AuthorsNo. of Publications
zeng, h 11
xiao, k 10
dai, j 9
zhu, b 7
li, d 6
wang, x 6
yan, t 6
yao, w 6
lindsay, sm 5
yang, s 5
che, cm 4
chen, x 4
gust, d 4
li, z 4
moore, al 4
moore, ta 4
primak, a 4
sankey, of 4
shen, sq 4
tomfohr, j 4
xie, l 4
zarate, x 4
zhang, fc 4
gong, z 3
harris, g 3
huang, l 3
li, s 3
liu, z 3
wan, q 3
xiao, d 3
yu, h 3
chen, g 2
fu, x 2
ge, w 2
he, r 2
ho, wk 2
huang, w 2
jiao, l 2
li, j 2
li, q 2
ling, fcc 2
liu, g 2
liu, q 2
lu, hz 2
o'brien, sp 2
rao, q 2
rashid, r 2
taniguchi, takashi 2
wang, sp 2
watanabe, kenji 2
wu, c 2
xie, mh 2
xu, s 2
xu, xd 2
yang, c 2
yang, cl 2
yao, wang 2
zeng, hl 2
zhang, j 2
zhao, h 2
zhu, bairen 2
avouris, p 1
azeem, w 1
bao, y 1
brus, l 1
cao, q 1
cao, wang 1
chan, kw 1
chan, th 1
chau, ckl 1
chen, g 1
chen, j 1
chen, s 1
chen, xc 1
chen, xh 1
chen, yx 1
dai, jf 1
dai, sheng 1
deng, y 1
ding, dg 1
ding, sj 1
dolde, f 1
duan, r 1
duan, rh 1
dukovic, g 1
fan, jh 1
fan, jiahe 1
fedder, h 1
feng, x 1
freitag, m 1
fu, y 1
gao, cl 1
gao, g 1
gao, p 1
ge, wk 1
hao, jh 1
hao, q 1
he, d 1
he, daliang 1
he, dl 1
he, sm 1
he, wei 1
hu, j 1
huang, j 1
huang, jd 1
huang, w 1
hui, yy 1
hwa, t 1
ji, y 1
jia, jf 1
jiang, yongjun 1
jie, wj 1
jin, c 1
jin, ch 1
jin, chuanhong 1
kan, c 1
kan, cm 1
ki, d 1
ki, dk 1
kim, j 1
kwok, ryan tk 1
lantz, m 1
lao, x 1
lau, sp 1
lenz, p 1
leong, wh 1
leung, yl 1
li, dian 1
li, sh 1
lin, j 1
lin, xuyan 1
lin, zemeng 1
liu, c 1
liu, c 1
liu, gb 1
liu, gl 1
liu, gq 1
liu, h 1
liu, kai 1
liu, l 1
liu, rb 1
liu, yz 1
low, kh 1
martel, r 1
mei, jw 1
mei, lm 1
mo, x 1
nagahara, la 1
nagl, stefan 1
ong, hc 1
po, c 1
qin, x 1
ren, x 1
su, h 1
su, z 1
tang, ben zhong 1
tang, lh 1
tang, r 1
taniguchi, t 1
tokumoto, h 1
tse, cme 1
wang, bo 1
wang, h 1
wang, j 1
wang, l 1
wang, m 1
wang, n 1
wang, xiong 1
wang, y 1
watanabe, k 1
weng, yx 1
white, b 1
wong, ch 1
wrachtrup, j 1
wu, angela ruohao 1
wu, renhua 1
xia, y 1
xian, x 1
xiang, l 1
xiao, ke 1
xiao, x 1
xie, h 1
xu, h 1
xu, sg 1
xu, xiaodong 1
xu, z 1
xue, h 1
yam, vww 1
yan, ss 1
yan, tf 1
yan, yj 1
yang, c 1
yang, f 1
yang, j 1
yang, siyuan 1
yang, z 1
yao, x 1
younas, m 1
yu, d 1
yu, hongyi 1
yuan, m 1
yue, s 1
yue, x 1
zeng, hualing 1
zhang, am 1
zhang, hj 1
zhang, q. m. 1
zhang, qm 1
zhang, qm 1
zhang, shuang 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, y 1
zhang, zam 1
zhao, wei 1
zhou, m 1
zhu, dp 1
zhu, h 1
zhu, rd 1
zhu, zbr 1
zou, jd 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
physics 6
exciton 5
acyl-butyrolactones - metabolism 4
bacterial load 4
cell proliferation 4
culture media 4
diffusion 4
escherichia coli k12 - cytology - genetics - growth & development - physiology 4
gene expression regulation, bacterial 4
gene regulatory networks 4
kinetics 4
models, biological 4
movement 4
quorum sensing 4
synthetic biology 4
transition metal dichalcogenides 4
two-dimensional semiconductor 4
2d magnet 3
2d semiconductor 3
chemical vapour deposition 3
degrees of freedom (mechanics) 3
delocalized excited state 3
dynamics 3
electron gas 3
energy transfer 3
excited states 3
ferroelectric response 3
ground state 3
light polarization 3
low dimensional ferromagnetism 3
magnetic circular dichroism microscopy 3
magnetic moments 3
magnetoelectronics 3
metal–metal interactions 3
polarization dependence 3
raman spectroscopy 3
second harmonic generation 3
semiconductor quantum wells 3
supramolecular polymer 3
triplet exciton 3
valley physics 3
vanadium diselenide 3
γ-in2se3 3
2d crystal 2
backscattering reflections 2
chemical analysis 2
chiral indices 2
coulomb screenings 2
devices 2
dielectric constants 2
electron 2
electron phonons 2
electronics 2
energy 2
ferroelectric 2
g-factor 2
gallium arsenide 2
gallium compounds 2
iii-v semiconductors 2
indium triselenide 2
kerr electro-optical effect 2
layered semiconductors 2
mbe,stm/s 2
photoluminescence 2
wse2 2
2d material 1
2h-phase 1
aligned arrays 1
band gaps 1
capacitance 1
catalyst-free thermal evaporation 1
cdte 1
chemistry, physical 1
cytokine quantitation 1
deep level emission 1
dipole orientation 1
edge-on 1
electric conductivity 1
electrochemistry 1
energy gap 1
enzyme free 1
epitaxial films 1
fluorescence 1
fluorescence intensity ratio metric 1
ga2se2 1
gallium selenide 1
gold 1
in situ adf-stem 1
interlayer coupling 1
interleukin-2 1
large absorption coefficient 1
metal−insulator transition 1
microchip 1
microscopic mapping 1
microscopy, scanning tunneling 1
monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides 1
monolayer ws2 1
multilayer vse2 1
optical control 1
oxide magnetic semiconductor 1
phase transition 1
photothermally amplified fluorescent immunosorbent assay 1
physicochemical phenomena 1
quantum confinement 1
raman scattering 1
reproducibility of results 1
self-intercalation 1
semiconductor quantum wires 1
single-walled carbon nanotubes (swcn) 1
spin lifetime 1
spin polarization 1
spin-valley coupling 1
spin-valley couplings 1
spintronics 1
structural phase transition 1
sulfhydryl compounds - chemistry 1
transition metal dichalcogenide 1
two-dimensional materials 1
valley lifetime 1
valley quantum control 1
valleytronics 1
x-ray dector 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
simulation of emerging electronics 10
2d materials research, emerging technologies, fundamentals 8
quantum control, spin detection, spin injection, spintronic device, spintronics 5
2d nano-devices, spin and valley physics, synthesis and growth, tmds, two-dimensional (2d) materials 4
epitaxy and growth, nano-device, spin and valley physics, transition metal dichalcogenides (tmdc), two-dimensional (2d) films 4
bacterial therapy, cancer, combinatorial control, hypoxia, synthetic biology 3
carbon-rich, functional materials, nano-scale 3
multi-modal quantum sensing, nanomagnetism 3
bottom-up institutional reform, policy diffusion, textual analysis, total factor productivity, chinese economy 3
many-body paradigm, quantum moiré material research 3
multi-modal quantum sensing, nanomagnetism 3
authenticity identification, development, jewellery industry, practical wide-field quantum diamond microscope 2
droplet soliton, magnetic, magnetic nanostructure, skyrmion topological, spin torque oscillators, spin transfer torque 2
moiré superlattice, two-dimensional materials, two-dimensional superlattice, van der waals heterostructure 2
molecular-beam epitaxy, surface, thin film, topological insulator 2
moiré lattices in 2d layered materials / excitons and polaritons / dielectric and plasmonic photonic nanostructures / topological photonic nanostructures / chiral optics 2
2d materials, band structure, moire superlattice, monolayer tmd, optical properties 1
2d materials, dichalcogenides, spin-orbit coupling, spintronics, spin-valley coupling 1
2d semiconductors, electron-hole liquid, monochalcogenides, quantum phase transition 1
2d semiconductors, exciton, exciton-exciton interactions, monolayer dichalcogenide 1
2d semiconductors, freedom, manipulation, quantum, spin and valley degrees 1
bio-sensing, microfluidics, multifunctional sensing, nanodiamond, nano-plasmonics 1
carbon nanotube, dielectric constant 1
carbon nanotube, electron-electron interaction, luttinger liquid, quantum capacitance 1
carbon nanotubes, electronic structures 1
carbon nanotubes, optical spectroscopy, raman 1
ingaas, spin current, spin hall effect 1
2d semiconductor, transition metal dichalcognide, exciton, spin, surface plasmon polariton 1
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