AuthorsNo. of Publications
vokes, ee 8
zhao, h 8
hurwitz, hi 7
nixon, ab 6
blobe, gc 5
hodgson, l 5
morse, ma 5
bendell, jc 4
crawford, j 4
abdelmalek, mf 3
bogart, ja 3
diehl, am 3
honeycutt, w 3
kim, i 3
kindler, hl 3
leung, gm 3
otterson, ga 3
uronis, he 3
wong, ns 3
altomare, i 2
blackstock, aw 2
brady, jc 2
bulusu, a 2
chan, bhy 2
dudek, az 2
fernando, nh 2
green, mr 2
guy, cd 2
hodgson, ld 2
hsu, sd 2
kelley, mj 2
kratzke, ra 2
mandrekar, sj 2
meadows, kl 2
ni, my 2
salama, jk 2
schild, se 2
starr, md 2
tong, t 2
urbanic, jj 2
wang, x 2
zafar, sy 2
adjei, aa 1
agboola, km 1
aklilu, m 1
amara, a 1
ansari, rh 1
arrowood, c 1
arrowood, cc 1
ashley-koch, a 1
ashton, j 1
atkins, jn 1
balajonda, n 1
belani, cp 1
bertagnolli, mm 1
bisanar, tl 1
bradley, jd 1
bullock, ke 1
burdett, s 1
chan, is 1
chen, y 1
cheng, k 1
cheng, kmp 1
choi, ss 1
cohen, hj 1
cohn, a 1
collette, l 1
conkling, p 1
cushman, s 1
cushman, sm 1
dahlberg, se 1
datta, d 1
david hsu, s 1
dellinger, a 1
domerg, c 1
dubey, s 1
eisen, t 1
enerson, be 1
favaro, j 1
fisher, d 1
floyd, e 1
friedman, pn 1
gandara, d 1
ganti, ak 1
garrett, me 1
george, sl 1
goldberg, rm 1
graziano, sl 1
haley, s 1
hauser, m 1
hauser, ma 1
heinze, r 1
holford, m 1
howard, l 1
hu, c 1
hui, k 1
hurwitz, h 1
jia, j 1
jiang, c 1
joe laidler, k 1
jung, s-h 1
jänne, pa 1
kaplan, n 1
karaca, gf 1
kong, tsk 1
kratzke, r 1
krug, l 1
kuo, pc 1
lam, th 1
lau, ehy 1
lavoie smith, em 1
lawton, mp 1
li, h 1
li, kl 1
liaskou, e 1
lin, a 1
liu, y 1
lu, b 1
manola, jb 1
mathew, jp 1
mauguen, a 1
mccall, s 1
mi, z 1
michelotti, ga 1
michiels, s 1
miller, aa 1
minvielle, s 1
moylan, ca 1
o'brien, m 1
parmar, m 1
paulus, r 1
pechoux, cl 1
pereira, tda 1
philips, g 1
pignon, j-p 1
ramalingam, ss 1
ramnath, n 1
ready, ne 1
redman, mw 1
rushing, c 1
sargent, dj 1
sause, wt 1
schilsky, rl 1
schooling, cm 1
shepherd, fa 1
smith, ad 1
starodub, a 1
stewart, sm 1
stinchcombe, te 1
strickler, jh 1
sutton, l 1
suzuki, a 1
swiderska, m 1
syn, w-k 1
tierney, jf 1
tillmann, hl 1
venook, ap 1
voils, ci 1
vokes, e 1
watt, c 1
weiss, es 1
wong, ml 1
xie, g 1
yang, jd 1
yousuf zafar, s 1
yu, nx 1
zhang, w 1
zhang, y 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
acquired immune deficiency syndrome 3
china 3
condom 3
condom use 3
heterosexuality 3
hiv/aids risks 3
human immunodeficiency virus infection 3
men who have sex with men in china 3
partnership type 3
microarray 2
bevacizumab 1
cancer 1
capecitabine 1
cetuximab 1
chemoradiotherapy 1
chemotherapy 1
clinical trial 1
dasatinib 1
diabetes 1
discriminant analysis 1
dosage-escalated radiotherapy 1
epigenetics 1
everolimus 1
gaussian random process 1
gene and pathway-based analysis 1
gene expression 1
gene expression analysis 1
gene selection 1
genome-wide scan 1
gwas 1
high dose chemoradiotherapy 1
high-dimensional data 1
iterative feature elimination 1
kernel machine 1
large p small n 1
limited stage 1
limited-stage small-cell lung cancer 1
lung toxicity radiation 1
mesothelioma 1
metastatic colorectal cancer 1
microarrays 1
mixed model 1
multiple myeloma 1
oxaliplatin 1
pathway 1
pathway analysis 1
pathway tests 1
phase ii 1
pneumonitis 1
prediction validation 1
profile likelihood 1
radiotherapy 1
random forest 1
random forests 1
random pathway effects 1
refractory colorectal cancer 1
regularization 1
restricted maximum likelihood 1
romidepsin 1
sample size 1
score test 1
shrinkage 1
single-nucleotide polymorphisms 1
small cell lung cancer 1
small-cell lung cancer 1
sorafenib 1
src 1
src kinase 1
survival 1
topoisomerase inhibitor 1
toxicity predictors 1
tumor classification 1
tyrosine kinase inhibitor 1
vascular endothelial growth factor 1
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