AuthorsNo. of Publications
liao, p 42
lung, sc 40
xiao, s 38
bach, tj 27
chen, q 19
wang, m 19
li, hy 17
ye, z 17
wang, h 16
chen, qf 15
nagegowda, da 15
chen, m 14
du, z 14
hsiao, as 13
ramalingam, s 12
li, h 11
guo, z 10
meng, w 10
rawat, r 10
du, zy 9
mowbray, sl 9
yeung, e 9
zhao, kj 9
cheung, ky 7
chua, nh 7
gao, w 7
hu, t 7
sin, sf 7
tang, cm 7
fung, kl 6
ho, swt 6
mishra, g 6
suen, yl 6
tanner, ja 6
xiao, s 6
xu, zf 6
xue, y 6
zhou, y 6
alahakoon, ay 5
gao, w 5
hemmerlin, a 5
hoffmann-benning, s 5
lam, e 5
saunders, rmk 5
taylor, pwj 5
ubhayasekera, w 5
xu, fx 5
xu, j 5
zheng, s 5
chen, x 4
guo, zh 4
hao, g 4
haslam, rp 4
he, zm 4
lam, hm 4
lie ken jie, msf 4
tan, ct 4
ubhayasekara, w 4
ye, zw 4
yeung, ec 4
bergfors, t 3
berglund, g 3
golz, jf 3
guo, d 3
harwood, jl 3
jiang, l 3
kush, a 3
leung, kc 3
lo, c 3
ma, j 3
michaelson, lv 3
mohd fadhli bin hamdan, 3
napier, ja 3
narayanan, sp 3
russell, da 3
wang, z 3
yip, wk 3
zee, sy 3
alex, d 2
aznar-moreno, ja 2
bach, t 2
bouvier-nave, p 2
chak, rkf 2
chan, ay 2
chan, jh 2
chan, sw 2
chan, wl 2
chen, mx 2
elliott, ce 2
ferrer, jl 2
guan, y 2
hao, q 2
hu, th 2
kim, j 2
lai, sh 2
lee, myt 2
li, l 2
li, w 2
liu, a 2
lo, csc 2
lung, rwm 2
lung, shiu cheung 2
lung, shiu-cheung 2
miao, r 2
noel, jp 2
ouyang, sw 2
panthapulakkal narayanan, s 2
peiris, jsm 2
pittard, j 2
pojer, f 2
poon, llm 2
qi, w 2
qi, wq 2
richard, sb 2
russell, d 2
salas, jj 2
scofield, s 2
song, x 2
suh, mc 2
tan chiotee 2
tongson, ej 2
tse, mh 2
venegas-caleron, m 2
wang, f 2
wang, m 2
wang, x 2
wang, y 2
welti, r 2
wiweger, m 2
wong, eyl 2
xu, l 2
yao, km 2
ye, zw 2
yeung, ect 2
yung, mh 2
zee, ssy 2
zhang, d 2
zhang, jp 2
zhang, r 2
zheng, sx 2
abdalla, fc 1
abeliovich, h 1
abraham, rt 1
acevedoarozena, a 1
adeli, k 1
agholme, l 1
agnello, m 1
agostinis, p 1
aguirreghiso, ja 1
ahn, hj 1
aitmohamed, o 1
aitsiali, s 1
akematsu, t 1
akira, s 1
albert, ml 1
albin, rl 1
alegreabarrategui, j 1
aleo, mf 1
alirezaei, m 1
almasan, a 1
almontebecerril, m 1
alyounes, hm 1
alzeer, ma 1
amano, a 1
amaravadi, r 1
amarnath, s 1
amer, ao 1
amiruddin, n 1
anantharam, v 1
andrieuabadie, n 1
ann, dk 1
anoopkumardukie, s 1
anzar-moreno, ja 1
aoki, h 1
apostolova, n 1
arancia, g 1
arias garzon, t 1
aris, jp 1
arnold, von 1
asanuma, k 1
asare, nyo 1
ashida, h 1
askanas, v 1
askew, ds 1
auberger, p 1
azizi, n 1
azlan, ns 1
azlan, nsb 1
baba, m 1
bach, t j 1
bach, t. j. 1
backues, sk 1
baehrecke, eh 1
bahr, ba 1
bai, xy 1
bailly, y 1
baiocchi, r 1
baldini, g 1
balduini, w 1
ballabio, a 1
bamber, ba 1
bampton, etw 1
bartholomew, cr 1
bassham, dc 1
bast jr, rc 1
bates, re 1
batoko, h 1
bay, bh 1
beau, i 1
begley, tj 1
behl, c 1
behrends, c 1
bekri, s 1
bellaire, b 1
bendall, lj 1
benetti, l 1
benveniste, p 1
berliocchi, l 1
bernardi, h 1
bernassola, f 1
besteiro, s 1
bhatiakissova, i 1
bi, x 1
biardpiechaczyk, m 1
blum, js 1
boise, lh 1
bonaldo, p 1
boone, dl 1
bornhauser, bc 1
bortoluci, kr 1
bossis, i 1
bost, f 1
bourquin, jp 1
bouviernavé, p 1
boya, p 1
boyerguittaut, m 1
bozhkov, pv 1
brady, nr 1
brancolini, c 1
brech, a 1
brenman, je 1
brennand, a 1
bresnick, eh 1
brest, p 1
bridges, d 1
bristol, ml 1
brookes, ps 1
brown, ej 1
brumell, jh 1
brunettipierri, n 1
brunk, ut 1
bulman, de 1
bultman, sj 1
bultynck, g 1
burbulla, lf 1
burke, jj 1
bursch, w 1
butchar, jp 1
buzgariu, w 1
bydlowski, sp 1
bánhegyi, g 1
béchet, dm 1
cadwell, k 1
cahová, m 1
cai, d 1
cai, j 1
cai, q 1
calabretta, b 1
calvogarrido, j 1
camougrand, n 1
campanella, m 1
campossalinas, j 1
candi, e 1
cao, l 1
caplan, ab 1
carding, sr 1
cardoso, sm 1
carew, js 1
carlin, cr 1
carmignac, v 1
carneiro, lam 1
carra, s 1
caruso, ra 1
casari, g 1
casas, c 1
castino, r 1
cebollero, e 1
cecconi, f 1
celli, j 1
chaachouay, h 1
chae, hj 1
chai, cy 1
chan, dc 1
chan, ey 1
chan, kl 1
chan, pl 1
chan, why 1
chan, ys 1
chang, rcc 1
chang, yy 1
chao, a 1
chapman, k 1
chapman, kd 1
che, cm 1
chen, cc 1
chen, gc 1
chen, gq 1
chen, j 1
chen, l 1
chen, ssl 1
chen, w 1
chen, y 1
chen, yg 1
chen, yj 1
chen, z 1
cheng, a 1
cheng, chk 1
cheng, y 1
cheong, h 1
cheong, jh 1
cherry, s 1
chesswilliams, r 1
cheung kayun 1
cheung, my 1
cheung, zh 1
chevet, e 1
chiang, hl 1
chiarelli, r 1
chiba, t 1
chin, ls 1
chiou, sh 1
chisari, fv 1
cho, ch 1
cho, dh 1
choi, amk 1
choi, d 1
choi, ks 1
choi, me 1
chouaib, s 1
choubey, d 1
choubey, v 1
chu, ct 1
chua namhai 1
chuang, th 1
chueh, sh 1
chun, t 1
chwae, yj 1
ciarcia, r 1
ciriolo, mr 1
clague, mj 1
clark, rsb 1
clarke, pgh 1
clarke, r 1
codogno, p 1
coller, ha 1
colombo, mi 1
comincini, s 1
condello, m 1
condorelli, f 1
cookson, mr 1
coombs, gh 1
coppens, i 1
corbalan, r 1
cossart, p 1
costelli, p 1
costes, s 1
cotomontes, a 1
couve, e 1
coxon, fp 1
cregg, jm 1
crespo, jl 1
cronjé, mj 1
cuervo, am 1
cullen, jj 1
czaja, mj 1
d'amelio, m 1
darfeuillemichaud, a 1
david zacks, e 1
davids, lm 1
davies, fe 1
de córdoba, sr 1
de felici, m 1
de groot, jf 1
de haan, cam 1
de martino, l 1
de milito, a 1
de tata, v 1
debnath, j 1
deepa, a 1
degterev, a 1
dehay, b 1
delbridge, lmd 1
demarchi, f 1
deng, yz 1
dengjel, j 1
dent, p 1
denton, d 1
deretic, v 1
desai, sd 1
devenish, rj 1
di gioacchino, m 1
di paolo, g 1
di pietro, c 1
diazmeco, mt 1
diaznido, j 1
dikic, i 1
dineshkumar, sp 1
ding, wx 1
distelhorst, cw 1
diwan, a 1
djavaherimergny, m 1
dokudovskaya, s 1
dong, z 1
dorsey, fc 1
dosenko, v 1
dowling, jj 1
doxsey, s 1
dreux, m 1
drew, me 1
duan, q 1
duchosal, ma 1
duff, k 1
dugail, i 1
durbeej, m 1
duszenko, m 1
díazaraya, g 1
díazlaviada, i 1
edelstein, cl 1
edinger, al 1
egea, g 1
eichinger, l 1
eissa, nt 1
ekmekcioglu, s 1
elazar, z 1
eldeiry, ws 1
elgendy, m 1
ellerby, lm 1
engelbrecht, am 1
engelender, s 1
er eng, k 1
erenpreisa, j 1
escalante, r 1
esclatine, a 1
eskelinen, el 1
espert, l 1
espina, v 1
fan, h 1
fan, j 1
fan, qw 1
fan, z 1
fang, s 1
fang, y 1
fanto, m 1
fanzani, a 1
farkas, t 1
farré, jc 1
fauconnier, ml 1
faure, m 1
fawcett, t 1
fechheimer, m 1
feng, cg 1
feng, j 1
feng, lx 1
feng, q 1
feng, y 1
fenyk, s 1
feuer, r 1
figueiredopereira, me 1
fimia, gm 1
fingar, dc 1
finkbeiner, s 1
finkel, t 1
finley, kd 1
fiorito, f 1
fisher, ea 1
fisher, pb 1
flajolet, m 1
florezmcclure, ml 1
florio, s 1
fon, ea 1
fong, yh 1
fornai, f 1
fortunato, f 1
fotedar, r 1
fowler, dh 1
fox, hs 1
franco, r 1
frankel, lb 1
fransen, m 1
fu, x 1
fuentes, jm 1
fueyo, j 1
fujii, j 1
fujisaki, k 1
fujita, e 1
fukuda, m 1
furukawa, rh 1
fésüs, l 1
gaestel, m 1
gailly, p 1
gajewska, m 1
galliot, b 1
galy, v 1
ganesh, s 1
ganetzky, b 1
ganley, ig 1
gao, c 1
gao, fb 1
gao, gf 1
gao, j 1
garces, r 1
garcia, l 1
garcia, r 1
garciamanero, g 1
garciamarcos, m 1
garcés, r 1
garmyn, m 1
gartel, al 1
gasch, a 1
gatti, e 1
gautel, m 1
gawriluk, tr 1
gegg, me 1
geng, j 1
germain, m 1
gestwicki, je 1
gewirtz, da 1
ghavami, s 1
ghosh, p 1
giammarioli, am 1
giatromanolaki, an 1
gibson, sb 1
gilkerson, rw 1
ginger, ml 1
ginsberg, hn 1
golab, j 1
goligorsky, ms 1
golstein, p 1
gomezmanzano, c 1
goncu, e 1
gongora, c 1
gonzalez, cd 1
gonzalez, r 1
gonzalezrey, e 1
gonzálezestévez, c 1
gonzálezpolo, ra 1
gorbunov, nv 1
gorski, s 1
goruppi, s 1
gottlieb, ra 1
goyvaerts, e 1
gozuacik, d 1
granato, ge 1
grant, gd 1
grausem, b 1
green, kn 1
gregorc, a 1
gros, f 1
grose, c 1
grunt, tw 1
gu, j. d. 1
gual, p 1
guan, jl 1
guan, kl 1
guest, jr 1
guichard, sm 1
gukovskaya, as 1
gukovsky, i 1
gunst, j 1
guo, z-h 1
guo, ze-hua 1
gustafsson, ab 1
halayko, aj 1
hale, an 1
halonen, sk 1
hamasaki, m 1
hamdan, mohd fadhli 1
hammerlin, a 1
han, f 1
han, t 1
hancock, mk 1
hansen, m 1
hao, q 1
harada, h 1
harada, m 1
hardt, se 1
harper, jw 1
harris, al 1
harris, j 1
harris, sd 1
hashimoto, m 1
haslam, r p 1
haspel, ja 1
hayashi, si 1
hazelhurst, la 1
he, c 1
he, t 1
he, yw 1
he, z 1
heidenreich, ka 1
helfrich, mh 1
helgason, gv 1
henske, ep 1
herman, b 1
herman, pk 1
hetz, c 1
hilfiker, s 1
hill, ja 1
ho, cc 1
hocking, lj 1
hoffman-benning, s 1
hofman, p 1
hofmann, tg 1
holyoake, tl 1
hong, mh 1
hong, y 1
hood, da 1
hotamisligil, gs 1
houwerzijl, ej 1
hu, b 1
hu, caa 1
hu, hm 1
hu, l 1
hu, m 1
hu, tai hua 1
hu, tai-hua 1
hua, y 1
huang, b 1
huang, bq 1
huang, c 1
huang, j 1
huang, lp 1
huang, s 1
huang, wp 1
huber, tb 1
huh, wk 1
hung, th 1
hupp, tr 1
hur, gm 1
hurley, jb 1
hussain, sna 1
hussey, pj 1
hwang, jj 1
hwang, s 1
hébert, mj 1
höhfeld, j 1
høyerhansen, m 1
ichihara, a 1
il kang, k 1
ilkhanizadeh, s 1
inoki, k 1
into, t 1
iovane, v 1
iovanna, jl 1
ip, ny 1
isaka, y 1
ishida, h 1
isidoro, c 1
isobe, ki 1
iwasaki, a 1
izquierdo, m 1
izumi, y 1
jaakkola, pm 1
jackson, gr 1
jackson, wt 1
janji, b 1
jendrach, m 1
jeon, jh 1
jeung, eb 1
jiang, h 1
jiang, jx 1
jiang, m 1
jiang, q 1
jiang, x 1
jiménez, a 1
jin, j 1
jin, m 1
jin, s 1
joe, co 1
johansen, t 1
johnson, de 1
johnson, gvw 1
jones, nl 1
joseph, b 1
joseph, sk 1
joubert, am 1
juhász, g 1
juilleratjeanneret, l 1
jung, ch 1
jung, yk 1
jäättelä, m 1
kaarniranta, k 1
kaasik, a 1
kabuta, t 1
kadowaki, m 1
kagedal, k 1
kamada, y 1
kaminskyy, vo 1
kampinga, hh 1
kanamori, h 1
kang, c 1
kang, kb 1
kang, r 1
kang, ya 1
kanki, t 1
kanneganti, td 1
kanno, h 1
kanthasamy, a 1
kanthasamy, ag 1
karantza, v 1
kaushal, gp 1
kaushik, s 1
kawazoe, y 1
kay, sa 1
ke, py 1
kehrl, jh 1
keith, b 1
kelekar, a 1
kerkhoff, c 1
kessel, dh 1
khalil, h 1
kiel, jakw 1
kiger, aa 1
kihara, a 1
kim, dh 1
kim, dr 1
kim, ek 1
kim, hr 1
kim, jc 1
kim, jh 1
kim, jk 1
kim, js 1
kim, pk 1
kim, sw 1
kim, y 1
kim, ys 1
kimchi, a 1
kimmelman, ac 1
king, js 1
kinsella, tj 1
kirkin, v 1
kirshenbaum, la 1
kitamoto, k 1
kitazato, k 1
klein, l 1
klimecki, wt 1
klionsky, dj 1
klucken, j 1
knecht, e 1
ko, bcb 1
koch, jc 1
koga, h 1
koh, jy 1
koh, yh 1
koike, m 1
komatsu, m 1
kominami, e 1
kong, gkw 1
kong, hj 1
kong, kwg 1
kong, ryc 1
kong, wj 1
korolchuk, vi 1
kotake, y 1
koukourakis, mi 1
kouri flores, jb 1
kovács, al 1
kraft, c 1
krainc, d 1
kretzremy, c 1
krichevsky, am 1
kroemer, g 1
krut, o 1
krämer, h 1
krüger, r 1
ktistakis, nt 1
kuan, cy 1
kucharczyk, r 1
kumar, a 1
kumar, r 1
kumar, s 1
kundu, m 1
kung, hj 1
kurz, t 1
kwan, kw 1
kwon, hj 1
la spada, ar 1
lafont, f 1
lai, yt 1
lai, yx 1
lam, py 1
lam, sm 1
lamark, t 1
landry, j 1
lane, jd 1
lapaquette, p 1
laporte, jf 1
lau, mml 1
lavandero, s 1
lavoie, jn 1
layfield, r 1
lazo, pa 1
le cam, l 1
le, w 1
lechon, t 1
ledbetter, dj 1
lee, ajx 1
lee, bw 1
lee, gm 1
lee, j 1
lee, jh 1
lee, m 1
lee, ms 1
lee, sh 1
lee, yt 1
leeuwenburgh, c 1
legembre, p 1
legouis, r 1
lehmann, m 1
lei, hy 1
lei, qy 1
leib, da 1
leiro, j 1
leitch, ar 1
leitch, ij 1
lemasters, jj 1
lemoine, a 1
lesniak, ms 1
leung, kp 1
lev, d 1
levenson, vv 1
levine, b 1
levy, e 1
li, f 1
li, h 1
li, h y 1
li, jl 1
li, kp 1
li, m 1
li, minghui 1
li, s 1
li, x 1
li, xd 1
li, xj 1
li, y 1
li, yb 1
li, yp 1
liang, c 1
liang, q 1
liang, wanqi 1
liao, yf 1
liberski, pp 1
lieberman, a 1
lim, hj 1
lim, k 1
lim, kl 1
lim, ky 1
lin, cf 1
lin, fc 1
lin, j 1
lin, jd 1
lin, k 1
lin, wc 1
lin, ww 1
lin, yl 1
linden, r 1
lingor, p 1
lippincottschwartz, j 1
lisanti, mp 1
liton, pb 1
liu chunming 1
liu, b 1
liu, cf 1
liu, cm 1
liu, j s 1
liu, js 1
liu, k 1
liu, l 1
liu, qa 1
liu, w 1
liu, y 1
liu, yc 1
lo, c 1
lo, cv 1
lockshin, ra 1
lok, cn 1
lonial, s 1
loos, b 1
lopezberestein, g 1
lossi, l 1
lotze, mt 1
low, etl 1
low, f 1
lu, b 1
lu, z 1
luciano, f 1
lukacs, nw 1
lund, ah 1
lung, tsc 1
lynchday, ma 1
lászló, l 1
lópezotín, c 1
lõw, p 1
ma, y 1
macian, f 1
mackeigan, jp 1
macleod, kf 1
madeo, f 1
maiuri, l 1
maiuri, mc 1
malagoli, d 1
malicdan, mcv 1
malorni, w 1
man, n 1
mandelkow, em 1
manon, s 1
manov, i 1
mao, k 1
mao, x 1
mao, z 1
marambaud, p 1
marazziti, d 1
marcel, yl 1
marchbank, k 1
marchetti, p 1
marciniak, sj 1
marcondes, m 1
mardi, m 1
marfe, g 1
mariño, g 1
markaki, m 1
marten, mr 1
martin, sj 1
martinandmari, c 1
martine-force, e 1
martinet, w 1
martinez-force, e 1
martinezvicente, m 1
martínez-force, e 1
masini, m 1
masura, ss 1
matarrese, p 1
matsuo, s 1
matteoni, r 1
mayer, a 1
mazure, nm 1
mcconkey, dj 1
mcconnell, mj 1
mcdermott, c 1
mcdonald, c 1
mcinerney, gm 1
mckenna, sl 1
mclaughlin, b 1
mclean, pj 1
mcmaster, cr 1
mcquibban, ga 1
meijer, aj 1
meisler, mh 1
melia, tj 1
melino, g 1
meléndez, a 1
mena, ma 1
menendez, ja 1
mennabarreto, rfs 1
menon, mb 1
menzies, fm 1
mercer, ca 1
merighi, a 1
merry, de 1
meschini, s 1
meyer, cg 1
meyer, tf 1
miao, cy 1
miao, jy 1
michaelson, l 1
michels, pam 1
michiels, c 1
mijaljica, d 1
milojkovic, a 1
minucci, s 1
miracco, c 1
miranti, ck 1
mitroulis, i 1
miyazawa, k 1
mizushima, n 1
mograbi, b 1
mohseni, s 1
molero, x 1
mollereau, b 1
mollinedo, f 1
momoi, t 1
monastyrska, i 1
monick, mm 1
monteiro, mj 1
moore, mn 1
mora, r 1
moradi, atieh 1
moreau, k 1
moreira, pi 1
moriyasu, y 1
morris, pe 1
moscat, j 1
mostowy, s 1
mottram, jc 1
motyl, t 1
moussa, ceh 1
muller, s 1
murphy, dj 1
murphy, lo 1
murphy, me 1
musarò, a 1
mysorekar, i 1
müller, s 1
münger, k 1
münz, c 1
nagata, e 1
nagata, k 1
nagegowda, d 1
nahimana, a 1
nair, u 1
nakagawa, t 1
nakahira, k 1
nakano, h 1
nakatogawa, h 1
nanjundan, m 1
napier, j a 1
naqvi, ni 1
narendra, dp 1
narita, m 1
navarro, m 1
nawrocki, st 1
nazarko, ty 1
nemchenko, a 1
netea, mg 1
neufeld, tp 1
ney, pa 1
nezis, ip 1
ng, jmh 1
ng, km 1
ngan, ahw 1
nguyen, hp 1
nie, d 1
nishino, i 1
nislow, c 1
nixon, ra 1
noda, t 1
noegel, aa 1
nogalska, a 1
noguchi, s 1
notterpek, l 1
novak, i 1
nozaki, t 1
nukina, n 1
nyfeler, b 1
nürnberger, t 1
o'neill, m 1
obara, k 1
oberley, td 1
oddo, s 1
ogawa, m 1
ohashi, t 1
okamoto, k 1
oleinick, nl 1
oliver, fj 1
olsen, lj 1
olsson, s 1
ong, pw 1
opota, o 1
osborne, tf 1
ostrander, gk 1
otsu, k 1
ou, jhj 1
ouimet, m 1
ouyang, xz 1
overholtzer, m 1
ozpolat, b 1
paganetti, p 1
pagnini, u 1
pallet, n 1
palmer, ge 1
palumbo, c 1
pan, t 1
panaretakis, t 1
pandey, ub 1
papackova, z 1
papassideri, i 1
paris, i 1
park, j 1
park, ok 1
parys, jb 1
parzych, kr 1
patschan, s 1
patterson, c 1
pattingre, s 1
pawelek, jm 1
peng, j 1
perlmutter, dh 1
perrotta, i 1
perry, g 1
pervaiz, s 1
peter, m 1
peters, gj 1
petersen, m 1
petrovski, g 1
phang, jm 1
piacentini, m 1
pierre, p 1
pierrefitecarle, v 1
pierron, g 1
pinkaskramarski, r 1
piras, a 1
piri, n 1
platanias, lc 1
pogancev, g 1
poirot, m 1
poletti, a 1
pozuelorubio, m 1
poüs, c 1
prasad, a 1
prescott, m 1
priault, m 1
produitzengaffinen, n 1
progulskefox, a 1
proikascezanne, t 1
przedborski, s 1
przyklenk, k 1
prætoriusibba, m 1
pua, ec 1
puertollano, r 1
puyal, j 1
pöggeler, s 1
qi, h 1
qian, c 1
qian, sb 1
qin, l 1
qin, zh 1
quaggin, se 1
raben, n 1
rabinowich, h 1
rabkin, sw 1
rahman, i 1
ram, s 1
rami, a 1
ramm, g 1
randall, g 1
randow, f 1
rao, va 1
rathmell, jc 1
ravikumar, b 1
ray, sk 1
reed, bh 1
reed, jc 1
reggiori, f 1
reichert, as 1
reiners jr, jj 1
reiter, rj 1
ren, j 1
revuelta, jl 1
rhodes, cj 1
ritis, k 1
rizzo, e 1
robbins, j 1
roberge, m 1
roca, h 1
roccheri, mc 1
rocchi, s 1
rodemann, hp 1
rohrer, b 1
romsdahl, t 1
roninson, ib 1
rosen, k 1
rosli, r 1
rostroszkowska, mm 1
rouis, m 1
rouschop, kma 1
rovetta, f 1
rubin, bp 1
rubinsztein, dc 1
ruckdeschel, k 1
rucker iii, eb 1
rudich, a 1
rudolf, e 1
ruizopazo, n 1
russo, r 1
rusten, te 1
ryan, km 1
ryter, sw 1
régniervigouroux, a 1
sabatini, dm 1
sadoshima, j 1
saha, t 1
saitoh, t 1
sakagami, h 1
sakai, y 1
salekdeh, gh 1
salomoni, p 1
salvaterra, pm 1
salvesen, g 1
salvioli, r 1
sambanthamurthi, r 1
sanchez, amj 1
sandri, m 1
sankar, u 1
sansanwal, p 1
santambrogio, l 1
saran, s 1
sarkar, s 1
sarwal, m 1
sasakawa, c 1
sasnauskiene, a 1
sass, m 1
sato, k 1
sato, m 1
saunders, r 1
schaller, h 1
schapira, ahv 1
scharl, m 1
scheper, w 1
schiaffino, s 1
schneider, c 1
schneider, me 1
schneiderstock, r 1
schoenlein, pv 1
schorderet, df 1
schwartz, gk 1
schätzl, hm 1
schüller, c 1
scorrano, l 1
sealy, l 1
seglen, po 1
seguraaguilar, j 1
seiliez, i 1
seleverstov, o 1
sell, c 1
seo, jb 1
separovic, d 1
setaluri, v 1
setoguchi, t 1
settembre, c 1
shacka, jj 1
shah, j 1
shanmugam, m 1
shapiro, im 1
shaulian, e 1
shaw, rj 1
shelhamer, jh 1
shen, hm 1
shen, wc 1
sheng, zh 1
shi, j 1
shi, jianxin 1
shi, y 1
shibuya, k 1
shidoji, y 1
shieh, jj 1
shih, cm 1
shimada, y 1
shimizu, s 1
shinozaki, k 1
shintani, t 1
shirihai, os 1
shore, gc 1
shui, g 1
sibirny, aa 1
sidhu, sb 1
sikorska, b 1
silvazacarin, e 1
silvazacarin, ecm 1
sim, ge 1
simmons, a 1
simon, ak 1
simon, hu 1
simone, c 1
simonsen, a 1
sinclair, da 1
singh, r 1
sinha, d 1
sinicrope, fa 1
sirko, a 1
siu, pm 1
sivridis, e 1
skop, v 1
skulachev, vp 1
slack, rs 1
smaili, ss 1
smith, dr 1
soengas, ms 1
soldati, t 1
song yuhua 1
sood, ak 1
soong, tw 1
sooriyaarachchi, s 1
sotgia, f 1
spector, sa 1
spies, cd 1
springer, w 1
srinivasula, sm 1
stefanis, l 1
steffan, js 1
stendel, r 1
stenmark, h 1
stephanou, a 1
stern, st 1
sternberg, c 1
stork, b 1
strålfors, p 1
su, y 1
su, ycf 1
subauste, cs 1
sui, x 1
sulzer, d 1
sun, h 1
sun, j 1
sun, sy 1
sun, zj 1
sung, jjy 1
suzuki, k 1
suzuki, t 1
swanson, ms 1
swanton, c 1
sweeney, st 1
sy, lk 1
szabadkai, g 1
sánchezalcázar, ja 1
sánchezprieto, r 1
tabas, i 1
taegtmeyer, h 1
tafani, m 1
takano, m 1
takano, y 1
takegawa, k 1
takemura, g 1
takeshita, f 1
takácsvellai, k 1
talbot, nj 1
tan, ksw 1
tan, s 1
tan, wj 1
tan, yf 1
tanaka, k 1
tang, d 1
tanida, i 1
tannous, ba 1
tavernarakis, n 1
taylor, ga 1
taylor, gs 1
taylor, jp 1
taylor, pw 1
teng, wl 1
terada, as 1
terman, a 1
tettamanti, g 1
thevissen, k 1
thompson, cb 1
thorburn, a 1
thumm, m 1
tian, f 1
tian, y 1
tocchinivalentini, g 1
tolkovsky, am 1
tomino, y 1
tongson, e 1
tooze, sa 1
tournier, c 1
tower, j 1
towns, r 1
trajkovic, v 1
travassos, lh 1
tsai, tf 1
tsao, sw 1
tschan, mp 1
tsubata, t 1
tsung, a 1
turk, b 1
turner, ls 1
tyagi, sc 1
tönges, l 1
uchiyama, y 1
ueno, t 1
umekawa, m 1
umemiyashirafuji, r 1
unni, vk 1
vaccaro, mi 1
valente, em 1
van den berghe, g 1
van der klei, ij 1
van doorn, wg 1
van dyk, lf 1
van egmond, m 1
van grunsven, la 1
vandenabeele, p 1
vandenberghe, wp 1
vanhorebeek, i 1
vaquero, ec 1
velasco, g 1
vellai, t 1
venegas-calerón, m 1
vicencio, jm 1
vierstra, rd 1
vila, m 1
vindis, c 1
viola, g 1
viscomi, mt 1
voitsekhovskaja, ov 1
von arnold, s 1
von haefen, c 1
votruba, m 1
wada, k 1
wademartins, r 1
walker, cl 1
wallington, e 1
walsh, cm 1
walter, j 1
wan, xb 1
wang, a 1
wang, am 1
wang, c 1
wang, d 1
wang, g 1
wang, hd 1
wang, hg 1
wang, j 1
wang, k 1
wang, rc 1
wang, ruifeng 1
wang, yj 1
wang, zc 1
wansink, dg 1
ward, dm 1
watada, h 1
waters, sl 1
webster, p 1
wei, l 1
weihl, cc 1
weiss, wa 1
welford, sm 1
wen, lp 1
whitehouse, ca 1
whitton, jl 1
whitworth, aj 1
wileman, t 1
wiley, jw 1
wilkinson, s 1
willbold, d 1
williams, rl 1
williamson, pr 1
wong, kb 1
woodfield, h 1
woodfield, hk 1
wouters, bg 1
wu, c 1
wu, dc 1
wu, wkk 1
wyttenbach, a 1
xavier, rj 1
xi, z 1
xia, gx 1
xia, p 1
xiao, g 1
xiao, z 1
xie, lj 1
xie, z 1
xu, c 1
xu, c. 1
xu, dz 1
xu, jie 1
xu, x 1
xu, z 1
yamamoto, a 1
yamashina, s 1
yamashita, m 1
yan, x 1
yanagida, m 1
yang, ds 1
yang, e 1
yang, jm 1
yang, sy 1
yang, w 1
yang, w d 1
yang, wd 1
yang, wy 1
yang, y 1
yang, y n 1
yang, yc 1
yang, yn 1
yang, z 1
yao, mc 1
yao, tp 1
ye, zi wei 1
yeganeh, b 1
yen, wl 1
yin, jj 1
yin, xm 1
yoo, oj 1
yoon, g 1
yoon, sy 1
yorimitsu, t 1
yoshikawa, y 1
yoshimori, t 1
yoshimoto, k 1
you, hj 1
youle, rj 1
younes, a 1
yu, l 1
yu, lj 1
yu, mh 1
yu, rmk 1
yu, sw 1
yu, wh 1
yuan, zm 1
yue, z 1
yun, ch 1
yung, ws 1
yung, yl 1
yuzaki, m 1
zabirnyk, o 1
zacksenhaus, l 1
zaffaroni, n 1
zakeri, z 1
zeh iii, hj 1
zeitlin, so 1
zhang, dabing 1
zhang, h 1
zhang, hl 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, l 1
zhang, my 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, xd 1
zhao, m 1
zhao, y 1
zhao, yf 1
zhao, zj 1
zheng, x 1
zhivotovsky, b 1
zhong, q 1
zhou, cz 1
zhou, dm 1
zhou, yx 1
zhu, c 1
zhu, f 1
zhu, fy 1
zhu, wg 1
zhu, x 1
zhu, xf 1
zhu, y 1
zoladek, t 1
zong, wx 1
zorzano, a 1
zschocke, j 1
zuckerbraun, b 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
acyl-coa-binding protein 9
acyl-coa esters 7
lipid metabolism 7
autolysosome 6
autophagosome 6
fatty acids 6
fluorescent probe 6
flux 6
his-tagged protein 6
jasmonate 6
lc3 6
linolenic acid 6
live cell 6
lysosome 6
ni-nta 6
oxylipins 6
phagophore 6
phosphatidylcholine 6
phospholipids 6
photoactivation 6
stress 6
vacuole 6
wounding 6
arabidopsis 5
arabidopsis thaliana 5
gene expression regulation, plant 5
heavy metals 5
plasma membrane 5
protein binding 5
protein-protein interaction 5
abscisic acid 4
ankyrin repeat - physiology 4
arabidopsis - metabolism 4
arabidopsis proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
arabidopsis proteins - metabolism 4
arabidopsis thaliana acyl-coa-binding protein (acbp) 4
atfp6 4
biology - biochemistry 4
biology - botany 4
carrier proteins - genetics - metabolism 4
carrier proteins - metabolism 4
cell membrane - metabolism 4
companion cell 4
cuticle 4
cuticular wax 4
cutin 4
emsa 4
farnesylated protein 4
fatty acid 4
gene knockout techniques 4
heavy metal 4
hydrogen peroxide 4
lipid peroxidation 4
lipid signaling 4
lipid trafficking 4
membrane lipids - metabolism 4
metal-binding motif 4
metals, heavy - metabolism 4
mutation - genetics 4
oligonucleotide array sequence analysis 4
opda 4
oryza sativa 4
oxidative stress 4
phloem exudates 4
phosphatidylcholines - metabolism 4
phospholipid 4
phytoremediation 4
protein prenylation 4
recombinant fusion proteins - metabolism 4
rna, messenger - biosynthesis 4
rna, messenger - genetics - metabolism 4
sieve elements 4
two-hybrid system techniques 4
very-long-chain acyl-coas 4
acbp 3
acyl coenzyme a - metabolism 3
acyl-coa 3
acyl-coa measurement 3
acyl-coa thioesters 3
acyl-coa-binding proteins 3
arabidopsis - cytology - embryology - genetics 3
arabidopsis acbps 3
base sequence 3
blotting, northern 3
blotting, southern 3
cadmium 3
dna primers 3
embryo development 3
embryogenesis 3
ethylene 3
eyfp, gene encoding the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein 3
f-244 3
freezing tolerance 3
gene expression regulation, developmental 3
genotype 3
germination 3
hmgs 3
isothermal titration calorimetry 3
kanamycin resistance - genetics 3
lipid profiling 3
lysophospholipase 3
mdck, madin-darby canine kidney 3
mevalonate 3
molecular sequence data 3
mva 3
ns1, gene encoding the non-structural protein ns1 3
oil body 3
oxylipin 3
pb(ii) accumulation 3
phosphatidic acid 3
phospholipid metabolism 3
plant growth regulators - pharmacology 3
plant leaves - genetics - metabolism 3
plants, genetically modified 3
potential in using arabidopsis acyl-coa-binding proteins in engineering stress-tolerant plants 3
potential of arabidopsis acbp1 in phytoremediation 3
primary metabolism 3
protein transport 3
ptgs, post-transcriptional gene silencing 3
rnai, rna interference 3
seeds - cytology - genetics 3
sirna, small-interfering rna 3
sterol 3
swath-ms 3
tobacco - genetics 3
zinc 3
(his)6-tagged recombinant protein 2
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a synthase 2
5' flanking region - genetics 2
abc transporter 2
abiotic stress 2
acclimatization 2
acclimatization - genetics 2
acyl binding 2
acyl coenzyme a - genetics - metabolism 2
acyl-coa binding 2
acyl-coa binding protein 2
acyl-coa-binding domain 2
acyl-coa-binding protein (acbp) 2
acyl-coenzyme a-binding protein 2
aging 2
aleurone layer 2
amino acid sequence 2
animals 2
ankyrin repeat 2
anther locule 2
antibodies 2
antigen 2
arabidopsis - cytology - metabolism 2
arabidopsis - drug effects - genetics - immunology - microbiology 2
arabidopsis - genetics - metabolism 2
arabidopsis - physiology 2
arabidopsis acbp3 2
arabidopsis thaliana acbp6 2
arachidonic acid - pharmacology 2
atg8 2
autofluorescence-tagged protein 2
autophagosome formation 2
autophagy 2
b. napus-rc cold tolerance 2
bimolecular fluorescence complementation 2
binding sites - genetics 2
biotic stress 2
blotting, western 2
botrytis - drug effects - physiology 2
brassica napus 2
cell aging 2
cell death - drug effects 2
cell membrane - genetics - metabolism 2
chloroplasts - genetics - metabolism 2
circadian rhythm - physiology 2
cis-elements 2
cladistics 2
clock 2
cloning, molecular 2
cold temperature 2
cruciferae 2
cysteine endopeptidases - genetics 2
cytosol 2
cytosol - metabolism 2
cytosolic localization 2
dark/light regulation 2
defence response 2
deoxyribonuclease i - metabolism 2
developing seeds 2
disease resistance - drug effects - immunology 2
dna 2
dna footprinting - methods 2
dnase i footprinting 2
dof-box 2
e2 2
eggplant 2
electrophoretic mobility shift assay 2
endoplasmic reticulum - genetics - metabolism 2
epstein-barr virus 2
erecta 2
ethylene-responsive element 2
ethylenes - pharmacology 2
evening element 2
evolution 2
exine 2
expression profiles 2
fluorescence 2
freezing 2
galactolipids 2
gene expression 2
gene expression - radiation effects 2
gene expression regulation, enzymologic 2
gene expression regulation, plant - drug effects 2
gene expression regulation, plant - radiation effects 2
genes, plant 2
genes, plant - genetics 2
genomic library 2
glabra2 2
glucosinolate 2
glucuronidase - genetics - metabolism 2
glycine max 2
green fluorescent proteins - metabolism 2
gt-1 cis-acting element 2
guard cells 2
gus assays 2
heavy metal resistance 2
hepatitis e virus 2
hepatitis e virus - immunology 2
hormones 2
hp-lc 2
hydrogen peroxide - metabolism 2
illiciales 2
illicium 2
in situ hybridization 2
interactor 2
internal transcribed spacers 2
intracellular space - drug effects - metabolism 2
isoprenoid 2
isoprenoids 2
its 2
kadsura 2
kelch motif 2
kinases 2
latex 2
lead tolerance 2
leaf senescence 2
light 2
light-regulation 2
lipid analysis 2
lipid transfer 2
lipid transporters 2
lipids - biosynthesis - genetics 2
luciferase assay 2
luciferases - genetics - metabolism 2
lysophosphatidylcholine 2
mannitol 2
mice 2
mice, inbred balb c 2
microarray 2
microscopy, confocal 2
microscopy, fluorescence 2
models, biological 2
molecular 2
molecular replacement 2
molecular weight 2
monocot 2
multiangle light scattering 2
mutation 2
natural rubber 2
nuclear proteins - metabolism 2
oilseeds 2
oleoyl-coa 2
organophosphorus compounds - pharmacology 2
oryzae sativa 2
osmolytes 2
osmotic stress 2
parsimony 2
pathogen 2
pathogen treatment 2
pb(ii) tracing 2
pdlp8 2
phagosomes - metabolism 2
phenotype 2
phloem 2
phosphatidic acid-binding 2
phosphatidic acids - metabolism 2
phosphatidylcholine-binding 2
phosphatidylethanolamine metabolism 2
phospholipase d - genetics - metabolism 2
phospholipase d - metabolism 2
phospholipid binding 2
phospholipid transfer 2
phospholipids - metabolism 2
phosphorylation 2
phytosterols 2
plant acyl-coa-binding proteins 2
plant development 2
plant diseases - immunology - microbiology 2
plant leaves - cytology - metabolism 2
plant leaves - growth & development - physiology 2
plant lipid metabolism 2
plant proteins - genetics 2
plants, genetically modified - genetics - metabolism 2
plants, genetically modified - physiology 2
plasmodesmata 2
plastid transformation 2
plastids - genetics 2
pollen 2
pollen tube 2
pollen1 2
polymerase chain reaction 2
primary root 2
promoter analysis 2
promoter regions, genetic 2
promoter regions, genetic - genetics 2
promoter variations 2
protein interaction 2
protein interactor 2
protein stability 2
protein structure 2
protein targeting 2
protein–lipid interaction 2
proteomics 2
pseudomonas syringae - drug effects - physiology 2
reactive oxygen species 2
recombinant fusion proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
recombinant proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
recombinant proteins - immunology 2
reproduction 2
response elements - genetics 2
reversible lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 2
rna, messenger - genetics 2
rna, messenger - metabolism 2
s-box 2
salicylate 2
salicylic acid - metabolism 2
salt treatment 2
schisandra 2
scutellum 2
seed 2
seedling development 2
seedling establishment 2
seeds - physiology 2
sequence alignment 2
sequence analysis, dna 2
sequence homology, amino acid 2
sequence homology, nucleic acid 2
signal transduction 2
simple extracellular lrr protein 2
site-directed mutagenesis 2
sodium chloride 2
solanum - enzymology - genetics - growth & development 2
solanum melongena - drug effects - genetics - growth & development 2
sorghum 2
sphingolipid 2
sporocyte formation 2
squalene 2
star anise 2
stomatal closure 2
stress signal perception 2
stress tolerance 2
subcellular fractions - metabolism 2
subcellular localization 2
sunflower 2
systematics 2
tissue distribution 2
tobacco 2
tomato 2
transcription factors 2
transcriptomics 2
transgenic plants 2
transporters 2
triacylglycerols 2
vaccine 2
vaccines, synthetic - immunology 2
viral capsid protein 2
viral hepatitis vaccines - immunology 2
viral proteins - genetics - immunology 2
water deficiency 2
x-ray diffraction 2
yeast two-hybrid 2
(his) 6-tagged recombinant proteins 1
abiotic and biotic stress 1
abscisic acid - pharmacology 1
acbp gene family 1
acbp6 1
acetic acids - pharmacology 1
acetoacetyl-coa 1
acetyl-coa 1
acetyl-coa hydrolase - metabolism 1
acetyltransferases - metabolism 1
acyl-coa metabolism 1
acyl-coa synthase 1
acyl-coa transfer 1
acyl-coenzyme a-binding protein 6 1
agglutination 1
agglutination (凝集素) 1
agglutinins - genetics 1
agrobacterium-mediated transformation 1
agroinfiltration 1
amino acids - metabolism 1
ankyrin repeats 1
apoptosis - physiology 1
arabidopsis proteins - chemistry 1
arginine - genetics 1
articulated laticifers 1
aspergillus infection 1
autofluorescent protein fusions 1
autofluorescent protein tag 1
avian proteins - chemistry 1
bacterial agglutination 1
bacterial proteins - genetics 1
beta-glucosidase - genetics - isolation & purification 1
binding sites 1
biological transport 1
biology 1
bjchi1 1
black nightshade 1
botany 1
brassica 1
brassica - enzymology - genetics 1
brassica - enzymology - genetics - growth & development 1
brassica juncea 1
brassinosteroid 1
c-repeat binding factors 1
calcium-binding protein 1
calcium-dependent protein kinase 1
capsid proteins - genetics - immunology - metabolism 1
caterpillar feeding 1
cations - metabolism 1
cdna 1
cell nucleus - genetics 1
cell specificity 1
cell transformation, viral 1
chia5 1
chial 1
chickens - genetics 1
chitin - metabolism 1
chitin-binding domain 1
chitinase 1
chitinase (幾丁質酶) 1
chitinase - genetics - isolation & purification - physiology 1
chitinase - genetics - metabolism 1
chitinase - genetics - metabolism - physiology 1
chloramphenicol o-acetyltransferase 1
chloroplast transformation 1
chloroplasts - chemistry - metabolism 1
cholesterol-lowering 1
chromosome mapping 1
chymotrypsin 1
circular dichroism - methods 1
cis-1,4-polyisoprene 1
cisternal endoplasmic reticulum (er) 1
class iv 1
cockroaches - genetics 1
cold stress on vegetative plants 1
colneleic acid 1
confocal microscopy 1
conformational changes 1
cor 1
cortex 1
cotton 1
crystal structure 1
crystallography, x-ray 1
cyclopentanes - pharmacology 1
cytogenetics 1
cytosol - chemistry - metabolism 1
diazepam-binding inhibitor 1
dna - genetics - isolation & purification 1
dna - metabolism 1
dna probes 1
dna transposable elements 1
dna, complementary 1
dna, complementary - chemistry - genetics - isolation & purification 1
dna, complementary - genetics 1
dna, plant - genetics 1
dna-binding proteins - metabolism 1
down-regulation 1
electrolyte leakage 1
electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel 1
embryo 1
embryos 1
endochitinase 1
endonucleases - metabolism 1
endosperm 1
environmental stress 1
enzyme inhibitors - chemistry - metabolism 1
enzyme kinetics 1
er 1
er bodies 1
er body membrane 1
escherichia coli 1
escherichia coli - genetics 1
escherichia coli - genetics - growth & development 1
ethylene induction 1
ethylene-forming enzyme 1
family 19 1
fatty acid hydroperoxide 1
fatty acids, unsaturated - chemistry - metabolism 1
fatty acids, unsaturated - metabolism 1
flowers 1
flowers - growth & development - metabolism 1
fungal induction 1
g protein 1
galactolipid 1
gene duplication 1
gene expression regulation 1
gene expression regulation, developmental - drug effects 1
gene expression regulation, enzymologic - drug effects 1
gene expression regulation, enzymologic - genetics 1
gene library 1
gene sequence 1
gene silencing 1
gene structure 1
genes 1
genes, bacterial 1
genes, reporter - genetics 1
genetic mapping 1
genetic vectors - genetics 1
genome 1
genome walking 1
genome, plant 1
genome-walking 1
glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase 1
glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase - genetics - metabolism 1
glycerolipid 1
glycoside hydrolases 1
green fluorescencent protein 1
green fluorescent protein 1
green fluorescent proteins - analysis - genetics - metabolism 1
hemagglutination 1
hevea 1
hevea - enzymology 1
hevea brasiliensis 1
hevein 1
his-tagged proteins 1
histidine - biosynthesis - chemistry - metabolism 1
hmg-coa 1
hmg-coa synthase 1
hmgr 1
homology modeling 1
humans 1
hydrogen-ion concentration 1
hydroxymethylglutaryl coa reductases - genetics 1
hydroxymethylglutaryl-coa synthase - antagonists & inhibitors - chemistry - metabolism 1
hydroxymethylglutaryl-coa synthase - biosynthesis - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 1
hydroxymethylglutaryl-coa synthase - chemistry - genetics 1
hypoxia 1
immunohistochemistry 1
immunolocalization 1
immunostaining 1
in situ hybridisation 1
in vitro mutagenesis 1
indian mustard 1
indole-3-butyric acid 1
inhibition 1
insect proteins - chemistry 1
insect resistance 1
interference 1
isoprenoid biosynthesis 1
itc 1
jasmonic acid 1
kinetics 1
km 1
lactones - chemistry - metabolism 1
lactones - metabolism 1
lactuca 1
latex - chemistry 1
laticifer 1
lectin 1
lettuce - genetics - virology 1
lipid transport 1
lipid-trafficking 1
lipoxygenase 1
liquid chromatography 1
long-chain acyl-coa esters 1
lyases - genetics 1
macromolecular substances 1
mannitol - pharmacology 1
mass spectrometry 1
membrane 1
membrane glycoproteins - biosynthesis - genetics - immunology 1
membrane lipids 1
membrane proteins - genetics 1
mesocarp 1
metabolism 1
mitochondria - enzymology 1
models, molecular 1
monogalactosyldiacylglycerol 1
multigene family 1
mustard 1
mustard plant - chemistry 1
mustard plant - enzymology 1
mva pathway 1
nightshade 1
norway spruce 1
oil accumulation 1
oil palm (elaeis guineensis) 1
oilseed rape 1
oligodeoxyribonucleotides 1
operon 1
oryza sativa (rice) 1
oryza sativa - genetics 1
ovule 1
ovule rna 1
pathogenesis-related protein 1
peroxidases 1
peroxisomal β-oxidation 1
phenylalanine - metabolism 1
phosphate deprivation 1
phosphatidylethanolamine 1
phospholipase 1
phylogenetics 1
phytochrome - genetics 1
phytopathogens 1
picea abies 1
pichia - genetics 1
pichia-expressed proteins 1
pin2 proteins 1
plant bioreactor 1
plant bioreactors 1
plant cells 1
plant defense 1
plant defense genes 1
plant diseases - genetics - microbiology 1
plant leaves - cytology - enzymology 1
plant proteins - antagonists & inhibitors - chemistry - metabolism 1
plant proteins - biosynthesis - physiology 1
plant proteins - chemistry - genetics 1
plant roots - microbiology - ultrastructure 1
plant transformation 1
plants 1
plants - enzymology - genetics 1
plasma 1
plasmids 1
plastid expression 1
potato tuber 1
pr protein 1
pr proteins 1
programmed cell death 1
proline 1
proline-rich 1
promoter 1
protease 1
protein conformation 1
protein phosphatase 2a 1
protein structure, tertiary 1
protein-protein interactions 1
proteinase inhibitor 1
protein–ligand interaction 1
proteolysis 1
proton-translocating atpases - genetics 1
protoplast 1
rdna fluorescence banding 1
recombinant proteins - biosynthesis - genetics 1
recombinant proteins - biosynthesis - isolation & purification 1
recombinant proteins - chemistry - genetics 1
recombinant proteins - metabolism 1
recombinant subunit vaccines 1
restriction mapping 1
retroelements 1
review 1
rhizoctonia 1
ribosomal dna 1
ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase 1
rice 1
rna - genetics - isolation & purification 1
rna interference 1
rna, messenger - analysis 1
rna, messenger - analysis - genetics 1
rna, plant - metabolism 1
rna, small interfering - genetics 1
root tip 1
rubber 1
rubber biosynthesis 1
saccharomyces cerevisiae 1
sars virus - genetics - immunology 1
sars virus - genetics - immunology - metabolism 1
schizosaccharomyces pombe proteins - chemistry 1
sclerenchyma 1
seed abortion 1
seed coat endothelium 1
seed development 1
seed silique 1
seed-specific 1
seeds - growth & development 1
sequence alignment - methods 1
serine proteinase inhibitor 1
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 1
shoot apical meristem 1
sieve element 1
sieve-area pore 1
single-strand specific dna and rna endonucleases 1
solanaceae 1
solanum 1
solanum - embryology - genetics 1
solanum - growth & development - metabolism 1
solanum tuberosum - genetics 1
solanum tuberosum l. 1
stress response 1
structure-activity relationship 1
style 1
subcellular fractionation 1
substrate inhibition 1
sulfites - pharmacology 1
temperature 1
temporal and spatial expression 1
tobacco - genetics - metabolism 1
tobacco - genetics - virology 1
tobacco transformation 1
transcription, genetic 1
transgenic arabidopsis 1
transit peptide 1
transmembrane domain 1
transplastomic tobacco 1
trees - anatomy & histology - enzymology - genetics 1
trypsin 1
tubular er 1
tunel analysis 1
vaccines - genetics - immunology - metabolism 1
vaccines, edible - chemical synthesis 1
vigna radiata 1
viral envelope proteins - biosynthesis - genetics - immunology 1
viral vaccines - chemical synthesis 1
x-ray structure 1
yeast two-hybrid assay 1
β-1,3-glucanase 1
β-glucuronidase 1
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