Professional Qualifications

Cheng-han was born in Yilan, Taiwan. He graduated from National Taiwan University with a B.S. in Physics (2000) while working with Prof. Chih-Kung Lee in Institute of Applied Mechanics.  He then joined the research group of Prof. Jay T. Groves at University of California, Berkeley to complete his Ph.D. (2002-2007), focused on lipid membrane biophysics, T cell immunological synapse, and nanofabrication technology.  Continuing his research interest in dynamical regulation of cellular membrane proteins, Dr. Yu started his postdoctoral training with Prof. Michael P. Sheetz at Mechanobiology Institute (MBI) in National University of Singapore and Columbia University in New York, USA.  Cheng-han was supported by the Young Postdoctoral Fellowship of National Science Council, Taiwan (NSC98-2917-I-564-165). In August 2014, Cheng-han joins the Department of Anatomy in the University of Hong Kong, HK.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
Professional Societies
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