AuthorsNo. of Publications
chan, clw 115
ng, sm 47
fong, tct 46
fong, tct 37
chan, jsm 30
lo, phy 29
wan, hya 28
yip, psf 19
lo, hyp 18
cheung, ikm 17
cheung, km 16
lo, tlt 16
potash, js 16
chen, eyh 15
ho, ahy 14
luk, my 14
au yeung, fsw 13
chan, kpc 13
leung, ppy 13
sham, jst 13
lee, lcj 12
chan, chy 11
chan, ckp 11
chan, wc 10
chow, aym 10
lam, lcw 10
wan, ahy 10
au-yeung, fsw 9
hon, t 9
wang, c 9
yau, cyj 9
lee, pwh 8
sing, cy 8
ziea, etc 8
chiu, kcp 7
chow, lwc 7
ho, dyf 7
kwan, jsk 7
lum, syd 7
wong, cpk 7
wong, vpy 7
chen, jy 6
chung, kf 6
ho, flv 6
ho, smy 6
hsiao, fh 6
lai, ym 6
law, ky 6
siu, cy 6
wang, cw 6
yuen, lp 6
chan, lc 5
chen, yt 5
chong, aml 5
fong, dyt 5
jow, gm 5
kwan, ttc 5
lai, jcl 5
lai, kn 5
li, by 5
chan, hy 4
chan, kpc 4
evans, p 4
fong, ted c.t. 4
guo, y 4
ho, my 4
lee, htp 4
li, pkt 4
ng, bfl 4
siu, ot 4
spiegel, d 4
yang, tt 4
chan, caitlin kp 3
chan, thy 3
cheung, v 3
deng, w 3
fu, w 3
hong, awl 3
kalmanowitz, dl 3
lam, chy 3
lee, am 3
lee, jlc 3
lee, lf 3
leung, asl 3
leung, ppy 3
li, y 3
ma, jlc 3
monroe-wise, a 3
nan, jkm 3
ng, wyh 3
pang, myc 3
pon, akl 3
so, kf 3
tam, syy 3
wang, kc 3
wong, py 3
wong, v 3
wong, vcw 3
woo, mhi 3
xing, j 3
yau, jcy 3
zeng, y 3
cai, w 2
chan, ckp 2
chang, kay 2
chang, kj 2
chang, q 2
chau, ph 2
cheung, st 2
chiu, pkc 2
choi, cw 2
choi, namkee g 2
evans, pd 2
fong, cyj 2
fong, ted ct 2
gonzalez barajas, ak 2
ho, vfl 2
huang, yt 2
jiang, da 2
kuo, wh 2
kwan, skj 2
kwok, jojo yan yan 2
kwong, mk 2
lai, ahy 2
lam, tc 2
lau, bwm 2
lau, hp 2
lee, t 2
lee, vhf 2
leng, l 2
leung, jck 2
leung, kt 2
leung, sla 2
li, a 2
li, j 2
li, l 2
liu, c 2
liu, yf 2
lo, hhm 2
lo, temmy lee ting 2
nan, kmj 2
ng, sh 2
sham, akh 2
shi, z 2
siu, jcy 2
so, th 2
suen, sh 2
tsao, gsw 2
wong, k 2
wong, kok 2
wong, ph 2
wong, sys 2
wong, yy 2
xing, jianli 2
yao, tj 2
yip, paul s.f. 2
zeng, c 2
zhang, h 2
zhu, m 2
arslan, g 1
au yeung, swf 1
auyeung, m 1
baker, fa 1
barajas, ana karen gonzález 1
bardot, h 1
bijlani, r 1
bui, m 1
buzea, c 1
caitlin, kp chan 1
chan, caitlin kar pui 1
chan, cc 1
chan, chs 1
chan, cl 1
chan, clw 1
chan, jcn 1
chan, js 1
chan, kkl 1
chan, ko ling 1
chan, kp 1
chan, p 1
chan, yh 1
chang, k 1
chang, qingsong 1
chang, r 1
chau, kky 1
chau, ky 1
chen, e 1
chen, j 1
chen, z 1
cheng, c 1
cheng, jyy 1
cheng, v 1
cheong, amy 1
cheung, jkk 1
cheung, kkj 1
chi, p 1
chick, jky 1
chio, floria hn 1
chiu, ttw 1
choi, awm 1
chou, kee lee 1
chou, kee-lee 1
chow, ay 1
chow, l.w.c 1
chow, lwh 1
chow, sf 1
chu, mmy 1
chui, yl 1
chung, k 1
chung, ks 1
chung, ksm 1
connie, yt leung 1
crane-okada, r 1
de witte, m 1
deng, zihong 1
dimitrova, v 1
dunn, b 1
eddy, m 1
fan, f 1
fan, s 1
fan, st 1
fang, f 1
fok, bym 1
fong, rwt 1
fong, ted c t 1
fong, ted chun tat 1
fong, ted ct 1
fong, ted tc 1
fonseca-pedrero, e 1
foo, w 1
fraenkel, dl 1
fung, hyky 1
fung, yl 1
green, j 1
guo, li 1
guse, t 1
góngora, v 1
hao, y 1
ho, dsy 1
ho, hya 1
ho, jwc 1
ho, phy 1
ho, pwl 1
ho, rth 1
ho, s.y.m 1
ho, sf 1
ho, yf 1
hong, ya 1
huang, cs 1
huang, ss 1
hui, sk 1
ip, p 1
ip, yt 1
iqbal, n 1
jhang, fh 1
jia, l 1
jovanović, v 1
jámbori, s 1
kaimal, g 1
kaniušonytė, g 1
karkou, v 1
khong, pl 1
kim, n 1
king, mmy 1
koch, sc 1
ku, jks 1
kung, hm 1
kwok, j 1
kwok, jk 1
kwok, jkl 1
kwok, jyy 1
lai, ckw 1
lai, fm 1
lai, jc 1
lam, wy 1
lau, ehy 1
lau, fpy 1
lau, rhw 1
lau, vpy 1
law, fyw 1
lee, am 1
lee, awm 1
lee, chun lok janet 1
lee, janet lok chun 1
lee, p.w.h 1
lee, pht 1
lee, tmc 1
lee, wma 1
lemolo, m 1
leung, a 1
leung, ab 1
leung, abk 1
leung, aym 1
leung, connie yt 1
leung, e 1
leung, p 1
leung, pyp 1
leung, wyv 1
li, b 1
li, c 1
li, li 1
liang, q 1
liao, sc 1
lim, fm 1
lim, pl 1
lim, yj 1
lin, cc 1
liu, z 1
lo, herman hay ming 1
lo, temmy lt 1
lodi, e 1
lui, sf 1
machida, s 1
macmoune lai, f 1
mak, kk 1
malhotra, b 1
mannerström, r 1
marcionetti, j 1
mehta, d 1
miao, myk 1
moo, janet tein ni 1
moo, jtn 1
neng lai, k 1
neto, f 1
ngan, hys 1
orkibi, h 1
ortuño-sierra, j 1
osin, e 1
pang, eps 1
pang, esy 1
pang, m 1
pang, syy 1
park, j 1
peng, manman 1
piotrowski, j 1
pon, a 1
potash, j 1
proctor, c 1
qiao, j 1
rahmandani, a 1
rollins, j 1
rudnev, m 1
sajnani, n 1
sakiyama, y 1
salmela-aro, k 1
schooling, cm 1
serena, cy lee 1
sha, w 1
sham, j.s.t 1
sham, t.o.t. 1
sham, to 1
sham, tot 1
sit, hao fong 1
siu, o 1
siu, pjcy 1
snel, e 1
so, kf 1
stefenel, d 1
sugimura, k 1
taam wong, vcw 1
tam, js 1
tan, sq 1
ted, tc fong 1
tiwari, a 1
tiwari, afy 1
tiwari, afy 1
tong, mmp 1
tsai, ps 1
tsang, hw 1
tsang, kt 1
tsang, mw 1
tsao, sw 1
tse, ssk 1
tsek liew, c 1
tso, if 1
tung, r 1
walker, r 1
wan, adrian h.y. 1
wan, adrian ho yin 1
wan, adrian hy 1
wang, cn 1
wang, hl 1
wang, ohl 1
wang, q 1
wang, s 1
wang, wc 1
wang, x 1
wang, xma 1
warner, lisa m 1
warner, lisa marie 1
wen, ming 1
wong, c 1
wong, cm 1
wong, d 1
wong, dfk 1
wong, fkd 1
wong, jyh 1
wong, jyh 1
wong, kpl 1
wong, mln 1
wong, mpl 1
wong, phyllis king shui 1
wong, pwc 1
wong, py 1
wong, pyv 1
wong, swl 1
wong, vc 1
wong, vct 1
wong, vpy 1
woo, im 1
woo, imh 1
woo, j 1
woo, m.h.i 1
wu, msm 1
wu, s 1
xinga, j 1
xiu, d 1
xu, a 1
xu, x 1
yang, j 1
yang, wx 1
yau, ecn 1
yau, efk 1
yeun, lp 1
yeung, dannii yuen lan 1
yeung, dannii yuen-lan 1
yeung, ps 1
yeung, sc 1
yip, paul s f 1
yip, paul sf 1
yip, sf 1
yu, dsf 1
yu, ehc 1
yu, jin 1
yu, nx 1
yuan, lp 1
yuk fung, hyk 1
yuk, hyk 1
zarate, r 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, xd 1
zhang, z 1
zhang, z 1
zhou, ty 1
zhu, mt 1
zhuo, s 1
ziea, et 1
żemojtel-piotrowska, m 1
žukauskienė, r 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
chinese 25
depression 19
randomized controlled trial 18
psychological distress 17
quality of life 17
cancer 13
qigong 13
mind-body intervention 12
anxiety 11
mindfulness 11
perceived stress 11
randomized controlled trial (rct) 11
cognitive behavioral therapy 10
family caregiver 10
lung cancer 10
mediation 10
salivary cortisol 10
cognitive behavioural therapy 9
family caregivers 9
rehabilitation 9
telomerase 9
abused women 8
body-mind-spirit 8
breast cancer 8
hong kong 8
intervention 8
intimate partner violence (ipv) 8
measurement invariance 8
mental health 8
older adults 8
resilience 8
suicide 8
violence 8
convergent validity 7
exercise 7
expressive arts 7
female 7
indirect effects 7
psychosocial intervention 7
sleep disturbance 7
spirituality 7
actor-partner interdependence model 6
factor analysis 6
humans 6
intellectual disability 6
longitudinal 6
meaning in life 6
medical sciences 6
oncology 6
psychophysiology 6
social support 6
stress 6
temperature 6
weather 6
well-being 6
adiponectin 5
adolescents 5
baduanjin qigong exercise 5
bi-factor model 5
ces-d 5
chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) 5
chronic illness care 5
chronic schizophrenia 5
colorectal cancer 5
cortisol 5
emotional suppression 5
factor structure 5
general factor 5
meditation 5
meta-analysis 5
parkinson’s disease 5
physical exercise 5
psychometrics 5
psychotic symptoms 5
rct 5
schizophrenia 5
stigma 5
supportive-expressive therapy 5
tai-chi 5
yoga 5
adult 4
art therapy 4
attribution questionnaire 4
awareness 4
baduanjin 4
bayesian structural equation modeling 4
biomarkers 4
breathing exercises 4
bridge linkages 4
cancer-related fatigue 4
cardiac 4
central symptoms 4
chinese cancer patients 4
chinese context 4
chronic fatigue 4
citizenship 4
classification 4
clinical trials as topic 4
covid-19 4
covid-19 pandemic 4
cross-loadings 4
dementia 4
diurnal cortisol pattern 4
diurnal cortisol rhythm 4
early dementia 4
eastern 4
episodic memory 4
expressive arts therapy 4
heart 4
heart - physiopathology 4
heart diseases - physiopathology - rehabilitation 4
instrumental activities of daily living 4
latent structure 4
longitudinal change 4
meaning reconstruction 4
memory 4
mental illness 4
mild cognitive impairment 4
mind-body medicine 4
network approach 4
oncology psychology medical sciences 4
pandemic 4
psychiatry and neurology 4
relaxation 4
sleep behavior 4
sleep problems 4
strength-focused intervention 4
stress management 4
subjective mood 4
systematic review 4
transformation 4
aberrant behavior 3
activities of daily living 3
addictive behavior 3
adjustment disorder 3
aging -- china. 3
alternative medicine/therapies 3
antidepressants 3
assessment 3
attachment styles 3
awakening cortisol response 3
base sequence 3
bias (epidemiology) 3
bmi 3
body-mind-spirit group psychotherapy 3
body-mind-spirit therapy 3
burnout 3
cam 3
cd4-positive t-lymphocytes - immunology 3
cd4-positive t-lymphocytes - metabolism 3
cells, cultured 3
change 3
children 3
china 3
chinadiet and nutrition 3
chinese medicine 3
chinese widowers 3
chronicfatigue 3
circadian rhythm - physiology 3
community arts 3
confirmatory factor analysis 3
conjugal death 3
controlled clinical trial (topic) 3
controlled clinical trials as topic 3
copenhagen burnout inventory 3
coronary artery disease 3
coronary disease - rehabilitation 3
cortisol responses 3
cytokine 3
cytokines - genetics 3
daily life activity 3
dance/movement therapy 3
depression levels 3
depressive disorder, major - metabolism - psychology 3
diurnal saliva cortisol 3
diurnal slope 3
dmt 3
dna primers 3
earthquake 3
eastern body-mind-spirit (bms) 3
efficacy 3
emotional expression 3
empathy 3
evidence based medicine 3
evidence-based medicine 3
experiential learning 3
fluorescent antibody technique 3
gaming addiction 3
gene expression 3
glomerulonephritis, iga - genetics - immunology 3
glomerulonephritis, iga - metabolism - pathology 3
grounded theory 3
growth 3
health behavior 3
health status 3
healthcare 3
heart infarction 3
hiv 3
hydrocortisone - analysis - metabolism 3
iga nephropathy 3
iga synthesis 3
immunity 3
immunoglobulin a - analysis 3
immunoglobulin a - biosynthesis - blood 3
impulse control 3
infection 3
interleukin 5 3
interleukin-5 - genetics 3
internet addiction 3
key words breast cancer 3
latent growth modeling 3
lifestyle factors 3
longitudinal analysis 3
lymphocyte activation 3
major depressive disorder 3
male 3
medicine, chinese traditional - methods 3
mental health -- china. 3
methodology 3
middle aged 3
moderation 3
molecular sequence data 3
mother-child relationship 3
mrna 3
myocardial infarction - rehabilitation 3
neoplasms - therapy 3
older people -- china. 3
organizational climate 3
outcome assessment (health care) 3
pain 3
patient health questionnaire-4 (phq-4) 3
personality 3
pharmacotherapy 3
polymerase chain reaction 3
polymerase chain reaction - methods 3
psychological well-being 3
psychosocial well-being 3
psychotherapy 3
randomised controlled trial 3
randomized controlled trial (topic) 3
randomized controlled trials 3
randomized controlled trials as topic 3
research design 3
review 3
rna, messenger - genetics 3
rna, messenger - metabolism 3
salivary diurnal cortisol pattern 3
scale validation 3
self concept 3
self-perception 3
sleep hours 3
sleep quality 3
social change 3
social networking 3
stagnation 3
strength-focused 3
stroke 3
suffering levels 3
suicidal ideation 3
supportive-expressive 3
tai chi 3
tai ji 3
transforming growth factor beta - genetics 3
transforming growth factor beta - genetics - metabolism 3
transforming growth factor-β 3
validation 3
young adults 3
aberrant motor behavior 2
academic achievement motivation 2
adolescent 2
affect regulation 2
aged 2
agitation 2
aids 2
art 2
art and drawings 2
art exhibitions 2
asian continental ancestry group 2
at-risk/high-risk populations 2
attitude to health 2
bayesian 2
breast neoplasms - psychology 2
brief fatigue inventory 2
cd4 t cells 2
cd4-positive t-lymphocytes - chemistry 2
child 2
china health and nutrition survey 2
clay art therapy 2
cognitive development 2
coherence 2
compassion 2
confucian culture 2
coping humor 2
cortisol awakening response 2
cyberbullying victimization 2
daily functioning 2
dance movement 2
death rate 2
disaster 2
disaster management 2
disorganized symptoms 2
dispositional mindfulness 2
dna primers - chemistry 2
dna, viral - analysis 2
economic disadvantage 2
elderly 2
emotion regulation 2
emotional distress 2
emotional processes 2
evidence 2
exact invariance 2
existential 2
exploratory factor analysis 2
expressive arts group therapy 2
expressive arts-based intervention 2
families 2
family care-givers 2
five facet mindfulness questionnaire 2
flattened cortisol slopes 2
functional disease 2
functioning 2
gender 2
gene transcription 2
glomerulonephritis - immunology 2
glomerulonephritis - pathology - virology 2
glomerulonephritis, iga - immunology 2
glomerulosclerosis 2
hepatitis b - complications 2
hepatitis b surface antigens - analysis 2
hepatitis b virus - genetics 2
hepatocyte growth factor 2
holistic approach 2
holistic care 2
holistic health 2
holistic intervention 2
hospital anxiety and depression scale 2
hospital anxiety and depression scale (hads) 2
hydrocortisone - analysis 2
image analysis 2
in situ hybridization 2
indicator-specific effect 2
indigenous psychology 2
informative priors 2
interferon-gamma - genetics 2
interleukin-6 2
interleukins - genetics 2
intervention/prevention 2
investigative journalism 2
investigative research 2
kidney 2
kidney - pathology - virology 2
learning styles 2
life satisfaction 2
liver 2
loneliness 2
maximum likelihood 2
meaning-making 2
medical humanities 2
mental adjustment 2
methodological relationalism 2
mind-body therapies - psychology 2
mini-mac 2
mitigation effects 2
mixture modeling 2
negative symptoms 2
neoplasms - ethnology - psychology - therapy 2
neurological deficits 2
non-normal distribution 2
older men 2
path analysis 2
peacefulness 2
peer relationships 2
people with schizophrenia 2
perceived social support 2
pittsburgh sleep quality index 2
population heterogeneity 2
preferred music 2
primary glomerulonephritides 2
psqi global score 2
psycho-oncology 2
psychopathology 2
ptsd 2
qualitative methods 2
quarantine 2
questionnaires 2
rehabilitation care 2
residential care 2
residential homes 2
rna, messenger - analysis 2
rna, viral - analysis 2
saliva - chemistry 2
school bullying 2
school context 2
self-criticism 2
self-efficacy 2
short-term creative arts psychotherapy 2
social class 2
social inclusion 2
stress, depressive symptoms, civic engagement 2
stroke rehabilitation 2
suicide ideation 2
survivors 2
t-lymphocyte subsets - immunology 2
t-lymphocytes, helper-inducer - immunology 2
teachers 2
temporal change 2
th1 cells 2
th2 cells 2
time trend 2
transforming growth factor- 2
tumor 2
urbanization 2
volunteerism 2
work empowerment 2
work engagement 2
young stroke survivors 2
age-friendly cities 1
alienation 1
alopecia 1
alternative and complementary medicine 1
art brut 1
art exhibit 1
art exhibits 1
arts-based assessment 1
asia 1
authority relations 1
autism spectrum disorder 1
balance 1
body movement 1
body perception 1
bullying 1
cerebrovascular disease 1
child mental health 1
childhood sexual abuse survivors 1
chinese communities 1
cognitive functioning 1
color 1
community education 1
confucianism 1
coronavirus disease 2019 1
creative arts therapies 1
creative arts-based therapies 1
creativity 1
dance movement psychotherapy 1
dance movement therapy 1
dance psychology 1
dementia care 1
depressive symptoms (13) 1
economically disadvantaged families 1
ecumenicity 1
education 1
emotional control 1
environmental infrastructure 1
esophageal cancer 1
family-centred 1
globalization 1
group therapy 1
hospital 1
ideological conservatism 1
imagination 1
impairment 1
international 1
interpretative phenomenological analysis 1
knowledge 1
latent growth curve model (1) 1
latent profiles 1
mhealth; patient engagement (90) 1
mindfulness-based intervention 1
mixed methods 1
nutrition 1
outdoor fitness equipment 1
outdoor gym 1
outdoor gyms 1
outdoor spaces 1
outsider art 1
parent-child 1
parenting stress 1
participatory action research 1
participatory video 1
physical activity 1
physiological 1
place 1
political violence 1
prevalence 1
process 1
professional association 1
psychological support 1
psychology 1
public health 1
qualitative 1
qualitative research 1
qualitative systematic review 1
qualitative 1
radiotherapy 1
raw art 1
refugees 1
rehabilitation medicine 1
religiosity 1
school-aged population 1
space 1
standards 1
suffering 1
teletherapy 1
therapy 1
training 1
transcultural applicability 1
trauma 1
video elicitation 1
viewing directive 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
abused women, chinese, perceived stress, qigong, rct, telomerase 7
anxiety, depression, meditation, parkinson's disease, yoga 6
chinese, climate, elderly, hong kong, mortality, suicide 6
pandemic, covid-19 6
anxiety, depression, internet addiction, online gaming, social networking 4
cancer patients, cognitive behavioral therapy, family caregivers, integrative body-mind-spirit, social work groups 4
chinese, cortisol, randomized controlled trial, schizophrenia, tai-chi 4
chinese, mental illness, rehabilitation, schizophrenia, spirituality 4
colorectal cancer, cortisol, mindfulness meditation, qigong, randomized controlled trial 4
depression, stagnation, traditional chinese medicine 4
arts-based, community engagement, mental health promotion, mental illness, social change 3
chinese medicine, clinical trial, culture, stagnation syndrome 3
cortisol, dance/movement psychotherapy, psycho-oncology, psychosocial intervention, social work 3
facility, imaging, pet/ct, scan, state-of-the-art 3
age-related visual impairment, psychosocial wellbeing, expressive arts therapy, macular degeneration, randomized controlled trial 3
covid-19, good practice models, risk and protective factors, sentiment analysis, suicide prevention 2
dance movement therapy 2
dance-movement intervention, dementia, elderly, randomized controlled trial, salivary cortisol 2
behavioral activation, genetic and biomarkers, loneliness, mindfulness, older adults 1
expressive arts therapy, intellectual disability, mother-child relationship, psychosocial well-being, randomized controlled trial 1
expressive arts therapy, randomized controlled trial, rehabiliation, salivary cortisol, younger stroke survivors 1
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