Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
chinese language - syntax - study and teaching (primary) - singapore 2
integrated group discussion 2
integrated writing 2
strategy use 2
academic writing 1
academic writing: self-reflection: peer feedback: self-efficacy 1
aggression 1
argumentation 1
assessment 1
chinese as a first language 1
chinese as l1 1
chinese college students 1
chinese language 1
chinese language as l1 1
cognitive skill 1
confirmatory factor analysis 1
construct 1
coping style 1
creative imagination 1
cross-language transfer 1
cross-linguistic facilitation 1
curriculum objective 1
cyberbullying 1
discourse synthesis 1
discourse synthesis skills 1
effect size 1
efl writing. growth mindset 1
english as l2 1
eye-tracking 1
feedback amount 1
feedback implementation 1
feedback types 1
gender differences 1
group discussion 1
growth mindset 1
ideal l2 writing self 1
influencing factors 1
integrated writing assessment 1
interaction strategy 1
internet addiction 1
intertextual processing 1
l2 1
l2 writing 1
listening process 1
magnitude of differences 1
mainland chinese students 1
meta-analysis 1
moderate effect 1
moderating analysis 1
motivation 1
multiple-text comprehension 1
need for cognition 1
oral communication 1
peer assessment 1
peer feedback 1
practical knowledge 1
putonghua 1
reading and writing 1
reading comprehension 1
reading comprehension processes 1
reading process 1
reading-writing connection 1
reproductive imagination 1
secondary school students 1
self-assessment 1
self-esteem 1
self-feedback 1
sense-making 1
source-based writing 1
speaking assessment 1
students 1
teacher conception 1
teachers’ conception 1
undergraduate student 1
undergraduate students 1
writing anxiety 1
writing enjoyment 1
writing proficiency 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
lam, wai ip 1
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