (MoST, NSFC, RGC-CRF & GRF, and HMRF) and own a number of patents on novel diagnostics and antivirals. He has received a number of research awards, including the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award (Second-class Award, 2019), the 8th VCANBIO Award for Biosciences and Medicine (Innovation Breakthrough Award) (2023), HKU Outstanding Young Researcher Award (2020-21), HKU Research Output Prize (4 years: 2015-16, 2020-21, 2021-22 & 2022-23), Prize for Best Original Research by Young Fellows of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Gold Medal) (2021), Biomedicines Young Investigator Award (2021), Pathogens Young Investigator Award (2021), Emerging Microbes & Infections Best Paper Award (2020), Lo Ying Shek Chi Wai Foundation Award for Young Investigator (2020), the Health and Medical Reserach Fund Most Promising Young Researcher Award (2019), the Best Poster Award (Young Investigator Category at the 32nd International Conference on Antiviral Research by International Society for Antiviral Research, 2019), and the Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award (Second-class Award, Chinese Medical Association, 2018).

陳福和現為香港大學李嘉誠醫學院助理院長(環球拓展), 微生物學系副系主任及臨床副教授, 香港大學深圳醫院感染性疾病醫學部副主管及顧問醫生, 及香港瑪麗醫院微生物科名譽顧問醫生。陳醫生於2005年畢業於香港大學並獲香港大學內外全科醫學士學位。 2006年至2012年,他於瑪麗醫院內科學系及微生物科學系接受專科醫生培訓,並成為英國愛丁堡皇家內科醫學院榮授院士、英國格拉斯哥皇家醫學院內科榮授院士、英國皇家病理科醫學院榮授院士、香港病理學專科學院院士及香港醫學專科學院院士。 陳醫生於2013年加入香港大學李嘉誠醫學院微生物學系擔任臨床助理教授。 2017年,他考獲香港大學醫學博士學位並獲授白文信爵士金牌(香港大學醫學博士學位應屆最佳畢業論文)。2022年,他當選為美國感染及傳染病學會院士。2024年,他當選為香港青年科學院院士。

陳醫生的主要研究方向是有全球大流行潛力的新興病毒感染及與亞洲有特別相關性的新發傳染病的診斷, 治療和控制。他已在SCI收錄國際同行評審學術刊物上發表學術論著及綜述330餘篇 [超過120餘篇以第一作者或通訊作者(含共同)身分發表, 期刊包括《柳葉刀》、《科學》和《自然》等] (Scopus: h-index: 84, 被引用次數: >40,000次)。根據科睿唯安, 自2015年起他每年均被列為“全球被引用最多的1%學者”, 以及自2021年起被列為 "全球高被引學者" (2個特定領域: "微生物學" 和 "免疫學") 。他曾擔任不同國際組織的專家成員或大使, 包括世界衛生組織專注於 COVID-19 疾病建模的特設專家組 (WHOCOM)和美國微生物學會的青年科學大使(香港)。陳醫生曾被邀請在超過70個國際性和區域性會議上主持會議或演講。他現為 Clinical Microbiology Reviews, American Journal of Transplantation, Journal of Medical Virology, Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Pathogens, 及 BMC Microbiology 的副主編 / 編輯顧問委員會成員 / 全球顧問委員會成員。他曾受邀為50餘種期刊(包括《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》、《柳葉刀》和《自然》系列)審閱研究論文,並為美國和歐洲 [歐洲研究委員會 (ERC)、瑞士(SNSF)、法國(ANR)、荷蘭(NWO)、奧地利(FWF)、波蘭(NCN) 和克羅地亞(HRZZ)] 等國際/國家資助機構審閱資助申請。他作為主要負責人獲得多項國家及香港特別行政區的研究基金項目(國家重點研發計劃,國家自然科學基金,香港特別行政區研資局協作研究金和優配研究金,香港特別行政區醫療衛生研究基金等) 及國內外的專利。此外, 他也獲得了多項國際性和區域性獎項 [例如: 國家科學技術進步獎(二等獎) (2019), 第八屆中源協和生命醫學獎 (創新突破獎) (2023), 香港大學傑出青年研究學者獎 (2020-21), 香港大學研究成果獎 (4年: 2015-16, 2020-21, 2021-22 及 2022-23), 香港醫學專科學院年青院士最佳原創研究獎(金牌) (2021), Biomedicines 年青研究員獎 (2021), Pathogens 年青研究員獎 (2021), Emerging Microbes & Infections 最佳論文獎 (2020), 羅鷹石慈慧基金傑出年青研究獎 (2020), 香港特別行政區醫療衛生研究基金最傑出年青研究員獎 (2019), 第 32 屆國際抗病毒研究會議青年研究者組最佳牆報獎 (2019), 中華醫學科技獎(二等獎) (2018) 等]。

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
2022-08-01Top 1% scholar (2022): Clarivate
Research Achievement
2018-07-01Top 1% scholar (2018): Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) Essential Science Indicators
Research Achievement
2011-11-01Best Presentation Prize (7th Trainee Presentation Session): The Hong Kong College of Pathologists
Cheng, CCV
Tai, JWM
2010-04-01Outstanding Team Award - Microbiology and Infection Control Team, Queen Mary Hospital: Hospital Authority
2005-06-01CMA Dr. Cheng Ha Yan SARS Memorial Scholarship: The University of Hong Kong
2003-06-01The Hong Kong Society of Community Medicine Prize: The University of Hong Kong
2023-06-13Dalton Horizon Prize
Research Achievement
CHAN, Chun Lung
Wang, R
Cheng, T
Wang, S
2023-04-30Gold medal for 48th international exhibition of inventions of Geneva: The 48th Geneva International Inventions Exhibition (26/04/2023-30/10/2023, Geneva)
Research Achievement
ZHANG, Ruiqi
Li, TW
Wong, TL
Lau, JY
2016-02-01Research Output Prize 2015-16: Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
Cheng, CCV
Li, PY
Li, TW
Li, C
Zhu, H
Chan, TCI
2015-01-01Best Abstract in Clinical Medicine (Oral) - "Immunogenicity of Intradermal Trivalent Influenza Vaccine with Topical Imiquimod, a Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial": 20th Medical Research Conference 2015, Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
CAO, Jianli
CHAN, Chun Yiu Chris
LIANG, Ronghui
TANG, Kaiming
XU, Wan
Poon, KM
LAU, Chit Ying
Chan, CS
Lai, PM
Yuen, CKJ
Sit, KY
Lee, CY
Wang, R
Meng, X
2023-01-01The University of Hong Kong Research Output Prize 2021-22: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2019-12-01State Scientific and Technological Progress Award (2nd Class Award) (Establishment and Application of Animal Model System for Major Human Infectious Diseases): The State Council of the People’s Republic of China
Research Achievement
IP, Jonathan Daniel
Poon, KM
Cheng, CCV
Poon, WSR
Chan, WM
Cai, J
2023-01-01One of 34 publications highlighted in the "200 years of The Lancet" timeline (Chan JF et al., A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster, Lancet 2020): The Lancet
ISSN: 0140-6736 ; eISSN: 1474-547X
Research Achievement
2015-06-01ASV Medical Virology Club Travel Award: American Society for Virology
Research Achievement
2016-07-01Top 1% scholar (2016): Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) Essential Science Indicators
Research Achievement
2020-05-01Lo Ying Shek Chi Wai Foundation Award for Young Investigator 2019-2020: Lo Ying Shek Chi Wai Foundation & LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU
Research Achievement
2020-04-01Kylin Science and Technology Award Capital Excellent Science and Technology Innovation Award: Beijing Society of Science and Technology Professionals Capital, Beijing, China
Research Achievement
2015-07-01Top 1% scholar (2015): Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) Essential Science Indicators
Research Achievement
2017-07-01Top 1% scholar (2017): Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) Essential Science Indicators
Research Achievement
2017-01-01ASM Young Ambassador of Science: American Society for Microbiology
2021-11-01Highly Cited Researcher 2021 (Microbiology): Clarivate
Research Achievement
2021-11-01Highly Cited Researcher 2021 (Immunology): Clarivate
Research Achievement
2021-08-01Top 1% scholar (2021): Clarivate
Research Achievement
2022-01-01The University of Hong Kong Outstanding Young Researcher Award: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
IP, Jonathan Daniel
Poon, KM
Cheng, CCV
Poon, WSR
Chan, WM
Cai, J
2021-08-01The University of Hong Kong Research Output Prize 2020-21: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2021-11-01Prize for Best Original Research by Young Fellows (Gold Medal Winner) (2021): Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
Research Achievement
2022-11-012021 Cell Press China Most Picked Paper: Cell Press
Research Achievement
2019-06-01The Most Promising Young Researcher Award: Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR Government
Research Achievement
ZHU, Zheng
2021-02-01Emerging Microbes & Infections 2020 Best Paper Award (1st place): Emerging Microbes & Infections ; eISSN: 2222-1751
Research Achievement
2020-08-01Top 1% scholar (2020): Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) Essential Science Indicators
Research Achievement
2021-05-01Pathogens 2021 Young Investigator Award: Pathogens ; eISSN: 2076-0817
Research Achievement
2021-05-01Biomedicines 2021 Young Investigator Award: Biomedicines ; eISSN: 2227-9059
Research Achievement
2019-08-01Top 1% scholar (2019): Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) Essential Science Indicators
Research Achievement
2018-02-01Sir Patrick Manson Gold Medal (for the best MD thesis in 2017): The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
Wen, LR
Yan, B
2019-05-01Best Poster Award (1st place in the Young Investigator Category): The 32nd International Conference on Antiviral Research (ICAR 2019)
Research Achievement
2022-11-01Highly Cited Researcher 2022 (Immunology): Clarivate
Research Achievement
2022-11-01Highly Cited Researcher 2022 (Microbiology): Clarivate
Research Achievement
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
2005 - nowMemberThe Hong Kong Medical Association
2012 - nowFellowThe Royal College of Pathologists, the United Kingdom
2009 - 2012Associate MemberThe Royal College of Pathologists, the United Kingdom
2024 - nowElected MemberThe Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences
2013 - nowSpecialist in Clinical Microbiology & InfectionThe Medical Council of Hong Kong
2006 - nowRegistered Medical PractitionerThe Medical Council of Hong Kong
2014 - nowFellowThe Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
2015 - nowMemberInternational Society for Antiviral Research
2016 - nowMemberThe Association of Clinical Pathologists
2012 - nowFellowThe Hong Kong College of Pathologists
2022 - nowFellowInfectious Diseases Society of America
2014 - 2022MemberInfectious Diseases Society of America
2013 - nowMemberEuropean Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
2015 - nowMemberPan American Society for Clinical Virology
2017 - 2019Young AmbassadorAmerican Society for Microbiology
2014 - nowMemberAmerican Society for Microbiology
2012 - nowFellowThe Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
2022 - nowFellowThe Royal Society of Biology
2017 - nowFellowThe Royal Society of Medicine
2012 - nowMemberHong Kong Society for Microbiology and Infection
2014 - nowMemberAmerican Society for Virology
2022 - nowFellowInstitute of Biomedical Science
Major Research Themes & Current Projects
Emerging viral infections with pandemic potential
Emerging infectious diseases with special relevance to Asia
Media Contact Directory
Area of Expertise:
Area of Expertise (EN)Area of Expertise (ZH)
Infectious diseases
Clinical microbiology
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